The Desert Colossus

Community => Announcements & News => Topic started by: Gamefreak on June 16, 2007, 08:00:48 AM

Title: A new beginning....
Post by: Gamefreak on June 16, 2007, 08:00:48 AM
Welcome one and all.  Many of you know me as Gamefreak.  I have been a fellow member of this site for some time now.  For the past year, I have served this site as a moderator.  And now, I am proud to be your new administrator.  My first act will be:

1.  Settle any outstanding bannings

2. Remove and appoint new mods.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 16, 2007, 08:49:39 AM
Too describe it a little more step by step....

Step 1) Ban bgrugby (despite recurring arguments)

Step 2) Delete Rincewind's Account

Step 3) Replace me with MagmarFire as a mod

Step 4) Appoint new mod

Step 5) Deal with anything that occures during his adminship

Also, congradulations, Gamefreak, on becoming the new administrator. The orange stars fit you perfectly.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Hi no Seijin on June 16, 2007, 08:53:45 AM
One, yes, congrats.  Two, the stars are red. ;)
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 16, 2007, 09:07:14 AM
Really, they seem to be more along the lines of an orange color to me....  :-\
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: JDog on June 16, 2007, 09:41:55 AM
Congrats man, just cause I talk to you don't mean I'm gonna be a suck up, lol. Glad to here you got the admin job! :D
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Gamefreak on June 16, 2007, 09:46:07 AM
Ok, after much consideration, I have come to the following conclusion on the bgrugby case.

Bgrugby's points, no matter how profound, still broke the rules.  And as strictly as he viewed the rules, I doubt he would want special treatment just for him.  So, to the dissapointment of some, I must ban bgrugby.  However, we shouldn't remember him for his brief period of innapropriate behavior.  We should remember him for his contributions to the site, and his diligent role as a mod.

Also, with mods, here are the following changes.

Whocares - To honor his last request, I will be removing Whocares from the moderator lineup.  And to honor the second part of his request, I will put MagmarFire in his place.

Zelda Veteran - I will ask him one last time if this is what he wants, but in the case that his decision still stands, I will be placing JQ(or whoever he is now) in his place.

Evilslayer - The few times I see Evilslayer around anymore, he really doesn't do his job.  So in that case, I will put Dr. Rabies in his place.

Darth Wyndisis - Even though he gets on rarely, and he has been getting on more commonly, he does his job, so I will be keeping Wyndisis on mod duty.

Gamefreak - Even though I'm the administrator now, another mod definitely won't hurt anything.  In that case, I am personally appointing Shikamaru Nara to my mod position.

I'm currently a little occupied at Boy's State until tomorrow, but be prepared for these changes sometime in the next week.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 16, 2007, 09:57:58 AM
I knew you would appoint Shikamaru (you actually told me pretty much) as your replacement, and I thank you for changing mine to Maggy. Dr. Rabies is replacing Evilslayer? I have no objections, although I'm not sure what Evilslayer would think.

So, our new mod patrol already decided is:

MagmarFire, Shikamaru Nara, Dr. Rabies, and Darth Wyndisis.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Hi no Seijin on June 16, 2007, 10:00:34 AM
Two of the names likely to change. (
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 16, 2007, 10:03:30 AM
And by that you basically mean....?  ::)

Seriously, what does that even mean HNS?
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: JDog on June 16, 2007, 10:06:26 AM
Aren't you two kind of off topic their? I'm gonna miss rugby, he was a good person, I really think you guys should give him another chance. :(
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 16, 2007, 10:13:32 AM
Despite the popular demand over bgrugby, that is not reality. Whether or not his warnings were months ago or he was popular doesn't matter, the rules of banning is that as long as someone gets exactly or over three warnings, than that person is to be banned. Unless there is a problem with his warnings, there can't be an exception. Three of his four warnings were 100% warning material, while the other is questionable. And he's basically left the site anywayand won't be coming back, anyway.

Also, instead of banning Rincewind, we should just delete his account and all accounts that come from his computer besides his sister's. We don't want her banned, although we do want Rincewind banned.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: JDog on June 16, 2007, 10:19:40 AM
this is off topic, kinda, but rincewind has sister?
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: DW on June 16, 2007, 10:23:25 AM
Wow. I have a lot to say...okay, here we go...

1.) Thank you so much, Gamefreak. I've been looking forward to this for a long time, and I will try to do as great a job as you did.

2.) Congrats on the admin position! I was waiting for this to happen for a long time as well, you definitely deserve this, and I know you will serve the site well.

3.) Rugby was one of my closest friends on this site, he helped me through many things. As much as I would like to say he deserves a second chance, however, what he did was inexcusable, and he must be banned. I will always remember him as the great person he was, and hope things go well for him and his fiancee.

4.) I am sad to see ZV going, but we must respect his wishes, it's not fair to force him to do a job that is too stressful for him. He will still be a great member of this site, mod or not.

5.) Rincewind is a very tricky subject...this would be so much easier if he didn't share TZ's computer...Is there any way to restrict membership to one account per computer?

6.)Here's to a new age of TDC! *raises glass*
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 16, 2007, 10:24:10 AM
His sister is TwilightZelda. She's a bit active and she hasn't broken the rules, so I don't really see the point of banninghim if it means she gets banned too. We should just delete every account that came from that computer they use besides TwilightZelda's.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: DW on June 16, 2007, 10:25:46 AM
The thing about that is that he can create endless accounts....if there was a way to keep any accounts except TZ's from being made...
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: violinist on June 16, 2007, 10:26:29 AM
Oh, gosh, why must I get sick today? WHY?!?

Anyway, congratulations, Gamefreak!
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 16, 2007, 10:26:55 AM
Well, we could just delete every account with the same IP address they have that appears from now on.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: DW on June 16, 2007, 10:31:22 AM
The problem is that then he could keep creating endless accounts to spam up and insult everyone.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 16, 2007, 10:38:30 AM
And then we just delete them.

Unless they have different computers, then we'll just have to go along with it.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: JDog on June 16, 2007, 10:40:53 AM
Well, I was thinking IP ban, but then again, TZ would also get banned as whocares said, so thats out of the question.  But I talked to this guy at Zeldasages, but it was about something at a different site, but he said something about PERMABANNING, anyone know what that is?
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Rev Rabies on June 16, 2007, 10:55:25 AM
i too, am honored i was chosen to serve as a mod

Dr. Rabies reporting for duty sir!
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Gamefreak on June 16, 2007, 10:56:34 AM
Problem is, I'm still trying to find my way around the forum controls.  So I doubt an IP banning for Rincewind would be doable.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: DW on June 16, 2007, 10:57:11 AM
Quote from: Whocares on June 16, 2007, 10:03:30 AM
And by that you basically mean....?  ::)

Seriously, what does that even mean HNS?

He just meant they will change their names. Rabies and JQ I think.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Rev Rabies on June 16, 2007, 10:58:12 AM
i cant wait to try on my green stars! i hope they don't make me look fat
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 16, 2007, 10:58:41 AM
You can at least ban a computer completely, right? Then one ban is accounted for then. Hopefully you'll find out how to switch mods. I also hope that Jack will give you a control manual of sorts.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: DW on June 16, 2007, 10:58:51 AM
Don't worry, they'll look absolutely fabulous with your sig and avvy!
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: JDog on June 16, 2007, 11:02:33 AM
Quote from: Whocares on June 16, 2007, 10:58:41 AM
You can at least ban a computer completely, right? Then one ban is accounted for then. Hopefully you'll find out how to switch mods. I also hope that Jack will give you a control manual of sorts.
Well, if he did that, wouldn't TZ get banned too?
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Rev Rabies on June 16, 2007, 11:04:15 AM
Quote from: Shikamaru Nara on June 16, 2007, 10:58:51 AM
Don't worry, they'll look absolutely fabulous with your sig and avvy!

you really think so??? *girlish giggle*

and yes jdog, TZ would also be banned if that happened, so a computer ban is not in order
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: JDog on June 16, 2007, 11:08:32 AM
Which is why I suggested PERMABANNING, but Idk if that will go for TZ too.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Commodore Axilon on June 16, 2007, 11:10:00 AM
Uh, permabanning is just permanently banning a single user. As opposed to temporarily banning them.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: JDog on June 16, 2007, 11:11:49 AM
ah, well, just a suggestion. :)
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Rev Rabies on June 16, 2007, 11:12:39 AM
to go off topic for a second

that deserved the more you know pic...

back on topic
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: JDog on June 16, 2007, 11:15:47 AM
uh, the what? :o
Anyway, congrats on moderating jobs guys, by the way, my best friend is a mod here now. ;) No Im not gonna be a suck up to him. :D
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Rev Rabies on June 16, 2007, 11:21:20 AM
this pic:

Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: JDog on June 16, 2007, 11:25:04 AM
Ok, I'm gonna quit posting unless someones makes a post on the mods section, I don't wanna spam, here of all places. ;)
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 16, 2007, 11:26:48 AM
Is ZV really quiting? It appears he changed his mind, but still.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Gamefreak on June 16, 2007, 11:47:36 AM
If he's changed his mind, then I'll make subsequent changes to the mod line-up.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: MagmarFire on June 16, 2007, 11:52:18 AM
Man, it's a wonder how much someone can miss when he's gone for about fourteen-and-a-half hours. :P

(A.) Congratulations, Gamefreak, on obtaining the rank of Administrator! You earned it, man. May three shots (how many are usually fired at a presidential inauguration (sp?)?) be fired to commemorate the rise of a new leader! :)

(B.) Thank you for appointing me a Cohort. It'll be an honor serving you, sir! *salutes*

(C.) Congratulations to the other new mods, too! Let us do our best to serve the people! :D

Dang, I KNOW I'm missing something. :-*
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 16, 2007, 11:57:19 AM
Yes Maggy, you missed it. The circus was in town. And there was magic, and acrobats, and lions. *Joke*

The only thing you could possibly be missing is whether or not ZV is quiting. If so, then JQ is a mod. If not, he isn't. That's pretty much as simple as possible.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Rev Rabies on June 16, 2007, 11:59:41 AM
actually, i talked to GF and he said he would pick JQ over me, so if ZV doesnt quit, i'll probably be the one not being a mod
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: MagmarFire on June 16, 2007, 12:30:10 PM
When was the last time ZV was on? And he didn't say on the forums themselves that he was thinking about quitting in the near future, right?
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Gamefreak on June 16, 2007, 12:40:13 PM
Actually, I think that sometime during the bgrugby thing, or soon after, Zelda Veteran said he wanted to quit his modship.  But like I said, if he wants to stay on, I'll keep him.  

And Dr. Rabies is right, in the case Zelda Veteran does stay, I'll be dropping Dr. Rabies from the mod line.  He knows my reasons.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 16, 2007, 01:02:53 PM
Well then, the decided mods are then:

JQ, Shika, Maggy, and DW.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: DW on June 16, 2007, 03:59:17 PM
21 shots are fired, Mags. (7 shots 3 times)

ZV was on yesterday I think, he'll be on soon.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Fishalicious on June 16, 2007, 04:58:31 PM
I leave on an all-day trip, and all this happens? Three pages in like... 10 hours?

Anyways, congrats to everyone who is/will become a mod/admin.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Gamefreak on June 16, 2007, 06:19:07 PM
I have received Zelda Veteran's response.  He has decided to  quit the mod-squad.

I'll probably take care of business when I get home where I can be on for more than half an hour without being yelled at.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Bboy94 on June 16, 2007, 08:27:28 PM
Congrats Dr. Rabies!

Congrats Magmar!

Congrats Shika! <.< Put in a good word for meh.

Gratscon Gamefreak!

*HIGH FIVE, to all and to all a good night*

Also, rofl Dr. Rabies.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Rev Rabies on June 17, 2007, 04:31:36 AM
lol to what? mine and shika's teenage girl-esque convo
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 17, 2007, 08:25:51 AM
Hooray for all the new mods and Gamefreak!
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: alical on June 17, 2007, 08:38:18 AM
Quote from: Dr. Rabies on June 16, 2007, 11:04:15 AM
and yes jdog, TZ would also be banned if that happened, so a computer ban is not in order

Don't worry, I made meine brutta promise he wont make another account.
You can delete his present one and he shouldn't come back.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: DW on June 17, 2007, 09:38:24 AM
It appears his account has been deleted....however, I'm pretty sure that Gamefreak will be checking the IPs of every new member to make sure it's not him.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Gamefreak on June 17, 2007, 11:17:38 AM
I won't go through the formality of that.  I don't want to go around snooping through everybody's IP addresses under the pretense that I'm keeping an eye out for somebody.  If a similar posting pattern occurs, then I'll check the IP address.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Rev Rabies on June 17, 2007, 02:04:55 PM
like omg! do these stars make me look fat?
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 17, 2007, 02:06:24 PM
No, it's the pics in you signature that do.  :P


It seems like there's nothing now we can discuss with this topic. *sigh*  8)
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Gamefreak on June 17, 2007, 02:07:10 PM
Yeah, we're starting to get off topic.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Fishalicious on June 17, 2007, 02:08:26 PM
Yeah, we kind of are...

...Whoa, we can tell when you're logged in, though, Gamefreak. The text is bright red at the bottom... XD
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: darkphantomime on June 17, 2007, 02:09:29 PM
That always happened with Jack too...
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 17, 2007, 02:14:29 PM
That always happens with Administrators when they are logged in, their name is red on the list. Strangely, mods aren't green however.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Gamefreak on June 17, 2007, 02:16:23 PM
We're still off topic...I might just lock this.  It's served its point.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Mysterious F. on June 17, 2007, 02:19:35 PM
It would be best if you lock it now.
Title: Re:A new beginning....
Post by: Gamefreak on June 17, 2007, 02:22:03 PM
Gah, silly me.  I forgot.