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Peoples Democratic State of Hyrule Headquarters
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:48 pm
by Burning Monkey
A new building occupies a small little used section of town square. A freshly painted sign hangs above the door reading: The Peoples Democratic State of Hyrule Headquarters. The door has been painted red and a large welcome sign made out of wood has been placed upon it.
Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 11:08 am
by Zeldaforever
Hiro is walking down the path to the library, when he spots this building. "Oh, so you are too scared to say something back to me at the gate but you build this? This is treason, and I wouldn't be surprised if a knight came to arrest you. Hey, wait! I am a knight! You're under arrest!" Hiro pulls out his sword, but he doesn't transform it. "You're coming with me for treason!"
OOC:This ain't the United States, we don't have freedom of speech! But I'm not being mean. I'm just putting a lot of pressure on yer lil operation. Hehe.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:32 am
by Burning Monkey
The small wooden building sits squatty on its property. Windows stare blankly at Hiro, the door shut tight not speaking (though ironically with a happily painted “WELCOME” sign on it). It stubbornly refuses to be arrested, taking that attitude that most buildings that they will simply be around longer than you and that it is content to wait. The sound of brass music drifts from the building as though it is humming to itself. No one is outside, no one comes outside, and no one goes in. It is just waiting.
OCC: How are the posts today Catsbe? Antagonistic. Haha… funny to me I guess. I am glad to see someone coming for my revolutionaries. Just so you know: I will attempt to antagonize you every step of the way. This is because, well, it’s fun. Enjoy! As the sign says "Weclome" come in, put up your feet.
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:23 pm
by Zeldaforever
Hiro walks away. "I guess no one was home... I'll get you sometime..."
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:56 pm
by Burning Monkey
OCC: Opps, my bad. I guess I was expecting an “I open/kick/slam/ the door.” I’ll give you what is on the inside.
IC: The interior of the PDSH headquarters appears to be in the process of coming out of the box. A large round table with posters all rolled up and stacks of papers, but still no chairs around it, sits in the middle of the floor. A low counter spans the far wall with a young Deku woman sitting behind it. A hallway moves out of sight behind her. A Zora man is placing a few colorful posters on wall with sayings like, “Make your voice heard!” and “Common ownership of Production is the best for all the people.” A small section has a band of brass playing fairies practicing some marching tunes. All of them snap their eyes to your intrusion. The music is cut off. A nail pings to the floor.
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:14 pm
by Rena Manna
Rena runs in, and starts to attack the people. "Hahaha! I am the shadow! Die!" Rena is possessed by an evil shadow. Stop her please!
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:00 pm
by Burning Monkey
Standing still in shock of the knight’s entrance, the attack of Rena takes the building by surprise. The Zora man goes down from a slice of Rena’s weapon (OCC Dagger I am guessing). Gore sprays the posters as the man gurgles in his last moments. The Deku screams and cries out, “Murder! Help! Help! We are under attack.” Her eye seek desperately those of Hiro, “Help guard! She just murdered that Jakob!” She then dives behind the counter out of sight. The fairy band throws their instruments at Rena and then flies through the window and away.
The sound of heavy footsteps and metal on metal comes from the small hallway behind the counter. Through the door way come a goron in full plate with a red cloth tied to his right arm and wielding a double bitted battle axe, chipped and dented from much use. The Deku come up from behind the desk with a handful of deku nuts and begins to hurl them at Rena. The goron bellows in rage at the sight of the fallen zora and charges with the axe held high sweeping down at Rena’s head.
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:11 pm
by Rena Manna
Every attack issued against Rena is blocked by her shadow defense brought on by The Shadow! She continues to slice with her dagger at everythin in sight. "Hahaha... Tarash win... Tarash win..." she says, not even using her name. this is odd!
Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:37 am
by Burning Monkey
The goron cries with rage as every swing with his mighty axe is defected off again and again. In his rage he concentrates too hard on the attack and gets a knife in the ribs for his effort. The deku woman screams again as the goron crumples lifeless to the floor. Coming up above the counter again she jumps and flies for the door in a desperate attempt to escape. The quick and continuing thrusts of Rena pluck her out of the air and she goes down without a sound to the cold embrace of death.
From the crumpled form of the woman now on the floor comes a bit of movement and the small head of a child deku shrub pokes out of the cloth it was wrapped it. It begins to cry loudly in fear and sadness, looking up at Rena with eyes filled with tears.
The sound of alarm has been raised in the streets, along with the sounds of running footsteps. A few men outside have drawn arms or gathered improvised weapons. Bolstered now for action by the sounds of a crying child they advance on the Peoples Democratic State of Hyrule Headquarters.
Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:41 pm
by Zeldaforever
Hiro returns to the building, hearing the commotion... and a crying child... Reminds him of that day...
Just after Hirin died, Hiro was left parentless. His mother was dead, and his father... well, his father wasn't a father to him anymore... Hiro wept at the sight of his bloddied mother, and mourned the loss of one of the last relatives he had. Footsteps... coming closer... Hiro's uncle, Duke Orrin, heard the cries and came to see what was wrong. "Hiro... what happened to Hirin? Who killed her?"
"Fat-No, Remix, killed her. He wanted something called a Fire Shard."
"Oh,no... the evil with the power of a dragon... has returned... Hiro, pack your bags and take Hiree with you. We're going to one of the most magical lands on the planet."
"Rena! Stop!" Hiro breaks the sheild around her with a blast with the Secret Medallion (His fire shard being recently destroyed) and puts his arms around her.