The Desert Colossus

Community => Synthesis of Imagery => Topic started by: The Glamour Nazi on October 13, 2010, 08:05:14 AM

Title: 18 days of Halloween
Post by: The Glamour Nazi on October 13, 2010, 08:05:14 AM
I'm doing something to keep my drawing for this month, each day I will draw one or more pictures, all Halloween themed, up until the actual day.

They'll all be of the same characters, a vampire girl and a guy who she decides to keep around as a food supply.

The first of which is already up on my DeviantArt!

Day 1 (
Day 2 (

A little about this one, it was drawn while I listened to Rebuild of Evangelion's "Tsubasa wo Kudasai" and I have no idea where I got the idea from. Enjoy it.

Edit: Day 2 added

I got the idea for this one in that I wanted to give myself a present without actually doing it. Yes, the guy is my artist avatar. I was also listening to Tsubasa wo Kudasai as I drew this, but I also heard Funny Bunny and Zetsubou Restaurant over the course of the drawing too.
Title: Re: 18 days of Halloween
Post by: The Glamour Nazi on October 16, 2010, 10:52:56 AM
Double post for more pics

Day 3 (
Day 4 (

For day three I imagined them having a little conversation, which is on there, but I'll post here too.

Guy: Why'd you bite me again?

Girl: I can't help it!

Guy: Aha, I'm that irresistable, huh?

Girl: Sh-shut up or I'll bite you again!

For day 4 I kinda crapped out and posted them in a very static pose together, but I think I did a good job on the (simple) background, so I kinda made up for it.
Title: Re: 18 days of Halloween
Post by: Keaton on October 17, 2010, 11:37:02 AM
Ahh, so you're LinkDragon0.  I've been trying to figure out who that awesome artist was for some time now, couldn't remember when I subscribed to you.

Nice work, man!  You're pretty excellent.
Title: Re: 18 days of Halloween
Post by: The Glamour Nazi on October 17, 2010, 12:01:54 PM
Got Day 5 up now.

Day 5 (

This one took me around 2 1/2 hours to draw, mainly thinking about what I was going to do, I listened to a crapload of songs over the course of the drawing, Nikopol, Silky Heart, and Tsubasa wo Kudasai being the most inspiring of those.

I was going to put a crowd of random zombies, Demons, and assorted other things in the crowd, but the perspective wouldn't let me do it right, so I just scrapped the idea.


Just cause I got bored waiting for War Games to come on TV.

The main Vampire Girl Colored (

I drew this listening to a really epic song, but the picture is pretty normal. Just her standing so i could color her.

Just Checking (

This one was a funny idea that I sorta got from somewhere else, but not entirely.

Also, if any of you want to suggest an idea to me for a picture I will do it, You'll get credit for the idea, and a HUG! So yeah, PM me the idea, so you don't spoil the fun for the idea, I will upload all the ideas I get on Tuesdays, so even if you miss next Tuesday, send it in, you'll get it on the next one!
Title: Re: 18 days of Halloween
Post by: The Glamour Nazi on October 19, 2010, 09:17:12 AM
Alright, update for another few pics.

Day 6 (
Day 7 (

Day 6 was drawn cause I wanted to draw a demon girl and maybe introduce another character, but it was mainly the background that I wanted to do. If you can see the incosistency in this drawing you get a cookie.

Day 7 was my excuse to draw a kissing picture, with said new character, and I wanted to draw a cute Chibi version of the vampire. Yeah. No background on this one, cause I was too lazy to bring up the prompt generator.
Title: Re: 18 days of Halloween
Post by: The Glamour Nazi on October 22, 2010, 07:51:28 PM
Next few days.

Day 8 (
Day 9 (
Day 10 (
An apology for being late on day 9 (

There we go.