The Desert Colossus

Community => Fan Works => Topic started by: Berlioz on December 20, 2011, 10:13:40 PM

Title: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on December 20, 2011, 10:13:40 PM
Hi. I'm M. Bulteau (Berlioz, around here). I'm a composer/writer, and I have my work online:

Far from being here to spam you, take that as a portfolio for your reference towards what I would like an opinion on from the community.

I have long delved into the depths of Majora's Mask dramatic possibilities, and being a composer/writer I am currently considering (after having enough material to start) creating a stage work of Majora's Mask, something big, serious (as in, professional), powerful and with one or two modifications that I assure change nothing of the story's core concepts at all. In fact they bring out the drama in full and allow for a stable adaptation to stage, instead of the many flaws that arise from taking a game structure into a dramatic set without the necessary reconstruction.

Musically speaking it would also avoid reducing itself to medley form. I would try my best to develop on every theme, taking them as bases to be grown on and to make a complete and organic work, instead of a patched-up musical track.

I would need to gather up all the available resources to write a score that would please me and all the other Zelda fans.

The hardest part would obviously be, afterwards, attempting to contact the actual composer, showing the product, and asking for his approval, perhaps his support, in having the work built and brought to life, for we all know an artist trying to climb always needs help from above, especially if they are using the work of those above as a vital basis. It is always a win-win situation, since artistic reinterpretations of any established medium always validate its existence further (a.k.a. mutual advertisement et al.).

I have my original work, both writings and compositions, as evidence of what I can do, and I am usually not one to make these kinds of adapted projects, but Zelda is something that has always fascinated me, and Majora's Mask is the one that always dug deepest.

I would like to know if the community would be interested in seeing such a project built.


M. Bulteau
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on December 25, 2011, 10:20:21 PM
I come to show signs of activity and inform you that I have completed the first half-hour of the opera, and that you should expect samples with actual vocals somewhere in January.

For now, I give you instrumental samples from several parts of the still unfinished Act I.

Keep in mind that they're mostly just orchestrations of original themes because the real development usually happens with the singers (which is usually where I cut between the themes here, because there is no actual voice sound but a digital instrument emulating it, and we all know how those suck).

The only thing mildly "developed" in this sample is the superimposition of a modified Kafei and Anju's marriage theme (will be used as the leitmotif for their hope) on the Astral Observatory theme, along with some quotes from the Song of Healing (leitmotif for promisekeeping and obviously the Happy Mask Salesman).

By the way, for those who enjoyed my website's music, I only recently noticed my media players in the site's Works section were all down. I've put in new ones and there's much more music to listen to in that section than the 9 sample tracks on the home page.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on January 01, 2012, 11:06:40 PM
Here's an instrumental for a dance sequence. It's a battle that happens between the Deku and Odolwa. It might sound strange, yes, but all I can say so far is that in the story it is a consequence of giving Kafei a boost in his search for the Sun Mask.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Keaton on January 03, 2012, 12:43:24 AM
You, sir, are a fantastic composer.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on January 07, 2012, 06:40:43 PM
Why thank you. ^_^
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on January 09, 2012, 06:58:54 PM
Here's an instrumental for the short celebration after Odolwa falls to the Deku, interrupted by the appearance of the Giant that is freed as a consequence.

Everything that follows is the background instrumental for the Giant's aria, so pardon the repetitiveness, since there are words to be sung over it.

It develops into other harmonies past the middle.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on January 30, 2012, 04:40:37 PM
Just informing that the vocal samples will be late. I had said they would appear somewhere in January.

Well, it seems the date we managed to set up for ONE (hopefully two) of the recordings is two Sundays from now.

So... sorry about the wrong prediction.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on February 12, 2012, 04:36:57 PM
Just to let you know, the Clock Town choir vocal sample was recorded today. I will probably only have access to the WAVs on Wednesday.

The choir is split in half by Kafei's recitativo, which, along with the Mayor's Council Room fugato, is intended to be recorded in two weeks.

I'm rehearsing the latter tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on March 20, 2012, 07:27:02 AM
To the explanation-mobile!

As you remember, samples were promised some time ago. Well, they were recorded. It was the Clock Town Choir. There were some setbacks that made the recordings unusable, so other methods had to be used (live and learn).

It became faster to skip ahead to the next sample while the first was being redone, so here it is:

This is a demo, and as such the singers who kindly helped with its making are not professional opera singers. If you like what you hear, imagine what a real opera could do with it!

Other demos will follow. Faster, this time. Stay tuned. I will soon open a blog to organize all of this.

P.S: Mind the accents. xD
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on March 24, 2012, 01:24:02 PM
I've set up a blog and a facebook page. Like and share to the four winds!
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Keaton on March 26, 2012, 02:20:27 PM
I've shared this on Facebook, for what it's worth.  Gotta get the word out somehow, eh?
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on April 04, 2012, 12:46:53 PM
Yes, thank you.

Spread as much as you can! :)
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on April 23, 2012, 07:48:54 PM
Demo #2 is up!
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on May 02, 2012, 03:48:21 PM
Stone Tower instrumental test (
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on May 07, 2012, 07:42:03 PM
Demo #3 is up!
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on May 27, 2012, 08:55:37 AM
Song of Storms Poll:

Please read the top post and vote! :)
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on June 03, 2012, 06:30:31 PM
Demo #4 is up!
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on June 17, 2012, 08:32:48 PM
Kafei's Dream:
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Keaton on June 29, 2012, 02:19:56 PM
Ooh, I like where this is going!
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on July 23, 2012, 06:52:51 AM
I hope you've been following the blog ( as all updates, all major news articles and interviews about this project have been posted (and linked to from) there. I am currently out of time to update every Zelda forum manually.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on July 25, 2012, 06:37:09 PM
In 30 minutes, at 7 PM PST (3 AM GMT), you can hear me being interviewed about the opera at the Windmill Hut Spinning Stream!

Just click here and choose a player:

If you cannot connect, try Radio Hyrule:
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on July 31, 2012, 08:42:02 PM
Demo #5 is up!
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: Berlioz on September 21, 2012, 06:29:48 PM

Just a little instrumental while I get stuff done.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: DW on October 13, 2012, 07:15:58 PM
I can't believe you're managing this all by yourself.
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: MBulteau on July 08, 2014, 01:36:48 PM
My old username (Berlioz) seems to have been removed from the database, and then I forgot about this forum. There's been many more demos out since the last time I posted, so, in a nutshell...

Demo #7 has been out:

Demo #2 has been redone (as will every demo from 1 to 6, with either new instrumentals, new singers, or both):

Demo #8 was out some days ago:

There is also a playlist of Majora Q&As at my channel ( which will be updated every Friday. :)
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: MBulteau on September 14, 2014, 04:51:26 PM
Haven't posted in a while. Been busy! :)

Here are the latest makeovers:

The Fortress / The Pirates Give Chase (REDUX)

Pamela's Arietta (REDUX)

Kafei's Dream (REDUX)
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: MBulteau on October 28, 2014, 11:19:10 AM
Demo #5 has gotten its makeover:
Title: Re: Majora's Mask Opera
Post by: MBulteau on April 23, 2015, 10:23:06 AM
Demo #6 has gotten its makeover:

There's quasi-daily updates on the revision of the complete score here: