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Kasei, the rebel flame. [UNDERGOING MAINTENANCE]

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:28 am
by Kasei
hair collor: blue
eyes: red
hight: 6.2

Kasei is a Shiekah warrior, standing at approximately 6"8'. In addition to the red eyes of his race, Kasei possesses short, thick, dark-blue hair and tanned skin. He often wears expensive-looking red or black clothing, which changes according to his mood or the situation.

TP spent on skills: 17
total TP: 2 - Is saving up for Sprint

L1goron strength.-1 TP
L1disarm-1 TP
train:bow -1 TP
train:boomarang-1 TP
Deku Agility(l2)- 2 TP
elemental burst LV 1-1 TP
Shield spell LV 3-3 TP
Unarmed combat LV1- 2 TP
SWORD: dmg: 5
DAGGER: dmg:5
STAFF: dmg:9

Lv 17

lon lon ranch, lantern= 1tp
trophy= 1tp
celebration, cake= 1tp
STS= 1tp
the goron looks amiss= 1tp
dins bracelet= 1tp
take the cake!-1tp
Rito cavaneer=1tp
Maple the witch=1TP
Celebration III -1TP

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:35 am
by Kasei
<center>Kasei's Story
Note: Some of these topics were not started by myself, yet still hold significance to my story, their authors will be noted</center>

From Dusk Til Death:
Kasei's story humbly begins one hundred years prior to the events of Hyrule Adventures 2. A farmer and father, Kasei was one of many Shiekah that lived in a farming community on the outskirts of Tantari Desert. His peaceful life was shattered one day, when his own grandfather, Jormund, attacked the farm in a fit of madness, killing Kasei's wife and forcing him to flee the community with his children. The family spent several years in the wilderness, hiding from Jormund, where Kasei learned a wide array of survival skills in order to sustain his children. At the same time, his combat skills rose at a frightening pace in order to protect them from the devils that roamed Hyrule. He would fashion himself a scythe and blade at some point during this period, and would master the Shiekah's natural shadow-based powers.

Kasei would come to learn many skills, which brought him to the attention of the Seven Stars, an organization that saw a use in his abilities.

Alignment with the Gods:
Five years after being forced into hiding, Kasei was approached by Kairos, a man who offered him a new life in exchange for his servitude. Seeing an opportunity to truly protect his family, Kasei accepted and joined the Seven Stars. Gaining immortality through an arcane ritual, Kasei was sworn in service to Din and became a weapon for the protection of Hyrule.

Knowing his children were in good hands, Kasei set off to fulfill his duties.

Adventures afar:

Return to Hyrule:

- <a href=" ... 7b63cf0">A wandering girl...</a>
After returning, Kasei was able to track down at least one of his grandchildren, Aria, who had been orphaned by Moblins, and took her off the streets and under his wing. Aria's own innate power would be hidden by Kasei as a result, in order to protect her from the powers that be.
- <a href=""></a>
His sole surviving family member secure, Kasei's newfound peace would be shattered by a new assignment; with the surprising increase of powerful adventurers, the Seven Stars was certain that some great event was going to begin soon, and Kasei was to keep an eye on 'potential threats' that could one day prove to be dangerous to Hyrule.

- <a href=""></a>
Kasei went about this new task by getting acquainted with several new players in Hyrule. The likes of Orpheus, Leth, Drommlin, Nitara, Saber, Alpha, Dogura, and others. Each one was a 'potential threat' to the kingdom, but each one also had the potential to become a new Hero, which prevented Kasei from outright attacking any of them.

Most troubling to the Seven Stars was the pair of Alpha and Dogura; Dogura was a presumably exiled prince from the nearby country of Shadowclaw, who's path of vengeance may one day take him down a dark road. The other, Alpha, was a former apprentice to one of the Golden Ones, but some events in his past led to him being an operative in the criminal underworld under the name of "Wraith", only recently resurfacing as an adventurer.

- <a href=""></a>
Both Alpha and Dogura, however, were minor annoyances in comparison to what came next; a traveler from another world, a Tempest, who for reasons unknown was able to tear open the barrier between dimensions to enter Hyrule. Sovelis, as he was known, became the priority target for observation. Nevertheless, Kasei met up with the Tempest, and the two formed a budding friendship.
- <a href=""></a>

- <a href=" ... 3cf0">Aria sits alone in the woods, wondering about her freinds.</a>

- <a href=" ... 3cf0">From Prankster to Warrior</a>

- <a href=" ... 7b63cf0">A Lesson for Sovelis</a>

- <a href=""></a>

Cardinal Conflicts:

- <a href=""></a>

- <a href=""></a>

- <a href=""></a>

- <a href=""></a>

- <a href=""></a>

- <a href=""></a>

- <a href=" ... cf0">Tower of Illusions: Side-Story</a>

Hakiems and Tempests:

- <a href=" ... 0">Running from Death</a>

- <a href=" ... fd97b63cf0">[FoG IX] United By Hatred</a> Alpha/Sovelis

- <a href=" ... cf0">Force of Gold IX: Beasts of War</a> Alpha

- <a href=" ... 7b63cf0">A Displeased Jormund Gobi</a>

Civil War and unfinished business:

- <a href=" ... ">EVERYONE MUST READ, EVERONE PLEASE REPLY! RECRUITS AND INFO</a> - OOC topic, official announcement

- <a href=" ... 7b63cf0">A peaceful Night; Recruiting the footsteps of an army</a>

- <a href=" ... 63cf0">The Meeting, Preparations for War.</a>

- <a href=" ... 63cf0">The War-Room, preparation for All Battles</a> / - <a href=" ... 63cf0">The Dark Assembly: Future by Force</a>

- <a href=" ... laughtered Innocents</a>

- <a href=" ... 63cf0">The First Battle: Assault on Rauru</a>

- <a href=" ... 63cf0">The Second Battle: Ambush on the Crossroads</a>

- <a href=" ... art=0">The Third Battle: Skirmish in the Highlands</a>

- <a href=" ... >Surrender of a Troubled Soul</a> Sovelis

After the tale's end:
- <a href=""></a>

- <a href=" ... =3558">And so little has changed</a>

<center>Etc. Stories</center>

Note: Due to the fluid nature of Author!Kasei's work, there have been several stories he's participated in that have been deemed 'non-canon', and do not influence the current story at all. This does not mean that the story itself is non-canon, merely Kasei's involvement in them.

- <a href=" ... 7b63cf0">A meeting in the rock</a>

- <a href=" ... 63cf0">The Mines: an abandoned base</a>

- <a href=" ... 63cf0">The Entrance of Pure Evil</a>

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 4:05 pm
by Kasei

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 6:20 pm
by Kasei

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:25 am
by Kasei

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:27 pm
by Kasei

Psychokinetic - Kasei has incredible control over the element of fire, this earned him the title 'Rebel Flame'. He can manipulate it in many ways, and shows immunity to it in it's basic form.

Shadow Abilities - Recently, Kasei has displayed his darker, but still just, side, as well as unveiled his ability to manipulate darkness, to an even greater degree than his fire. Tendrils of darkness can be shot out at opponents to act as spikes, Kasei can darken an area, and so on.

Shadowmeld: A traditional shiekah art, Kasei can become invisible to his enemies, allowing him to sneak up on them unnoticed, can be outdone in a grassy area...

Scimitar - Kasei's most often seen offensive weapon, a scimitar he's possessed for a rather long time. He has shown great proficiency with the weapon, but surprisingly he wields it as if he hasn't used it much until only recently. The Scimitar can also act as a medium for his pyro abilities, and allowed him to wield an attack similar to the sword-beam used by Link.

Scythe - Often, Kasei will face an opponent that is truly a threat. When that happens, he will pull out his scythe, through various means. He can pull it out of a ball of fire, thin air, or even his own shadow! He wields this weapon with skill far greater than what he has shown with the Scimitar, swinging it powerfully in large arcs for maximum damage, using it's shaft for defense, and other stunts, such as using it as a personal guillotine. Like the scimitar, the scythe can act as a medium for both Kasei's fire and darkness powers. All this combined means that, when using his scythe, Kasei is an enemy one might think twice about before fighting.

Physical Abilities - Kasei is incredibly strong physically. He uses a martial arts style that is not known in the world at this time, utilizing kicks and punches, as well as his elbows and knees, it resembles a mix between Muay Thai and Tai Kwon Do.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:04 pm
by Kasei

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 6:26 am
by Kasei
Just in case people don't Have a cllue how to read my writing style, heres the first links to the main topics i've made:

<a href=" ... start=0">A new day, and a new face.</a>

<a href=" ... raining</a>

<a href=" ... 040">Kasei goes over a list of bounties.</a>

<a href=" ... Collocting a bounty.</a>

<a href=" ... #38030">an interesting discovery.</a>

<a href=" ... 1#38431">A hot day.</a>

<a href=" ... #38536">In the shifting sands, Kasei reflects the past.</a>

<a href=" ... t=0">Kasei faces an equal.</a>

<a href=" ... 20">[Event] Tower of illusions.</a>

<a href=" ... php?t=2136
">PFH the hunt begins .</a>

<a href=" ... itions?</a>

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:17 am
by Kasei
Kasei's unique items;

Image A list of all the spells and techniques Kasei has learned or is learning. it is exceptionally long.

Image A tome from the shiekah villiage Kasei hails from. It aparently has a list of shiekah-only spells.

Image A strange ocarania that Kasei owns, he never uses it.

A <a href=" ... e.jpg">map of hyrule</a> that Kasei carries in his bag. He looks at it often.

Image An unknown item, it seems to have a strange aura.

Image AN enchanted compass that leads to Aria. It can be reenchanted to find other people.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 4:41 pm
by Kasei
Kasei's stats.

STR>>>3+1(Goron streangth L1)=4
AGI>>>2+3(Shiekah)+2(Deku AGI L2)=7
SPL>>>10+15(Level up)=25total

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 2:36 pm
by Kasei
For certain battles I will use the following:

Kasei's true stats.


Shield L3
Elemental burst L3
Disarm L1
Polymorph L1
Dual Wield L3
Unarmed Combat L2

Fire scroll.

New spells.
Firewall: Used only if fire scroll is used in the last round, creates a wall of fire that lasts 2 round, may last longer with if shield spell is used last round.
Results: 20 Die.
-10: no extra turns.
10-15: 1 extra turn.
16-20: 2 extra turns
Overall cost: 6 extra SPL.
Grunts only.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:01 am
by Kasei
The order of the world.

Many forces are at work in Hyrule, they all have a specific role in the world. As we know, the gods and goddesses of this land created this world, there are no higher powers, they can undo this land with the slightest whim.

Below the Deities of the land are the next most powerfull: Avatars of the gods, Goldforce and triforce users as well as guardians fall in place here, although triforce users are the most powerfull. Guardians, otherwise called the seven stars, are nuetral protectors in the land. Not even they know each others identity. Kasei seems to think Drommlin is one of them.

Next are the greater warriors, powerfull adventurers who could rival the power of the Avatars and goldforce users. They are a rarity, and usually turn out evil.

Adventurers are the main heroes of this land, they come in many ages and many races, some even hail from distant lands. They are all good at what they do.

This order of things will be as it is forever. There is no changing it.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:50 pm
by Kasei
Okay, some people seem yto be getting confused with my Gobi family tree,
and are mistacking Aria as Kasei's wife. To preent further confusion, I hereby present The gobi line:

unknown grandfather (desceased)

Zaroosh gobi+milian Gobi(desceased) Jodansar zeikal (desceased)

Kasei D Gobi+ Aria Gobi (desceased)

Zephie Gobi+ Kairos Gobi(Hint, hint)

Aria Dornmos Gobi+ drommlin(Most likely.)

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:02 pm
by Kasei
A newer thing. As My spell list far exeeds that of the rules set, I am putting down rules for my own spells.
Firewall: Used only if fire scroll is used in the last round, creates a wall of fire that lasts 2 round, may last longer with if shield spell is used during the last round.
Results: 20 Die.
-10: no extra turns.
10-15: 1 extra turn.
16-20: 2 extra turns
Overall cost: 6 extra SPL.
Grunts only.
Counts as shield spell
Since there is no wind spell:
Wind: A blast of wind fired from the palm of the hand. Always deals 8 DMG, regardless of stats. Can be dodged.
Cost: 3 SPL
Aria only.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:17 pm
by Kasei
character bios:
a quick summary of my own characters.

Kasei Gobi: The Rebel Flame
A well-known shiekan, the rebel flame has fought many battles, and is one of the servants of the gods. His prefered element is fire, hence the name.

A seemingly cowardly mage, he has seen very little action, though he has been seen with Kasei numerous times, he seems to have different motives.

Kasei's grandaughter, a young shiekan girl of about 13, she is a master of wind-based attacks and has a fierce temper, she is constantly scolding Kasei.

Minor characters:
A thief that may know more than he is saying, this man seems to have a history with Kasei.

Kasei's son-in-law, and the father of Aria, Kairos is an exceptionally strong warrior, and has the innate ability to read minds and see things far away.

Gobi (unnamed)
The grandfather of Kasei, this man was once a proud shiekan hero, but he fell into darkness. His fate is unknown.

The first wife of Kasei, this beutiful shiekah woman died long ago, in Kasei's home villiage.

Kasei's doughter, she is dead, as seen in flashbacks.