Quest for the Po Rune III

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Zeldaforever Level 7
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Joined: Experience: 474
Class: Vagabond//Thief
Rupees: 661
TP: 4
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:58 pm
Hearing of the Mirage Oasis from the Great Fairy of the Sands, and reading of it in the library, Hiro searches here for something...
That old book said the Mirage Oasis will only appear if I have 3 keys. But where will the first key be? I feel something is here. The Order has been disrupted, and there's obviously a relic here... Maybe its the key, maybe not.
Hiro begins to dig on the beach.
"What?" Hiro says ans he uncovers... not a key, but the Psychadelic Bomb! "Well, that woulda helped a lot... I dropped it, and found it again! Yay!" But all is not well. Rezzuna appears!
"Bwahahahahaha! You'll never get my keys! I shall be the only one who gets the Po Rune! Finally, my hangover is over, and I will crush you Hiro! My revenge is at hand!" Hiro had been starting his strategy while Rezzuna was monologging. Hiro jumped up and now hangs around Rezzuna's neck.
"Hehe... You'll never get me!" Hiro snatches one of Rezzuna's keys, but isn't quick enough to get the others.
"You- You dirty rat! I'll kill you for that!" Rezzuna fires a fireball at Hiro, which is easily dodged, and tries to summon. "Grr... This'll get you!" 3 darknuts are conjured, and Hiro has his work cut out for him. He rolls off to the side, and cuts the armor off of the first. He jumps off the ground, slices off the helm of Darknut number 1, then continues to slap number 2's helmet off as well. Hiro loses his footing, then tumbles to the sands.
"Hrrhrrhrr... My turn to kill you!" says the 3rd darknut.
Oh shit... not like this... I gotta die with a family, and at least against someone who DOSENT stink like a friggin moblin... Wait! The Psyche Bomb! Of course!
Hiro launches his old weapon into the air. Just like last time, it explodes, and destroys everything in sight. (Except Rezzuna, who is too annoying to die so easily!)
"D-Damn you, Hiro! Keep your lousy key!" Rezzuna flies away, and Hiro is finally allowed to relax.
Well, key #1 is in my possession, and I know where the others are, but where is Rezzuna going? Damn him, he's so friggin annoying... Can't he just give me the keys? I'm gonna get em anyway... No more complaining! I have to act now!
Hiro's bomb reforms into its original state and returns to him. He leaves.
For those of you who wish to track my storyline:
A lone man awaits a friend (Invite Only)
Hiro Mugensai
KamakaziPlumber wrote: Go ask. Go ask now.
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