Syrup the witch

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jarod the dark mage Level 8
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Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:29 am
As yopu walk at the borders of the forest.. you spot a tiny little house...
as you walk to it you see a sign Syrup's shop.. curently closed..
but the door seems to be open...

walk inside?
Last edited by jarod the dark mage on Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Azador Greenfield&Edward Ricardius
level 8
str =4 + staff ( 9) = 13
def =5 + tunic ( 10 ) = 15
agl =4
int =9
spi =3
hp: 33
spl: 28

fire - elemental burst lvl2 - shield lvl2

"I Remember the comfort felt in the dream....
Cherishing every moment....
But I lust for so much more..." - Azador -
Sovelis Level 18
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Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:42 am
Sovelis walks inside, hoping to buy a potion..." anyone here? " he says.
jarod the dark mage Level 8
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Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:15 pm
In the middle of the room stoot a old witch..
Teehee.. welcome my name is Syrup.. you seek a potions don't you...
If you could give me some mushrooms.. i would be able to.. my old legs arn't what they use to be you know... teehee

want to help the old witch?
i will give you a price if you finish it.. any on can join
Azador Greenfield&Edward Ricardius
level 8
str =4 + staff ( 9) = 13
def =5 + tunic ( 10 ) = 15
agl =4
int =9
spi =3
hp: 33
spl: 28

fire - elemental burst lvl2 - shield lvl2

"I Remember the comfort felt in the dream....
Cherishing every moment....
But I lust for so much more..." - Azador -
Sovelis Level 18
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Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:04 pm
"where are the shrooms located,ma'am?" Sovelis asks of the old witch.
jarod the dark mage Level 8
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Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:09 pm
anywhere where woods are i need five..
deku scrub's seem to like them teehee...

if maple would have bin here..
then you shouldn't have to get trough some much trouble
Azador Greenfield&Edward Ricardius
level 8
str =4 + staff ( 9) = 13
def =5 + tunic ( 10 ) = 15
agl =4
int =9
spi =3
hp: 33
spl: 28

fire - elemental burst lvl2 - shield lvl2

"I Remember the comfort felt in the dream....
Cherishing every moment....
But I lust for so much more..." - Azador -
Sovelis Level 18
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Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:26 pm
"I shall go get some mushrooms for you,but don't expect me to jump up and hit my head on any floating blocks with a question mark on it..." sovelis says as he walks out to go find some shrooms.
OoC : No poppin da shrooms, ok?