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Quest for the Po Rune IV

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:35 pm
by Zeldaforever
OOC: Why are you reading this? You know it's pointless... lol
IC: Here is a ramshackle inn. The paint is peeling, and the windows are broken. Nevertheless, Hiro approaches it.
Hmm... Rezzuna should be somewhere around here... I saw him fly this direction... Hehe. That damn bird is gonna die now!
Hiro busts the door open, and inside is a mess. The clerk is tied up, and guards are preventing customers from leaving. Hiro dispatches of them with a swish of his old sword, which is made of iron, and strides toward the clerk. He cuts open the ropes that bind her, and goes upstairs. Blood decorates the walls. Hiro opens the first door. Inside there is a small girl, only about 7 years of age, lying dead; a spear protruding from her heart. The gruesome sight is too much for Hiro, and he begins to remember...

After Hiro's meeting with Duke Orco, he follows him to Hiree's room. "Hiree! Hurry! We must go to Hyrule! To escape your father!" Orco yells.
"Wait, Mr. Duke, sir. My mother told me to get something in a box in the dungeon." says Hiro.
"In the... dungeon? Of course! Go ahead! We must hurry though!" Orco says impatiently.
"What's the matter, sir? Why all the fuss?" asks Hiree.
"Your mother... she is dead. Your father killed her." says Orco regretfully. Hiree just sits on the bed, quiet as a mouse.
Hiro runs down the stairs. He finally gets to the dungeon. "There it is!" Hiro yells, seeing an ornate box behind a locked door. "Hmm... how will I get in?" Hiro asks himself. Hiro has an idea. "Blaze obstacno!" Hiro fires a Force spell at the door, and it explodes. Hiro lunges in, and unlocks the box. A diamond-shaped glass crystal is inside. Its blue, smooth surface reflacts Hiro's worried face. He grabs it, and stuffs it in his pocet. "To hyrule," He says, "To adventure."

After trying many doors during this flashback, Hiro finds Rezzuna.
"I finally find you, Rezzuna. I must say, you outdid yourself here. Very evil..." Hiro assumes a fighting stance, with his old iron sword at ready.
"Hahahahahahaha! Fool! Hiro, do you really think you can get my keys? Bah! I will despose of you immediately!" Rezzuna summons 5 darknuts, all in a circle around Hiro. Then, 100 keese are created, ready to slaughter Hiro. The final wave, a giant biranade, is issued from Rezzuna's foul hand.
"Great... this is a bit more than I can handle on my own... Wait! I stilll have this!" Hiro pulls out his Medallions, the same ones who defeated his father, and becomes the dragon emperor once more! Hiro's normal iron blade transforms into a golden sword with a dragon head on the point. The hand guards are dragon wings, and Hiro's chainmail morphs into a gold and white armor.
"Now, Rezzuna! You're finished!" Hiro puts his hand on the ground.
"Dragon's Fury!!!"
A ball of light, darkness, fire, water, wind, earth and thunder issues from Hiro's back. The entire army of creatures is destroyed instantly.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Rezzuna is destroyed. But only one key is there. A note on the ground says:
So, Hiro, you killed me, did you? Well, you're not getting my rune! My final key is hidden away, where you'll never find it! And even if you do, you're not getting the whole rune! It was I who made the rift, hoping an idiot ould rearrange the runes and destroy himself! But no! A wise wizard came, and made it work to his advantage! But he took the one rune he couldnt figure out. The Po Rune. I tried to get it back, but he broke it into 3 peices! I coulnt ever find him, so I gave up, thinking, "Hey, that rune only allows you to travel outside of Hryule! Not like it can hurt anyone!" With these final words, I mock your efforts, Hiro! You will never find the final key! And while you are reading this, bombs have been set to destroy this inn! You will die now!
PS: don't look for my key in the underworld! Because its not there!
"Oh shit! Gotta get out!" Hiro darts for the exit. But the guards boraded it up. One bomb explodes. The motel catches on fire, engulfing Hiro in unprecedented speed. In all the smoke, Hiro spots the clerk, and the last survivors. He picks them up, then charges the door. The top breaks off. Hiro throws them out, with the fire already burning his boots. The second bomb explodes. Hiro is burned badly. Still throwing people out, he has little chance of survival. The final bomb explodes. Hiro is shot out of the building, with his clothes burning. He lay outside, on fire.[/quote]