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Alpha's Quest for the Po Rune IV

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 11:00 pm
by Alpha
Alpha slowly walked along the heated sand as the sun rose on the horizon. 'It's interesting,' he thought as he strode through the desert. 'Makurb once had me memorize where her fortress was in case I was ever in need of work...and now that knowledge shall kill her. Ironic...'

He walked over another hill. "And there it is. The secret hideout of Makurb." Yet an uninformed man would have seen nothing at all.

The Sheikah slowly walked to the base of the hill and lifted his leg. With a yell, he smashed it downward and through the ground. The hidden doorway caved in immediately, revealing a dark stairway. Without another sound, he raised his hood and began his descent down the stairs, simultaneously melding into the shadows.

He didn't have to go very far before entering into the main cavern. He emerged into a large pit, lined with wooden platforms and stairs. He swiftly leapt down to the tenth floor of twenty. A single doorway existed on this level, and he walked straight at it. His scar glowed slightly as he opened up a small portal into the Void, using the darkened world to pass straight through the closed door.

He passed through four hallways and four more doors before entering into the sanctuary of Makurb. The Hylian woman was sitting behind a desk, jotting down various figures and numbers on a piece of paper. Her brown hair flowed over her shoulders and back, allowing her smooth skin to play off of it. She would have been quite beautiful if not for her dark, cold blue eyes, which was the only part of her body that showed her true spirit. Alpha sighed at the ease of the assignment and slowly brought out one of his poisoned needles. With a flex of his wrist the needle was flung.

But the job was not done. Fast as lightning, Makurb's fingers shot up and caught the needle in her gloved hands. Her eyes afforded it one glance as she remained focused on her numbers, but her attention quickly shifted to it as she realized what it was she had caught. She barked out a small laugh at the sight. "Wraith? My, my, this day has just gotten a lot more interesting."

"It already was that, for me at least," Alpha said as he left the shadows behind.

"Come to join me at last? I guess my first task will be for you to kill those informers of mine who told me you'd given up the business."

Alpha scowled. "Obnoxious as always, Makurb." He held up another group of needles. "I did give it up. I'm doing this for a friend." He paused for a second, surprised that he'd actually called Cezera a friend. But, in the end, it did seem to be that way. The Zora had always been kind to him in the past.

That second's pause was one of the biggest mistakes he'd ever made. "Mistake," Makurb gloated as her fingers shifted the needle around and threw it straight back to its owner. The dart imbedded itself in his chest, and his body started twitching before falling on his back. Makurb lifted her hand to cover her mouth as she began chuckling uncontrollably. "Wow, Wraith, you've really let yourself go. The old Wraith would never have let himself be killed by his own weapon...let alone allowed himself to be hit at all."

She slowly rose, walking over the unmoving body. "And your approach! Absolutely atrocious! Although I will admit the fact that you managed to get in here without opening the door was impressive, still! I heard your footsteps from five rooms away! Pathe-" Alpha's hand suddenly flew upward. Makurb suddenly started choking as she looked down to see the poison dart in her hand.

Alpha rose as if nothing had happened. "Just so you know, I still don't allow myself to be killed by my own weapons. You'll be dead in a few seconds, so I'll be brief. These darts are enchanted. The poison is nothing special; it's the magic that causes it to spread throughout your body so quickly. The reason I use this poison is because I spent a year developing an immunity to it. These darts could never do more than just scratch me. For you, however..." He gave the body a little tap, and Makurb collapsed to the ground. "For you, they're instantly fatal."

The Sheikah turned and left, making no effort to be subtle anymore. It was time to return to Cezera and claim the rune.