Or anyone else, really. MagmarFire is the only one who talks to me about my fanfics I post on my site, Tal'Kipach Risthan (http://kipachristhan.proboards76.com). But anywho, I like my newest fanfic so much, that I'm posting updates here on TDC. =D
Today is the premiere of The Land of Legend (http://kipachristhan.proboards76.com/index.cgi?board=landoflegend), a fanfic based loosely on what used to be my story on TDC's Hyrule Adventures 2.
We still miss participating in it :'(
Gah, where am I when these things happen!? X__X
But anyway... *QUICKLY zips to TKR* :D
I didn't even know you had a website.
Now I feel bad about not talking to you.
Yeah, I didn't do much advertising. MagmarFire is the only person I know that actually visits the site. Jdog has an account to post his fanfics, but he sort of disappeared from TKR. It wouldn't surprised me if he left because it wasn't a forum like he thought it was.
Sorry for the double post, but I do have an announcement, that announcement being that Chapter I of my other fanfic, Desert (http://kipachristhan.proboards76.com/index.cgi?board=desert) is now up.
Since this is an announcement thread for my fanfics, I am allowed to make double posts here if they are announcements, right? :-\
Eh, I won't hold it against you.
Chapter III of The Land of Legend has been posted, so for those of you *coughMagmarFirecough* interested, go now before I decide to perform a raid on Disney Channel. Wait, I already made that decision. >>
Holy crap! I forgot to say that I got the October episode of The Legend of Blah Blah!
Meh, MagmarFire already read it, and he's the only person who has shown any interest in my writings.
Quote from: HNS on September 08, 2007, 03:25:14 PM
Yeah, I didn't do much advertising. MagmarFire is the only person I know that actually visits the site. Jdog has an account to post his fanfics, but he sort of disappeared from TKR. It wouldn't surprised me if he left because it wasn't a forum like he thought it was.
no, thats not it, its just I haven't had much time to write any fan fics for it. If any for that matter.
It's no where near completion, but I thought MagmarFire would like to know that I've finally got back to work on Chapter II of Desert.
Hey HNS, when you get it done, can I use it for my Site? I need alot of content to go onto it.
No. I write fanfics for my site only. At least for right now. But even if I do decide to host my fanfics elsewhere in the Zelda community, I wouldn't allow my fanfics to go on your site; in case you haven't noticed, you have a tendency to lose interest in one and then start a new one shortly after. It's rather foolish for people to host fan works on a site run by a guy they know might stop taking care of it. For my mind to change, your site would have to be up for six months and it would have to show evidence that you don't plan on giving up on it.
its not a forum, its a site, and I am not losing interest in the site, the people seem to be excited about it, so why cancel it? I've been looking forward to this for months, I said site, not forum, big dif, I am making an actual site...
Even so, Jdog, you have a record of starting forums/sites and then leaving them, if only because no one is posting there. Like I said, if you can keep it up for six months and show effort in keeping it up with at least monthly updates (seeing as how that's how often I get a chapter or two up on TKR), I would be more willing to allow you to host my fanfics on it.
Well, I started it actually a month ago, but yes, I have an unmotivative layout maker. and when I mean unmotivative, I mean he makes me feel like I am not lazy whatsoever XD
Then that's good. Make him WORK YOUR FINGERS TO THE BONE!!! :P
Anyway, it's nothing entirely personal to wait. It's standard procedure, but you seem to be taking it well.
Also, HNS, I look forward to the chapter being done. :D
Oh, I will, the only problem with the site is the forums, the host I use will not load on my PC, it takes forever, idk why, it worked fine last night, but yes, it'll be done probably this upcoming weekend I hope, anyway back on topic, I'll probably read your story later on HNS, probably a good one too. :D
Actually, it's too mind-blowing for you. Only MagmarFire has the proper clearance to view the fan fiction without risk of brain damage.
Anywho, if you're lucky, MagmarFire, you'll get the next chapter of Desert and The Land of Legend up at almost the same time. I added about three more pages to it the other night.
How would you know what I can and can't read?
Just... wow.
Quote from: JDog on November 11, 2007, 06:02:19 PM
How would you know what I can and can't read?
Oh, what is you like to say? "Can't you guys tell I'm joking?" Something like that.
Really, Jdog, if I only wanted MagmarFire to read my fanfics, I would e-mail them to him, not publish them on the Internet where anyone can see it.
For you! Episode 602 of The Legend of Blah Blah! Totally written at the last minute, so any crappiness found in the content and writing should be understandable. And no, I'm not rewriting, even though I probably should. It's call being lazy. Leave me and mah laziness alone! D:
New episode, FTW! :D
I'm on my way! ;)
I finished Chapter IV of The Land of Legend, but seeing as how my flash drive doesn't seem to want to work and how I don't feel like retyping around seven pages of sexy Rose awesomeness onto my mom's computer, I'm afraid you all (you all as in MagmarFire) are going to have to wait.
D'oh, man.... Stinkin' flash drive... :(
Ah, well. I can wait. ;)
Your wait is over!
Unless you're still waiting for the December episode of The Legend of Blah Blah. If that's the case, you're still waiting for that. :'(
Yay! Wait over! :D *goes to TKR*
I have a most crappy update for The Legend of Blah Blah up. Please don't kill me. Again. It's bad enough that Fisk slaughtered me where I slept! D:
Seriously, though, I do hope I can do better for 2008. I'll be spending most of my evening on the computer, forcing myself to work on TLoBB, The Land of Legend, Desert, my FFTA fanfic, and Pokemondy (my Pokemon fanfic). If I eat enough cookies, I just might be able to work on them all simultaneously. You know, instead of working on one, then taking a break to work on another one.
Hurray! I present to you a good update for TLoBB! Plus, since it's so freaking cold to be walking outside where I am, I'll be working on Desert today! I feel that the end of Chapter II is sooooooo close. It really needs an update; the last one was Chapter I back in September, 2007. That is far too long for there to be an update, right? But then again, can you blame me? I also have The Land of Legend (which is nearing the end of the first segment), Pokemondy, the FFTA fanfic, and The Legend of Blah Blah (though the second season is nearly over, I really should try to spend some of March, April, and May getting ahead of schedule so I don't write some last minute crap).
For those of you who don't check Tal'Kipach Risthan, but rather here, then it is my deepest regret that I must inform you that all of my fanfics are on hiatus until further notice. My laptop died on me not too long ago, and it took all of my writing with it. I was unable to get back up files onto my flash drive first. I have no one to blame but myself. And the laptop for being an unfaithful [insert expletive of your choice].
Chapter V of The Land of Legend is now posted. Go forth and enjoy it.
Now with The Legend of Blah Blah finished for the season, I can focus my writing on Chapter VI of The Land of Legend. So while you're waiting for TLoL, go read TLoBB! :D
Wow. February's is up already!? Well, now I can find out who the guest character is without failing miserably at guessing. :D
Chapter VI of The Land of Legend is now up! And for now, it's going on hiatus until I can get Desert finished.
EDIT: Hey, look at that. Chapter II of Desert is already up. Fancy that.
So, it looks like it's been far too long since I had an update. And I still don't have an update. ::)
Lately, I've been feeling displeased with Desert. Right now I'm debating whether or not to continue it. While I'm doing that, I'll be working on The Land of Legend, so that might start updating again soon.
So, it only took about less than a day to get Chapter VII of The Land of Legend written, and that's now up.
Guess what just got updated. The Land of Legend! :D
And just think. Next month is the season premiere of The Legend of Blah Blah. Yay!
HNS, what is the URL to your website? I would really like to check it out. It sounds like you work really hard on it. :)
There's a link to it in the first post of the thread.
Ummm... whoops? lol ;)
Well, I got the prologue for Averno. I originally hadn't planned on writing a prologue, but Chapter I wasn't cooperating with me; I deleted everything I had twice because I wasn't satisfied with it. So there you go. Enjoy the prologue, which was influenced by this (http://zelda.vgrc.net/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1210462851&archive=&start_from=&ucat=7&) article by Hylian Dan.
So, yeah, I'm all like, "I'm totally going to update The Land of Legend." And then, like, I updated The Land of Legend! It was, like, freaking amazing! And then I'm all like, "Hey, I have another chapter I can post!" So, like, I totally post it! It was, like, even more freaking amazing!
Oh, crap, I just found out that I skipped Chapter IX. ???
Getting to reading it, though!
Okay, time to mention a few things. One, Tal'Kipach Risthan is going to be an archive site from now on. Every scrap of Zelda fan fiction left on my computer (coughflashdrivecough) will be reposted (not any time soon).
Two, The Legend of Blah Blah will be renamed "Don't Run With Swords", and as soon as I have my own laptop again I will be posting them here on The Desert Colossus, supposing KP will still let me. If he doesn't, then I'll try ZeldaBlog. Failing both, I guess I'll be heading to WordPress.com to start my own blog.
Three, I recently registered with fanfiction.net. The Land of Legend and Averno will be posted there from now on. Just as soon as I can revise TLoL to add in more detail and iron out any possible continuity errors. And just as soon as I can start working on Averno again. Meanwhile, Stories of Hyrule is up with The Defeat of Joelle, so you can go read that for now.
Four, though I should probably start a different thread for this, I will be calling the editor to the Beacon, a local newspaper/newsletter thing associated with the Virginian Pilot, Monday. With any luck, he will hire me to write short stories and publish them in the Beacon, and I can start having a flow of income. For now, this will mean paying off college debts and buying a new laptop, but eventually I will be able to buy these newfangled things called video games and finally know what you all are talking about. So wish me luck, or pray for me, or whatever it is you're most comfortable doing.
Good luck! (And God, please let him get that job!)
I look forward to seeing The Legend of Hyrule up and running again, let me assure you. :D
Technically, it'll be up, but not running. You know, what with it being finished.
I'm fine with you posting here on TDC. Just PM me/post here/send a carrier pidgeon/email me/finally IM me again when you're ready to start posting things so I can set up your journalist account.
Assuming you don't already have a journalist account. I don't really keep track of these things. :-\
I do not. And maybe you should keep track of that sort of thing. It could be helpful, no?
Meh. I keep track of the ones who I know are going to be active. But the journalists who haven't posted since, like, 2006 - yeah, I forget who they are.
Well, as soon as "Don't Run With Swords" is ready, I'll let you know. Unfortunately, I can't even give you an estimation of when that will be.
Quote from: Hi no Seijin on October 25, 2008, 12:40:06 PM
Technically, it'll be up, but not running. You know, what with it being finished.
Well, yeah... But you know what I mean, eh? ;D
The revised first chapter of The Land of Legend is up on FF.net.
Instead of posting my fanfics on FF.net, I'll be posting them on deviantART. Just use one site to post all of my fan work, you know? Chapters I-IX of The Land of Legend has been republished, and Chapter X will follow as soon as get that rewritten.
I'll be going by KokiriWolf.
Quote from: Hi no Seijin on October 25, 2008, 12:55:50 PM
Well, as soon as "Don't Run With Swords" is ready, I'll let you know. Unfortunately, I can't even give you an estimation of when that will be.
So, yeah, I decided to go with the original title of "The Legend of Blah Blah." I am now published on the front page of TDC, and you can expect monthly updates...for the next three months unless I can think up more topics before then. Looks like I'll have to start replaying some Zelda games.
While it's not Zelda-related, I did post some of my original writing over on deviantART; it would be awesome if those people with deviantART accounts went and read them and gave me some input.
I read that, I was very impressed.
I have both Legend of Blah Blah issues from TDC up on my deviantART account.
Here's a link for you, Mags. (http://kokiriwolf.deviantart.com/gallery/#The-Legend-of-Blah-Blah) ^_~
Ah, goodies. :D
The link is no longer elusive. :D
My November issue of The Legend of Blah Blah is up on the front page, and should be on my deviantART account by sometime tonight.
The December issue of The Legend of Blah Blah is now up on the front page.
The first Legend of Blah Blah of the year is now up on the front page.
Well, the Sheikah issue is now up on the front page, and I really ought to get the last two articles up on devART.
Well, the Gorons and the Minish are up on my deviantART account. I seem to have trouble opening up my Sheikah article right now, so that'll have to wait until later.
Oh, hey, that's right, the Zora issue of The Legend of Blah Blah has been up for a while.
Okay, let's get caught up on some news here. All Legend of Blah Blahs that have appeared on the TDC front page are now on my deviantART account. And that's about it for published works on DA, but I'll have the first two chapters of my new fanfic, a Zelda/Kingdom Hearts crossover, up just as soon as Mags get back to me on my revisions I sent him. I've also been stabbing at my original writing and will hopefully have drafts on DA soon.
Those two chapters of The Legend of Zelda: Shining Hearts (the Zelda/Kingdom Hearts fanfic) I mentioned are now up on deviantART.
New draft for Fuego, Chapter 1. (http://kokiriwolf.deviantart.com/#/d2vf994) For the love of the gods, please critique. I can't get better without constructive criticism! If you don't have a deviantART account, then, by all means, give me your tips here.
Also, I promise to get a new Legend of Blah Blah written up this week.
If you would direct your attention to the front page, you'll see another Legend of Blah Blah has been posted.
Oh, hey, that's right. Front page. New Legend of Blah Blah. If you haven't done so already, go check it out. Havoc is requesting I write about the Ritos next. Does anyone agree with him?
Okay, December's Legend of Blah Blah has been up for a while. I'm working on January's article, which is going to be New Year resolutions of Zelda characters. Is there anyone you guys want to see in particular? Only rule: No characters from Skyward Sword, for spoiler reasons. That, and I don't have it yet.
Wow, I am so late in mentioning this, but the January article is up. I also have a post-E3-ish article up now as well. And I have absolutely no idea what the next topic is going to be, so if you have a suggestion, please mention it here.
I have a new article up on the front page. It would have been longer, but knowing me, it would have just ended up as a disjointed article below the jump. Besides, I think the article as it is stands up well enough on its own.