Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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Class: Grunt/Vassal
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TP: 4
As you go about the Temple Quarter, you pass something you wouldn't expect to see; the Hylian Knight Nogare was holding a his staff as though it were a paint brush, from the end closest to him, and the other end was drawing on a kind of sandbox, writing Anceint Hylian letters over and over again. He would, at times, lay his staff on a pillar, and fake over it, making it erase. Why in the world would he be doing this? You do over to see what he's doing...
Level 18
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kasei hides behind a pillar, ready for anything...
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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Class: Grunt/Vassal
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TP: 4
OOC: Thanks.
IC: Without looking up from his box, Nogare called, "Sheikah. I swear peace here... I will not battle you in such a place. Nayru needs her respect... but I know it's you; which other sheikah would fear me...?" He wrote Anceint Hylian words on the sandbox as he spoke.
Level 18
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Class: Boss//Final Boss
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TP: 5
fear? hehehe! I need not fear a lowlife. I mearly hid so as to not disturb you... hehehe, this temple, it will make a nice castle when armaggedon rules... imagine, the corpses of hylians, sprewn along the floor, you sister, the servant of my master... oh, I can see it!!
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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Class: Grunt/Vassal
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TP: 4
Nogare was about to lift the rake when Kasei said his words. He turned to face the Sheikah. "My sister would never serve a slimeball like Armaggedon! I will be sure of it!" He snaps. He calms himelf before continuing. "You will not last against the power of the Hylian Knights. You are fortunate I am not calling the guards now..." He turned to face his rival. "And of course you were not wanting to bother me; I was in the middle of my father's practice. And come to think of it, I can't imagine, because I
know it will not happen." He turned away. "But forget about our dreams, for now. Would you care to join my Calligraphy? It is a way of writing that is very difficult. It is an interesting thing. It requires your mind more than anything. And you become good only with years of practice. See, look." Nogare lifted his staff, holding it the same way as before, and wrote a Hylian 'R' swiftly. He quickly grabbed his fake, and went over it. "It's like using a sword, but requiring carving sand, not souls."
Level 18
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nah, im more into writing like a normal person...
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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Class: Grunt/Vassal
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TP: 4
Nogare lifted his staff from his writing, and looked at Kasei with intrest. "Writing? What do you write? May I see it?" Nogare rested his arms on his staff, making himself comfertable.
Level 18
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Class: Boss//Final Boss
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here, kasei hands over the book of mudora. everyone who owns this book must write all stories that they find.
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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Class: Grunt/Vassal
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TP: 4
Nogare takes it respectfully, and looks through the many pages. "I read this book a long, long time ago... when my father was still alive... It was not as full then... but this is over 10000 years worth of history... it's amazing what things stay around and what things don't..." He paused, thinking of his things that did not stay... goodness... heroes... family...
He looked winced, and continued to look through the pages. He stopped at one... "I remember when my father showedd me this page... it was all about how the Hylian Knights of Old fought, and how their weapons were so unique... They don't make any of that anymore..."
He went to the most resent pages. "I would guess these chapters are yours..." He read, but seemed to stay on a single page for a while... in fact, the same words... over and over again... He continued to read a bit more... but after a few pages, he read the some letters over and over again. "Very interesting writing... they are very careful." He continued to read after a few moments of looking at it...
OOC: OK, Kasei, I need you to find a font on a Microsoft Works Word Processor that is most like Kasei's writing. Tell me what the font is called.
Level 18
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Class: Boss//Final Boss
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TP: 5
OOC: comic sans
IC: kasei grabbed the book out of nogare's hand before he could read the very last sentance... well, aren't you supposed to be arresting me?
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
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Class: Grunt/Vassal
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TP: 4
Nogare looked at him and laughed. "Hah! Where's the honour in that. I had may as well let you go; I don't wan there to be mayhem in the Temple in Nayru. And I will make sure of it, by letting you go. I'm not that kind of man." And so, Nogare walked back to his box, and continued to practice his Calligraphy...
OOC: Thank you, Kasei.
Level 18
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Class: Boss//Final Boss
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TP: 5
be thankfull that I acknowledge the fierce diety, nogare...
OOC: found one!
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
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TP: 4
Level 18
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Class: Boss//Final Boss
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TP: 5
OOC: oh well...
IC: nogare, their is noone who can stop me from destroying this place, you understand that? before nogare could reply, kasei was gone...
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
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TP: 4
There may be, friend, there may be.... Nogare looked around. He had to be sure that he wasn't there anymore. On guard, he hurried away to the Library.