Full name: Pende Bloodmoss
Looks a lot like that Deku, except that Pende had a very long vine that functions as a neck. He also as two long extra vines that grow near the top of the main vine. These function as "arms."
He often wears a long, raggity cloak to make it appear as if he had a tall body in there, as opposed to being mostly neck.
He can alter his neck to disguise himself as a normal short deku, however. When his neck is fully extended, and if he is also wearing his robe at the time, Pende might cause people to think that Pende is actully several Deku standing on each others sholders.
Backstory: From a young age, some say too young, Pende has been serving as a servant to a young Hylian noble girl. In their youth, they shared many happy days together. He helped her practice her studies, played with her , and accompanied her everywhere to help her with anything she might need.
As the young girl started to grow into a young woman, Pende became quite taken with her. However, he knew that she would not return his feelings. Though, he thought it was because he was short. He strained his mind on how to become taller, until he came upon a solution. He would sleep hanging upside down, and attach weights to his head to make his neck/vine grow longer.
It did gradully work, but it was a little hard. Pende had little control of his stem at first, requiring that the young noble carry Pende's head around (Pende claimed it was a growth spurt.) Pende didn't mind the extra excuse to spend more time with the young noble.
In a result he never expected to happen, "arms" grew from his "neck." this was quite a plesent surprize, as Pende didn't have arms previoulsly. He quite enjoyed holding things, and carring the items of the young noble.
Pende's business scrub tendencies would also emerage, as he would find old unwanted toys and other throw away items, and sell them to commoners. In time, Pende could control his head enough to hold it up strait, or even alter his neck, so he could maintain the apperance of a normal short Deku.
When Pende became about as tall as a human, he put a robe on, so that it'd look more like he was tall and didn't simply have a very long neck and revealed his love to the young noble in front of the whole family, confident that he would win her heart. She didn't return it.
Pende was no longer wanted in the house and kicked out. Pende tried to return reintergrate with the Deku scrub culture, but his attraction to the more humanish races gave him trouble. A reverse dendrofile is kinda creepy. Pende has heard of the exiles and wishes to find acceptance there. Once he attains money and power, he'll be able to win the heart of his love, whether she likes it or not....