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Messages - pineco

Thnx for all the wonderful support guys. ;D .  When ever a dude asks me why don't i date a girl because  i like bishies/pretty boys , I just tell them  "i guess you would  date a man in a dress if you think  feminine men are essentially women" that usually shuts them up. Or if its a chick saying it i just say i guess you's be open to a relationship with KD Lang or rosie o donell. LOL
d'awww thanks for the support keaton. I still think it's stupid that people think that finding guys Link, Sephiroth,  leonardo di caprio, orlando bloom and Jun Matsumoto (from arashi) sexy makes me a lesbian. I mean  none of those guys look like girls at all. If  a man actually mistakes any of those guys for women , well lets just  say that they probably bring alot of dudes home. XD
General Discussion / Why do people think I'm a lesbian?
September 14, 2012, 08:16:40 AM
It seems that whenever a girl finds an effeminate/pretty man or boy attractive people are quick to call her a lesbian.

I am a girl who prefers effeminate men and people tend to assume I am a closeted lesbian. But I am not. I don't find women sexually attractive at all. Having people assume i am a lesbian really annoys me . Don't get me wrong. I have no problems with gays or lesbians. Once at school when a boy saw me fangirling over photos of Gackt asked me why i was drooling over a girly man like Gackt and that I should just go get a girlfriend. -_-;. Even my own mom says that I should go find a "real man" and stop drooling at effeminate men or i'd start turning into a lesbian. I also don't like how people think that effeminate men are not "real men". just beacuse a man is pretty does not make him a woman ???  ::).

So why do people think that liking effeminate men makes a girl a lesbian?
General Discussion / Re: Bleach
July 22, 2012, 03:07:06 AM
I dislike the overuse of plotkai in Bleach I hated how he turned Aizen into a villain sue (think Naraku from inuyasha). The fillers are quite annoying in the anime. It also annoys me when Kubo introduces cool-looking new characters with  potentially interesting back stories and alot of storytelling potential and has them drop down like flies . Whilst the soul reapers are apparently related to  Keith Richards since apparently they can't die no matter what obviously lethal wounds they get  ???
General Discussion / Re: Bleach
July 01, 2012, 10:15:48 AM
 Byakuya is one of the only anime  characters i know that can kill you with a bunch of flower petals and make it look  cool. Which is why he is  one of my favorite characters.

Lol ,  ichigo is a daywalker ginger because he has a soul. XD
General Discussion / Bleach
June 25, 2012, 08:45:56 AM
How many of ya'll  watch bleach? Me? I love bleach beacuse of all the badmonkey fighting, likeable characters and beautiful art  ;D. The dub is petty good. Johnny yong bosch fits ichigo's personality to a T.
Did you know that the anime ended in japan. :( :(  . But thankfully the manga is still going strong  though :D.  I wonder if tite kubo will do a "Plotkai"  and revive  fan favorites that  have died..... *cough*grimmjowandulquiorraandgin*cough*.

Anyway any bleach fans here?

MEDIT: Wow, I can't believe no one's noticed this yet, but that word's not allowed. No warning, but please be careful in the future.
Links / Re: The Video Shelf
June 01, 2012, 09:24:12 AM
I was surfing around youtube and i came across these hilarious  Bleach videos. They are really hilarious. :P :P :D

and my personal favorite:
General Discussion / Re: Tvtropes
April 06, 2012, 12:06:11 PM
Quote from: Nozdormu on April 06, 2012, 12:18:59 AM
Yep, I do love me some TV Tropes.  Never got involved in the community, though.
well consider your self luck. the community isactually very creepy and attention seeking.  most of their creepiness is found in troper tales (no loner hosted on site for obvius reasons  but are still acessible by archive)
potential psychopaths

Here is an archive of all the  troper tales

check out the pages for "beware the nice onces" "perverse sexual lust" " yandere" "stalker with a crush" and " nightmare fetishist"  in particular if you  wannna see how creepy tropers really are....

General Discussion / Tvtropes
April 05, 2012, 08:26:17 AM
Anyway tvtropes is a site that catalogues examples of common cliches or "tropes" in the media. Most of the pages themselves are decent and , at times amusing. While site itself is okay albeit a timewaster, the forums  are home  to one of the worst communities on the internet.

Admin edit:  No need for fetish links here, thanks.

General Discussion / Re: My Little Pony
November 22, 2011, 05:20:32 PM
i like my little pony wheeee
General Discussion / Howdy
November 22, 2011, 05:19:54 PM
 wut up. im a newbie herrre . I hope  i enjoy my stay here :) :)
My fave zelda game is oot. My fave char is oot ganon