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Messages - ZeldaBoy

General Discussion / Re: Time to Face Facts...
February 27, 2012, 03:08:08 PM
Even worse than realizing you're fat, is if you're tubby and ever shaved your head, and pull out the old NES Punch Out cartridge and dust it off...

Just wait until you get to the fight with King Hippo. And you wonder to yourself, when the [bleep] did I turn into King Hippo?!

Fat... check.
Shaved head... check.
Trouble keeping pants up... check.

Oh no...

Anyway, the best way to drop some pounds (without speed) is just counting calories and walking a couple miles a day. I dropped 90 pounds back when I was 16, but I was very motivated... I wanted to get a hot girlfriend.

A few years went by and I saw how much trouble relationships can be and just packed it all back on... plus some.

Hail King Hippo, heh...