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Gazing Across the Sea

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 11:35 pm
by Rena Manna
Rena sits upon a rock, gazing out upon the sea. With the waves crashing, the seagulls calling, she is at peace. But this Sheikah woman has not yet made her inner peace pure. She still has to kill Tarash...

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:46 pm
by Blank
Blank approaches the Sheikah silently at first, hoping to not make yet another enemy. Upon briefing the situation with physical familiarity, he speaks to her.

Hey, there! I don't believe we've met, but I saw you conversing with Hiro Infinite back at North Castle. I'm Blank, a wanderer, nice to meet you. Tell me, what is your name?

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:32 pm
by Rena Manna
"You may not know my name... but I tell you what they call me... Rena Manna. Yes, Hiro and I... we are friends... maybe... What is your name?"

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:56 pm
by Blank
Blank is relieved to meet with an ally of Hiro.

It's nice to meet you, Rena. A friend of Hiro is a friend of mine... in most cases. They call me Blank... is it my real name? No. I have no real name. Blank is a scar of my upbringing... but enough about that. What brings you to this spot?

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:12 pm
by Rena Manna
"I.. was... looking over the sea to that island over there... that was where I was born... but I was... no... I shouldn't tell... he told me not to tell... he'll hurt me..." She whirls around and grabs Blank's shoulders. "Portect... me... from..." Her eyes start to glow. "FOOL! DO NOT INTERFERE WITH MY PLANS!" Shadow Rena throws Blank across the sand. She struggles to regain control of her precious body. "...Help... me... Ack!... Bla..." She collapses...

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 6:51 pm
by Blank
What the hell? Yells Blank as he is thrown violently into the dunes. He springs back onto his feet, and grabs the hilt of his sword, preparing to attack should Rena try to kill him. Suddenly, it dawns on him.

You... You're posessed, aren't you?

Having never dealt with posessions before, Blank decides to seek out Hiro, the only person he knows who has made contact with this strange woman. His other option would be to find Denning, who has been posessed in the past. However, Hiro was always right where you'd least expect him, making him much easier to find.

"But I can't just leave her here unconscious... she'll perish." He glances across the sea to the island Rena had gestured to, and wonders what country it might be. Finally, he decides to wait until she regains consciousness. He starts a fire, and sits in the sand, waiting.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:28 pm
by Waddles
Waddles enters a short time later, only to find a woman sprawled across the sand, while Blank wits with a small fire next to her. Slightly confused, he decides to further ask into the matter.

"Blank, sitting with a small fire next to an unconscious owman in the middle of the desert. I wonder how that happened. Who is she Blank? And what happened to put her in such a state?"

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:45 am
by Blank
I... I don't know. She was acting normal, when all of a sudden her eyes fired up as red as Hiro's. She grabbed my shoulder and sent me flying, and started muttering something before she passed out. I've been waiting for her to wake up, while in the mean time hoping Denning or Hiro will come by and help. She's been out for a few hours... should be up any time now.

He looks left, then right, then left again, and then speaks to Waddles.

I think she's posessed, Waddles. You and Denning have had experiences with this kind of thing before. I bet you two would be the best candidates for helping her out.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:42 pm
by Waddles
Waddles is troubled by this news, a possession isn't something he wants to deal with right now, not so soon after Deoxolips' doings.

"Well, if it is a possession, then I'll stick around as well. Maybe she'll wake up and we can question her, assuming she is in a normal state after she regains consciousness. Have you met the girl before? I am quite sure I've never seen her in these parts before, so it'll be no surprise if she is possessed... she could be a demon herself for all I know. But let's hope we can get some help. Someone's bound to drop in with some advise sooner or later. I guess now we just wait."

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:54 pm
by Blank
This was my first encounter with her, we had never met before. The other day I overheard her and Hiro speaking in the Courtyard. Before she fainted, I had asked her why she was gazing out across the sea, but, she would not say. She said that he'd hurt her if she told. "He" must be whoever or whatever is posessing her. And then... She seemed to be asking me to protect her, at which time "he" must have taken over, because her voice changed, and "Don't interfere with my plans" was barked loudly into my face, before I was sent hurtleing through the air. I hope she wakes up soon, so we can clarify all this.

Blank feeds the fire and makes room for Waddles to sit down.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:52 pm
by Rena Manna
Rena wakes up. "Who.. who are you? Where am I? Why do I ask so many questions?" Rena sits up. "Now I remember... He possessed me... The monster! Living in my own body! So, Blank, were you the one I threw? And who are you?" She looks at Waddles.

OOC: "Waddles"? Wierd name....

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:51 pm
by Zeldaforever
Hiro noticed a disturbance in the Order, and came rushing to the scene. Since he lost the Fire Shard, things have been different. No more flying, giant fireballs, or instant campfires! "Rena! What has happened? And why is Blank bruised?" Hiro turns to Waddles. "I see we meet again. Come here, you two, I must tell you something in secret."
Hiro pulls Blank and Waddles to the side. "Be careful of her, she is very dangerous. She has commited more murder than I have ever seen... You must tell me exactly what happened here..."

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 12:12 am
by Blank
She was just gazing across the see. I approached her, and she seemed fine. But then, whoever's posessing her must have taken over. She passed out, and only just woke up now. Waddles just got here a moment ago.

Blank looks away from Hiro and Waddles and speaks to Rena.

Glad to see you've finally regained consciousness. Yeah, you threw me alright, but I've lived through worse. Say, Rena... would you care to elaborate on the mood swing?

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:58 pm
by Zeldaforever
Possession? She never told me that on our date... This girl is so mysterious... But that is the reason why I like her so much. Odd... I know almost nothing of her, but she is still... hmm...

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:59 pm
by Rena Manna
"I... have to tell you I guess." she says slowly. "Many years ago, during the imprisoning war, the last of the sheikah were wiped out. Only my tribe, the Nexus-Lem, survived. We took refuge on Sharktooth Isle, where the Hylians could not pass. But while we were there, We found a terrible secret. The island makes your thoughts come to life in one way or another. Our tribe worshipped the Nexus, which is a powerful being with enormous strength. One night, while I was asleep, I had a dream that the Nexus attacked me. And you know what? It did. It went inside my body, and now inhabits me. This key," She pulls the key off her neck, "Is the only thing surpressing him. The Nexus' name is-aaaaaaarrrgggghhh...." Her eyes turn red again. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! Do you really think that you can defeat me? I AM TARASH! THE MIGHTY NEXUS! BOW DOWN AND WORSHIP ME!" Shadow-Rena pulls out her dagger and slashed at Hiro's arm.