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Mind Over Matter
Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:43 am
by Blank
In the far eastern corner of Tantari Desert, a solitary Zora paces the sands in a state of stress. His dark cloak resembles that of the strange men that have been reportedly showing up up around Hyrule as of late. It is not difficult for one to assume that this Zora is among the ranks of the strangers. His blue, scaled skin shimmers in the sun as he paces, muttering to himself in aggravation.
Feris Forego is the Zora's name. He was born and raised in Calatia, a smaller country not far from Hyrule. It was here that he practised an influential form of magic; psychokinesis. Feris absorbed the thoughts and anguishes of the people around him to fuel his power, and was gifted as a great psychic. He even went so far as to possess his enemies. As he paces in the sand strewn plains of Tantari, a voice speaks to him from behind.
Forego. We meet again.
Lerimus Dublin. A decrepit senator from Calatia, and one of the King's most trusted advisers. The middle-aged Calatian sports a formal green coat and a green cap to cover his continuously balding head. Small tufts of greyed hair roll out from under the hat, each one finely trimmed. It would make little sense for a high-class man such as Dublin to spend his time in a desert without good reason. Feris immediately spins around, seemingly happier than before, but still foulmooded. The senator is not well-liked amongst Killtactic Assassination's ranks, which is easy to ascertain from the way that each member speaks to the him.
Took you long enough, Dublin. Now tell me what you want. My target could be here any minute, you know.
The senator looks down on such rude speech, but he knows that there is little time to prepare for the Denning's arrival. From his coat he produces a letter and a small pair of thin-lensed spectacles. The Calatian opens the letter, and scans over it once or twice before closing it.
The cleric Denning is to be coming by here, no? You are to report to me with his head when he is defeated. A grim task, but it is entirely necessary. These fools must be neutralized at all costs.
Better yet, I'll take control of his body and send him to your front door, Dublin.
Not wanting to stand near the loathed Zora any longer, Dublin proceeds to exit the desert. Feris laughs behind his back as the sands are kicked up into his expensive clothing, and almost dropping to the ground in a tearful fit when the desert breeze blows the senator's cap off. When the man is lost from sight, Feris finds a safe place to hide and waits for his target to stroll by.
Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:31 am
by Marin
Denning had come to the desert to find more infromation on the ancient cleric so similar to him, "A tome could be found in a hidden fortress, or perhaps records of his trial were disposed of in the desert!", thought Denning.
He had searched for one week, when he felt a loss of hope, and walked out tword the sea.
He sat down in the hot sand and reflected on his adventures, to try and find anything he missed, as he took out his journal, of records and hand drawn maps, he came across something he had forgoten, he was being hunted...
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 5:31 pm
by Blank
Denning had chosen an inconvenient time to remember the fact that he and Blank, and perhaps other by this point, were under observation by a group of assassins. After the cleric and nomad fled the Stock Pot Inn after hearing of their impending doom, little had been known about the shadowy events transpiring. In fact, the mention of assassins had not shown itself in Hyrule for quite some time. Blank had parted ways with Denning after agreeing to help slay the cleric's demon archenemy, and all connection in the murder mystery had been closed. Now, months later, Denning had remembered the ghastly fact. Perhaps too late, for as he he thinks about being hunted, a voice sounds out behind him.
Welcome to the end, cleric. You will not remember this day, and you will be glad. You will be dead, and you will be glad. Your mind will be cleansed at last, your body stolen from you. And you will be glad. Your presence in this world is disturbing; higher powers command that you be destroyed. But I have no care for the Government of Calatia. They can do as they please. I simply act as a messenger and tool. A pawn, if you will. I dislike the concept, but sadly, it is necessary.
A young Zora appears behind the cleric, cloaked and mysterious. His face is visible, and his purpose is clear. Feris Forego has come to silence Denning forever. I have heard a great deal about you, explained the mad Zora. You are indeed a worthy vessel for my soul. Your fragile mind is my treasure trove. Come, Denning. Fight!
Feris's body trembled vigorously, as if connecting itself to some divine force. His mouth opened slowly at first, then snapped to its widest potential as a mystical blue fog exits through it. It settled in the air, and could be perceived as one thing only. Feris Forego's spiritual entity. In a flash, Feris's soul connected itself to Denning's mind, overtaking the cleric's mental barriers and latching on to his every movement.
The Sheikah was able to maintain himself, but signs that his body and mind had been intruded popped up everywhere. The Zora's body was still, as if frozen in time. The clerics movements were now made difficult, and breathing had become stressful. Most importantly, Feris could speak to Denning inside the clerics own head. "I think this body suits me perfectly. A cleric. Hah! A clergyman that hides in the shadows. I am sickened, Denning. Comfortable, scholar? It's about to get a thousand times funner!"
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:28 pm
by Marin
Denning desides to respond to the voice.
"No. You will not do anysuch thing, today I will not die, but someone will, you will, and I will be happy, I am not about to die, not without revenge. So before you decide to end your pathetic life, I give you a choice. Join me, be my servent and help me do what I will, help me bring up the next order in Hyrule. If you chose so, no harm shall come to you this day, but if you do not, it will be the last choice you make in that pathetic body of yours, and you will reflect upon the mistake you made when fighting me, you will think about this most of all in your afterlife. So what is your choice, assassin?"
Denning hides memorys away, and tries to conceal thoughts of Deoxolips. He starts to think of novice ways to fight with a staff, going through countless manovers only an amature staff weilder would use.
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:37 pm
by Blank
Feris laughed while Denning threatened him in such a casual fashion. The Zora had spent years perfecting this technique. No cleric could resist his power, especially one who had been invaded once before. Feris had always found that those who had been weakened by possessive forces beforehand were always easier to manipulate; Denning would be no different. The Zora took complete control of the scholar's legs, and wrapped the two limbs around each other, then forced Denning to walk. Naturally, the cleric tripped over himself and landed face first in the boiling Tantari sand. To make matter more embarrassing, Feris' screeching laughter tore through Denning's head, an explosion of spite and mercilessness.
But that was merely a game for Feris. He enjoyed taunting his enemies with his power. He was quite the arrogant Zora, the exact opposite of his race's graceful ways. In toying with a powerful being like Denning, however, he left himself open. With the right amount of concentration, Feris' soul could be forced from the cleric's body. It would the unmoving Zora body open for attack while the assassin's immortal entity floated aimlessly in the sky.
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:31 am
by Marin
With his mouth full of sand, Denning decides to talk inside his mind.
"You shall not do this to me. Youve insulted me, and anyone else, for the last time. I promise you, you will not leave this place alive!"
Denning decides that perhaps the destroying of the assassins body could get the assassin out. Still being in controll of his arms, he casts a beam of elements at the body.((Elemental Burst)). He tries to use his mind to controll his legs, he attempts to back up, near the beach.
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:29 pm
by Blank
It is a very odd laugh, the cackle. Even the word "cackle" is strange in the mind of man, and the piercing screech of a madman's laugh suited its description perfectly. Feris' was a cackle of desperate proportions. No one knew how long ago he had adopted the nuisance as his normal way of expressing joy or glee, but they were all certain that it was a sure sign of a growing madness. With Denning's attempts to resist fuelling his good time, the young Zora emitted the crazed sound directly into his target's mind. One could describe this as the only way for an ear to feel the need to seal itself shut. But the ignorant masses never realized that the ears played no part in the equation. "Yes, resist, fool. There's not a single man in history to best my awesome power!" came the mocking shout, prodding at Denning's temper, attempting to weaken him into a phase of rage. Feris knew that anger did nothing but make a man's body more vulnerable.
But he had not expected Denning's resistance to be successful, even for the short amount of time necessary to conjure an Elemental Burst. Denning had somehow managed to breach Feris' control over the cleric's body, and in the process he had been forced from the Sheikah's head. His soul floated in the hot desert air, unable to find its way back into the intended vessel. Knowing that his soul would cease to exist before long, Feris took immediate action in re-obtaining his true body. Now comfortable with his own entity, he braced himself as Denning's fiery Burst consumed him. A wicked scream found its way through the roar of the fire, loud enough still to be annoying to an average man's ears. He gasped for air as the smoke lifted, thoroughly outraged at being set afire. What's he trying to do, cook me up for dinner? thought the psychic grudgingly.
Not wasting time to let the cleric taunt him at all, Feris lunged at his foe, hurling a bright blue orb the size of his palm in midair. The compressed Elemental Explosion erupted in the form of a severe Blizzard as it came into contact with Denning's body, throwing him into the sea and freezing him in place. Although his enemy had been thawed instantly, Feris felt it necessary to laugh in Denning's face before proceeding to jump back into the cleric's mind. He settled himself back into the crevices of Denning's head, cackling and taunting, while taking a better hold on his target's arms.
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:15 pm
by Marin
Denning thinks to himself.
"For a second there he was not in my mind, nor his body, maybe I can..."
Denning conjures false emotions, he has lost control before, and know what it feels like, he keeps thinking of when he lost control and stabed the body of Daret long ago.
In his anger he fight to regain his arms and conjures elemental burst, then almost imidetly after, he attempts to form a sheild around his body, with little room in the air around. He waits to see if his plan worked.
Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 3:43 pm
by Blank
OOC: You meant Burst, right? A cleric wouldn't be allowed to learn Explosion...
Feris would never have expected Denning to use such a technique. Most of his targets had succumbed to insanity by this point. Because Denning had not, Feris knew that impractical measures would have to be enforced. Techniques that even he did not enjoy using. Blinded by the fact that he had been one step ahead of Denning for almost the entire battle, Feris did not see a possibility for what took place.
The cleric's latest Elemental Burst took on the form of a quick lightning bolt, blasting itself at the Zora's body and sending it to the ground. This was just the jolt that Feris needed, as the interference with his physical being caused him to be forced back into it. He blinked sand from his eyes and dusted himself off as he literally floated to his feet. Denning's Shield would last for quite some time, but Feris did not know that it had been cast. Rather than plunging himself back into the cleric's head - or at least attempt to - the psychic hurled another compact spell at his foe. The Thunder attack missed completely, however, partially due to the physical wounds the Zora's body had been inflicted with. He cursed as his attack failed, and also heaved as the pain from Denning's Burst refused to ease.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:24 pm
by Marin
OOC: hehe, yeah, burst, i corrected it.
Denning, seeing that the Zora had left his mind decided to keep the sheild up some more, he devoted ever inch of his power into the sheild. Trying to make it withstand a persons phisical and mental abilities, though he was not sure that the tactic would work, but he had to try.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:17 pm
by Blank
Noticing that Denning had neglected his chance to attack, Feris prepared another Explosion. He had an ample reserve of magical power remaining; he had trained his entire life up to this point to ensure that he never ran out in a close battle. Charging an unlimited amount of Elemental Explosions had become routine in a battle. Whenever a target was able to resist his power, the Zora simply blasted his opponent into oblivion. Denning had already proven himself worthy in resisting his intrusions thus far, but Feris was determined to make a special mission like this as graceful as possible. In mid-charge, he let the spell fade to nothing and went still. It was obvious that his soul was on its way out again.
The bright, wispy figure twirled in the air like a ghost, then proceeded towards Denning's body at an incredible speed. No words could describe Feris' shock as his soul was blockaded from the cleric's mind, the entity being thrown back in the process. It swam about in the hot desert air in a daze, leaving the assassin's body open for attack yet again.
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:22 am
by Marin
Nows my chance to attack!, thought Denning
"But if I do, ill have to lessen my sheild, and that might prove badly, but theres no point in waiting for him to kill himself!"
Denning sheild lessens, and some power of the cleric is put into the form of another elemental burst, aimed straight at the assassins head.
Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:44 pm
by Blank
Feris' soul seemed to be drawn to Denning's relaxed shield. Stopping short it's excited and anxious faltering in the wind, the blue, wispy entity seemed to be magnetized by the weakened resistance of the cleric's mind and body. Feris was able to breach Denning's defenses instantly, his high-pitched, sadistic laugh reverberating off of the curves of the Sheikah's skull. The laughter, however, was defeated by a new sound: Feris' awful screech of shock.
From Denning's eyes he could see clearly his body being mutilated by a glowing orb of lightning. Much to his dismay, his the disturbance in his body's physical pattens was a sure signal that he must recede from his target's body yet again. The electric shock would turn his body off, and it would never have the ability to hold an immortal soul again. Feris' soul jettisoned itself from Denning's mind with great force, reaching his body and absorbing the full shock of the attack to keep his physical shell supported. The Zora fell backwards as the Burst ended, the shock disturbing his balance.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:38 am
by Marin
Nows my chance! I must act!
Denning launched tword the assassin, staff in hand, and aimed a blow to his head, hoping he would hit, Denning attacks.
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 8:13 pm
by Blank
Feris grinned as Denning charged at him, his staff swinging and gaining proximity. The psychic saw the attack coming, and he also heard the cleric's though, through his own telepathy. Your thoughts are not safe inside there, eh communicated to his linked target, smiling deviously as the scholar neared. Anticipating every movement, the Zora placed his arm behind his back, preparing a silent surprise - a beautiful shocker. A lightning based attack that travelled faster than most magical barrages. It was a favourite for shocking enemies and stunning them temporarily, but Feris used it only rarely. He thought of this as an opportune moment.
As Denning came within a foot from the fallen psychic, a thin line of a riveting blue and white current shot from the Zora's hand, far too quick for the cleric to even think the word "evade." Evasion was out of the question, for the beam had already hit. Denning was forced to the ground, paralyzed by the electricity coursing through his veins. Fortunately, no pain was associated with the technique. Just the loss of the vital ability: movement. Although it lasted only seconds, Feris was swift enough to resume his invasion. A familiar feeling shrouded Denning's mind.
Feris' soul had returned to its temporary abode.