Since long ago, the Sheikah tribe were used as 'Shadows' to protect the royal family of Hyrule. However, there was one instance of betrayal from the royal family. At that time our tears were added as a single line to the Sheikah seal.
It's a story from long ago. It has nothing to do with me.
I could tell you about where I grew up, how my older brother was killed in the war and how my mother died after I was born. After the war I left my father to join Blind's Gang. He was not pleased with my decision. Since my bother died he had been training me, teaching me to become a grunt. A pawn in the Hylian army.
'What are you doing? I have chosen your path for you.' He said.
'I choose a different path.' I said and then I left. That was the last I saw of him.
Right now I'm hiding from a couple of dunces. They didn't suspect that I was conning them out of their Rupees. Three cards and slight of hand was all it took. They should know better than to trust anybody in this place. Then again, I should know better than dropping the card out of my sleeve. I think they've gone now.
Raven slowly put his head round the side of the house that he was hiding behind. Suddenly there was a cry of There he is!' and he quickly pulled back his head and put his back to the building.
'Damn. I've got to go thanks for listening.' He said and then ran off down the street, leaving a rather bemused cat, sitting on a window ledge, which looked on as he ran down the street and then looked as other two men chased after him. The rush of action over the cat curled up and went to sleep.
Raven is 5' 10" tall. He has black hair and red eyes, he has tanned skin and a slender build associated with the Sheikah. He wears red silk scarf, which he uses to hide the lower half of his face, he wears a black long sleeve shirt and loose black pants. On the back of his right hand he has the Shiekah eye tattooed in red.