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Started by JDog, August 20, 2007, 04:55:57 PM

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oh, pm me the link so I can get to it, please..


Quote from: Fisk on August 20, 2007, 05:48:08 PM
As for Emulators, try and get Dolphin... it's high quality, from what I hear. It's a GC emulator, but they should have the Legend of Zelda: Collector's Disc in the games, with any luck.
For Dolphin your gonna need a state of the art computer, or so I heard.


Unfortunately, I do not know the link. Just type in Dolphin Emulator on google, that should work...


kk, will do, thanks.


Quote from: Sora on August 20, 2007, 05:02:51 PM
thats totally different, I just want to know where I can download AOL, come on, its just one game, geez.

I'll just go shoot one person then, that ought to be fine.

Commodore Axilon

Do you have a gun? 'Cause I think you need a gun.

Twilight Wolf

I think using an emulator is far less extreme then shooting someone...
What, you expect me to say something witty?

Zelda Veteran

You could go where I got mine :P
And using them isn't illegal. The worst you could get is a slap on the wrist. Its the people who make them that get in serious trouble. The games I got for mine:

Link's Awakening
Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones
Pokemon: Leaf Green
Pokemon: Red Rescue Rangers
Final Fantasy: (can't remember)
Naruto RPG (it was all in Japanese so it was real hard)

And I think I got one more, but I can't remember. It plays GBA and GBC games.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Twilight Wolf

Yes, using them would probably qualify as "fair use."
What, you expect me to say something witty?


QuoteFire Emblem: Sacred Stones

I ought to beat you with a dead fish for that one, how dare you deny the FE team their money? lol


I only have few games and a couple emulators, lets see:
Pokemon Crystal
A Link to the Past
Sonic 1
Sonic and Knuckles
Final Fantasy 5

I try to stay away from the newer games, just incase.

Rev Rabies

i thought we werent allowed to advetise emulator sites here or ROM sites...


Gah, I'm just going to lock this topic...


We aren't allowed to advertise emulators.  I think Jack locked a topic some time ago for somebody who was advertising them.  

Thanks for getting to this before I did JQ.