Option 1: Gohma (Dragon Roost)
votes: 1
Option 2: Kalle Demos (Foribbiden Woods)
votes: 1
Option 3: Gohdan (Tower of the Gods)
votes: 2
Option 4: Helmaroc King (Forbidden Foretress)
votes: 4
Option 5: Jalhalla (Earth Temple)
votes: 5
Option 6: Molgera (Wind Temple)
votes: 7
Option 7: Puppet Ganon (Ganon's Tower)
votes: 7
Option 8: Ganon (Ganon's TRower)
votes: 8
I like Jalhalla. Come on people, choose! :D
i liked Jalhalla the best ;D
I love the Molgera music, so it gets my vote. The final battle is pretty good, too though.
Have to go with Ganon, the stategy involved, music, and the co-op involved with Zelda made it a great battle. Plus I loved the intro to the battle when Ganondorf punches and beats the tar out of Link (I just wanted to scream "CHILD ABUSE") and of course the end of the fight and the way Link finishes it off.
yes, I also liked that fight, I found it a bit verdone with him leaping into the air that high to stab him though....it's like he's a flea or something
i like Helmaroc King the best
Either: Jalhalla, Ganon, or Kalle Demos
Ganon was a little too easy under a normal circumstance, but after Puppet Ganon, we NEED an easy boss.
Ganon for the win! ;D
It's a three-way-tie so far
I liked Gohdan...don't know why, I just enjoyed it.
Molgera; pretty much the only one I found a challenge. A ton of fun, though.
HAHAHA, A ton of fun, that's more like Kalle Demos! :P hahaha a ton of fun! :P
The Helmaroc King. Always loved him. I like Molgera and Kalle Demos, too, though. xD
Definately Molgera! That was the best (in Wind Waker of course) The TP bosses were much better!! Well, the bus is here, gotta go!
Have, uh a nice day then! Though it's a bit late. have nice days then! ;D
Uhh, yeah, you are late, by over 24 hours.
Not all of the TP bosses were good. I hated the Forest Temple one, and that Water Temple one took too long. That sky dragon one sucked, a lot.
Ah, the Water Temple boss was awesome! but I think I loved the Skull lord thingy the most, it was hilarious! NO! The Sky Temple boss, it was AWESOME!
I didn't spoil here, did I?
I doubt anyone would notice, it's been a while since TP came out.
I prefer TWW bosses over several of TP's. TP had a lot of crappy bosses in my opinion, (the forest one and the sky dragon especially) while only Puppet Ganon was bad in TWW. Why? He was one of the hardest Zelda bosses EVER.
Quote from: Akatsuki on February 15, 2007, 01:15:17 PM
I doubt anyone would notice, it's been a while since TP came out.
I prefer TWW bosses over several of TP's. TP had a lot of crappy bosses in my opinion, (the forest one and the sky dragon especially) while only Puppet Ganon was bad in TWW. Why? He was one of the hardest Zelda bosses EVER.
Um, I beat Puppet Gannon easy (without cheats).
I liked most of the bosses in TP a lot. Maybe not the Forest Temple, but in my opinion they were good.
Ah, yeah, I think the ones in TP were... lacking.
But Morpheel was awesome. As was Stallord. Fyrus was fun. xD
I much prefer Helmaroc, Molgera, Jahlahhla, etc. over the TP bosses.
Quote from: Akatsuki on February 15, 2007, 01:15:17 PM
I doubt anyone would notice, it's been a while since TP came out.
I prefer TWW bosses over several of TP's. TP had a lot of crappy bosses in my opinion, (the forest one and the sky dragon especially) while only Puppet Ganon was bad in TWW. Why? He was one of the hardest Zelda bosses EVER.
And there are people out there complaining that Zelda is getting too easy... I'M NOT USING A WALKTHROUGH FOR TP EVER! I WANT SOME CHALLENGE, DARNIT!
QuoteAnd there are people out there complaining that Zelda is getting too easy... I'M NOT USING A WALKTHROUGH FOR TP EVER! I WANT SOME CHALLENGE, DARNIT!
Well, tell that to Puppet Ganon, and you'll die.
That's why I voted for him ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: The Metalist on February 07, 2007, 02:25:44 PM
HAHAHA, A ton of fun, that's more like Kalle Demos! :P hahaha a ton of fun! :P
me too!
Wow "me too" how insightful.
Please try to make more meaniful posts then that, explain why you agree or why you would disagree instead of the simple posts to try and increase your post count.
Puppet Ganon wasn't really much of a challenge for me :-\the only time I use walkthroughs is if I spend over a day trying to figure something out, or to get every last thing for one hundred percent.
Ummm, wrong game.
okay we need to get back on topic, this is WW after all...
So, what's the least favourite Boss?
Puppet Ganon, obviously. You know how tough he is.
I liked him kinda, he really wasn't that tough. It was exhilirating though.
Quote from: JQ Pickwick on February 16, 2007, 02:00:40 PM
Quote from: Akatsuki on February 15, 2007, 01:15:17 PM
I doubt anyone would notice, it's been a while since TP came out.
I've never used a walkthough eather!!!I LOVE Gohma!!! ;D I LOVE her in ever game that she's in. :D
Quote from: Midna on June 04, 2007, 04:54:19 PM
Quote from: JQ Pickwick on February 16, 2007, 02:00:40 PM
Quote from: Akatsuki on February 15, 2007, 01:15:17 PM
I doubt anyone would notice, it's been a while since TP came out.
I've never used a walkthough eather!!!I LOVE Gohma!!! ;D I LOVE her in ever game that she's in. :D
I'm the same way. I love Gohma and never use walkthroughs 'cause I'm cool like that.
Then why didn't you vote for her?
'Cause I love the Helmaroc King more. :B
I like the Helmarok King. He is the only boss that wasn't a ripoff of another game.
Quote from: Iron Knuckle on June 05, 2007, 12:17:36 PM
I like the Helmaroc King. He is the only boss that wasn't a ripoff of another game.
But they ripped him off with Argarok, sadly. D: They die the exact same way, the overall battle is similar... Oh well. XD
Quote from: Fisk on June 05, 2007, 12:31:07 PM
Quote from: Iron Knuckle on June 05, 2007, 12:17:36 PM
I like the Helmaroc King. He is the only boss that wasn't a ripoff of another game.
But they ripped him off with Argarok, sadly. D: They die the exact same way, the overall battle is similar... Oh well. XD
No, the battle isn't similar (it more awsome to swing way up in the air than to bash things with a hammer). Also, Aragok looked cooler, but technically his appearance is sord of a ripoff of Ridley from the Metroid series (not that thats a bad thing).
I like fight with Ganondorf. The arena looked really cool. All the bosses were fun exept for puppet Ganon and the one in the Wind Temple.
Jahalla, his fat but was fun too torcher with light!!!
Jahalla:you are trapped now!!!ican kill you of...
SECOND HAND SMOKE!!!!*lights big cigarrette with lamp*
Link: to mess with you fata** ::) *hit with light*
Jahalla:*plays sad tune while he dies w/violin*
Link: :) your fun to watch die!!!! :P
Um, I think the most enjoyable boss of them all was probably Phantom Ganon, just for the recall factor to OoT.
I really liked Puppet Ganon. I love using the bow in first person and all the changing forms and camera angles.
I HATED Puppet Ganon! He was so hard! (Mainly his snake puppet) now whenever I get to that part, I always have to play Master of Puppets. :D
He's easier if you use the Spin Attack on its head and then whip out your Light Arrows for its tail.
Yeah, but you only get, like, half a second to do so. :-*
No, it's a good second or two if you use the Spin Attack. It's when you use a regular attack where it's about a half-second stun.
Still, either way, you don't get a lot of time to act. :P
Hmm, that's a good tip. :)
Quote from: Vaati on February 02, 2008, 07:36:00 AM
Hmm, that's a good tip. :)
Yeah, the spin attack always stuns enemies longer than a normal attack.
Jahalla was pretty fun. I liked when you use your mirror shield and burn his butt. ;D
Me too, I also rather enjoyed when Gohdan drops the arrows out of his nose.
I wonder how they got up there...
Helmaroc because in the begining it stole your sister and it was fun to get revenge.
Have to say gannon. He is the main boss in like every game also I like killing. :)
Molgera. Music was epic when mixed with the screech of those those weird worms.
Quote from: PokemonMaster on July 13, 2008, 10:04:14 AM
Have to say gannon.
You've broken the rules.
You are now GANNON-BANNED! (http://www.gannon-banned.com/)
Oh, and I liked Molgera 'cause the music was cool and he tried to eat me (but failed ;) )
My favorite is Molgera ;D
Kind of necroposting, but I don't care since we need more discussion.
Anyway, I learned from Chuggaaconroy's videos that if you toss All-Purpose Bait into the water during his Moldorm form (hehe, that rhymes), he'll spin around it and expose his tail. A bit creepy to watch, but it's effective.
Quote from: MagmarFire on November 07, 2010, 05:27:31 PM
Kind of necroposting, but I don't care since we need more discussion.
Anyway, I learned from Chuggaaconroy's videos that if you toss All-Purpose Bait into the water during his Moldorm form (hehe, that rhymes), he'll spin around it and expose his tail. A bit creepy to watch, but it's effective.
which boss are you referring to
Puppet Ganon. ...Dang, did I sound out of context! (Even though a discussion on Puppet Ganon wasn't that far back.)
Gohdan had some pretty sick battle music. Kind of reminded me of Chip's Challenge. :)
Man, I miss Chip's Challenge.
It's amazing how all the technology in the world can't make anything more addictive than a stupid flash game.
In my opinion, Molgera was probably the manliest battle there. It was EPIC when I first played it.
Molgera was pretty intense. The first time I beat him it was easy. Then the next time I beat him, my sister was watching and I told her I could beat it easily, but then the game snuck up on me and Molgera was suddenly harder. I guess I was being too cocky.
Is this forum still active? I havent posted here for years upon years.
Is there still life on here at all?