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the main site?

Started by JDog, November 10, 2007, 06:54:17 PM

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Hmm, JDog, are you talking about LightAngelTora?  No offense, but I know more about these types of sites than they do.


OMG! Where did this all come from? Why don't people tell me things?!  :'(

Anyways, I'll just set the record straight here: the tutorials are not HTML related... so much. I know HTML, CSS, and probably enough PHP. That's not my problem.

The tutorials are purely Jack's department because they have to do with how he set up, organized, and overall created each page here on TDC. Apparently it's complicated, so he said he'd go about making a tutorial for it.

Mind you, this was all back when I was actively (read: maybe weekly if I was lucky) talking to him. Nowadays he seems to have disappeared again. What does this mean?

Well, it means that when I have the time I'll probably take a look and see if I can edit and/or create pages myself, figuring out his little system on my own, whatever it may be. That being said, here's some other reasons for the "delay" [1]:

1: Ezlo is sick, and therefore isn't up to the task of getting the original Ezlo page up and running just yet. More on that later, I'm sure.

2: I'm lazy, and so the caption game is down until further notice because of that and also because I lack pictures to caption. However, "further notice" will probably be when I can start getting Ezlo up, since I'll be doing that anyways.

So, I hope that clears things up for you guys... mind you, once I get into updating the actual site pages I will also have some additions in mind so.. look forward to that?

[1] By the way, though there may be some delay regarding the main page, don't forget that, unlike Jack, I'm actually regularly available to you guys so I can answer topics like these (when I find out about them)  :P
The Fourth! A webcomic about the hopeless case of the game villain.

"Tis music that soothes the savage beast, but the dagger that causes long slumbers."
- Me!


Thanks, KP.  It's good to know that there is actually a reason for the delay, other than sloth. :D


Hey, I can help find some caption pictures...


Explain the captain game to me, and I'll try my best to help out. :P


Woo hoo! Lackeys! That'll make the job half as easy, thanks! Alright, any pictures you guys think would be good should be sent to my email, kamakaziplumber [at] desertcolossus [dot] com. Replace what you know needs replacing in that address.

And, the caption game is right up there on the links bar, no? Just click on it, you'll see.
The Fourth! A webcomic about the hopeless case of the game villain.

"Tis music that soothes the savage beast, but the dagger that causes long slumbers."
- Me!


Wow, thanks for clearing this up KP and no BD I wasn't talking about LAT, I was talking about the person who did my layout to my site thank you very much.


All right, here we go. Thanks, KP, for reinforming us. We really appreciate it! :D

I guess now that he told us what we asked, and since we're hearing fire from party to party every few posts, we don't need this topic open anymore.


Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.