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A Cloaked Goron Guard
Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:24 pm
by Blank
The hot desert sun beats down on you. Along the coastline, you chance upon a large group of boulders. But what are a bunch of oversized rocks doing just sitting around in such a random spot? There must be some kind of trick.
Standing in front of the boulders is a cloaked man of an expanded sort. Just from the sight of his wide girth, it is apparent that this mysterious figure is of Goron birth. A second man approaches him. A regular lanky Human with short blonde hair and a cocky grin. The Goron steps in front of him.
Who arrrrrre you? State yourrrrr name, now!
The Human's grin is like something out of a steretypical fiction. He draws an awkward looking sword and points is at the Goron.
Name's Finley to you, buddy. Let me through!
I do not know a Finley. Alrrrrright, human, tell me the passworrrrrrd.
The grin disappears, and is replaced with a confused look.
Uh... Bacon?
A harsh scream escapes his mouth as a monstrous spear appears in the Goron's hands. In a movement that defies the steretype of Goron Speed, the spear can be seen impaling through the human, who is then flung easily into the sea by the calm Goron guard.
Kicking sand over the bloodsoaked earth in front of him, the Goron resumes his monitoring. If you plan on approaching this guy, you'd best be ready with the correct password.
Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:34 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Victor saw the boulders from a distance, and not without some rejoicing. He had just walked from the Castle to this spot nonstop, and he was tired. Panting, he doubled over and rested for a few seconds before looking up at the boulders again. It was then that he saw the Goron guard kill the Human who had approached.
Suddenly, the Bard began to tremble. He turned as if about to run, but then stopped himself. He knew the password, so there was no reason for fear. Besides, he was curious. Victor took a few steps towards the Goron, then stopped. He reminded himself of the old adage: curiousity killed the cucco. Weary of the possible danger ahead, the Bard unsheathed his dagger and concealed it within his sleeve, just to be safe. Taking a deep breath to regain his composure, Victor started towards the Goron once more. When he reached the guard, his eyes lingered on the spear for a moment before he spoke:
"Uh... erm... yes. I was... I was sent here by a... by one of your people. I'm... I'm seeking ent-... I'm seeking admittance..."
Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:55 pm
by Blank
The Goron looks down on Victor, his mouth pursed in exasperation. Why must I soak the sands with the blood of two beings in such close timing... Keeping the spearhaft planted in the sand at a ready position for exterminating Victor, the Goron opens his mouth and rumbles out his deep, questioning voice.
Verrrrry well then, Hylian. Yourrrrr timing is exellent, therrre is no doubt you saw the foolish human's fate.
Noticing the tension he must be causing, the Goron loosens his grip on his weapon and changes his tone to one of a friendlier degree.
You are not arrrrogant like the human. And you say you werrrrre sent. Alrrrright then, if this is trrrrue, then what is the passworrrrrd?
Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:42 pm
by kamakaziplumber
"Yes... yes... I saw his... his fate."
With the reminder of the grisly event that had occurred only moments ago, Victor gulped. Even when the Goron loosened his grip on his spear, the Bard could not help trembling. Still, he made an attempt at speaking clearly when the guard asked for the password.
"Yes, yes... the password... it... it was.... it is 'Selerovisk', I believe. Yes, 'Selerovisk'! That... that was it..."
With this, Victor closed his eyes and heaved a great sigh, all the while praying silently to the Goddesses that the password was correct...
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:47 am
by Blank
The Goron grins wide, but it is a kind of malicious smile.
Oh, I'm sorry, that password is incorrect!
Along the borders of this sector of Hyrule, odd beams of light flash to create an impenetrable barrier. Victor is trapped in this area. The guard's hands tighten on the spearhaft again, as the monstrous weapon flies at the bard in full force.
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:58 pm
by kamakaziplumber
OOC: Augh! But I copied and pasted it directly! Oh well...
IC: Watching in horror as the Goron thrust his weapon towards him, Victor's eyes widened. In a desperate attempt to avoid being hit, Victor tried lunging away from the spear's path, dropping his dagger out of his sleeve and into his hand as he did so...
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:07 pm
by Blank
All trrrespasserrrs must be destrrroyed!
The Goron's attack misses, and his spearpoint digs into the ground. Grunting with disappointment, he falls forward in his attack. As he pulls the weapon free of the sand, he is giving Victor the perfect opportunity to strike back.
Cloacked Goron's Stats:
Hp: 40
Str: 7
Def: 1
Agi: 1
Int: 1
Spi: 1
Spear DMG: 7
ARM Class: 10
OOC: You'll probably land a successful blow on him every time. But his attacks are pretty powerful as well.
OOC2: Heh, oh don't worry, that password is far from wrong.
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:11 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Victor counts his blessings as he manages to escape the Goron's blow, and almost misses his chance to attack. But he still manages to grip his dagger tightly and drive it towards the guard, hoping to get an attack in before the Goron can gain his balance back...
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:36 pm
by Blank
Managing to pull the spear free of it's entanglement, the Goron whirls around to counter Victor's attack. The dagger comes at him with great force (11+3=14), plungeing itself into his hardened skin. He lets out a wail of agony as the sand soaks red with his own blood. Victor's attack takes 9 HP from the Goron's stamina.
However, the wound is only a scratch, and the Goron quickly counters with his own attack. His chances of hitting are great at such close quarters, but the open wound causes him to miss altogether (2+1=3).
Goron Hp: 31
Victor Hp: 41
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:41 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Smiling just a bit when his dagger hit its mark, Victor was soon unhappy to see that he had caused the Goron to shed blood. Even when the Goron tried another attack, Victor felt sympathy for the poor creature. Reluctantly, Victor thrust his dagger back at the Goron, this time having taken out his shield for extra defense...
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:37 pm
by Blank
Noticing the slight reluctance in the vagabond's movement, the Goron takes full advantage of the slow pace and strikes out powerfully, but not before taking another wound from Victor's onslaught (8+3+2=13[Roll+AGI+Bonus]), an attack that breaches his defense of 11.
His dedicated spear assault (2+1[Roll+AGI]) falls short on Victor's defense of 5. The Goron curses his massive bulk, wishing he could land a few attacks in. Victor would stand much less of a chance if the spear could inflict some serious damage..
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:49 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Realizing that his reluctance had cost him time, and that the Goron did not appreciate his pity, Victor's smile dissappeared. If the Goron was going to be ungrateful, then he did not deserve any concern. The Bard was not hesitant when he attacked this time, thrusting at the Goron with all his force and hoping to make another hit...
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:12 pm
by Blank
Somewhat relieved that the remains of Victor's sympathy have been vanquished, the Goron finally speaks. His error in doing so is that he lets his guard down during the bard's current move.
Good. Let that wicked emotion that binds you rrrrun frrrree frrrrom yourrrr mind. Attack me with full forrrrrce, Hylian.
As the phrase is uttered, Victor's dagger comes hurtling towards the Goron in a beautiful clash against its target's rough, rocky flesh. A perfect impact (10+3[Roll+AGI]), Victor deals another nine points of damage to his foe.
Bellowing monstrously into the face of the Hylian, the Goron assumes a rolling position and disappears behind Victor, rising and slashing at the perfect time. His spear penetrates Victor's shield (5+1[Roll+AGI]) and deals the bard a hefty fourteen points of damage. The Goron grins maliciously as his opponent is knocked flat.
That's far more like it. Step up and fight, Victor!
Goron Hp: 13
Victor Hp: 27
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:18 pm
by kamakaziplumber
Scrambling to his feet, Victor yelled back at the Goron:
"I don't WANT to fight you!! The only reason I AM is because you... you.... YOU DON'T KNOW THE PASSWORD FOR YOUR OWN ORGANIZATION!"
With this, the Bard stabbed furiously at the Goron, hoping to end the fight as quickly as possible...
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:36 pm
by Blank
Even during the harsh volley of attacks, the Goron remains grinning as he has been all along. It is a somewhat mysterious smile. Most smiles are given emotions by the eyes of the wielder. But when all but the mouth is shrouded in the confines of a dark cloak, the smile will normally assume the given emotion is one of malice or hatred. Victor's furious attack inflicts its damage (2+3+1[Roll+AGI+Bonus]), but gives the Goron a good laugh.
Ha! So, there is great anger in you as well. Excellent. Would you kill me, bard? It may be your only option!
Expanding into the air and looming over Victor, the guard attacks once again with his monstrous spear, and with another surge of luck inflicts a brutal blow upon his opponent (8+1[Roll+AGI]).
You are doing well, Victor. Come now, land your finishing blow, and save the life that you so furiously defend!
Goron Hp: 4
Victor Hp: 13