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Started by Keaton, January 19, 2009, 09:54:49 AM

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All right.  It seems like everyone has a moderately successful fanfic going on here except for me, so here goes.  Every separate post is a separate "chapter", which means I will probably be double-posting from time to time.  Sue me.

How Tacheon PO'ed everyone by ignoring present timeline theories and canon


Long ago, there was a land very, very far from Hyrule.  It was a land whispered of in fear, whose name only lept from the tongues of the courageous.  It was a land known as Termina.  It existed as a peaceful land once-- the Ikana, Deku, Goron and Zora all lived together in moderate harmony-- but eventually, as with most civilizations, their world was thrown into turmoil.

Everyone has their secrets, and every family has a relative that they are ashamed of, even willing to dissociate with entirely.  For the Terminans, this relative was a race known as the Twili.  They worshiped strange gods and performed unholy rituals directly in the middle of the continent of Termina.  They called themselves "Children of the Moon" and prayed that the goddess of the Moon would come down to Termina and lead them to salvation.

Occasionally one of the Twili would defect, perhaps simply losing faith in the religion, or sometimes going absolutely insane.  The other Twili didn't seem to notice the loss of one of their family, too caught up as it was in their rituals and prayer.  Our tale begins with one such Twili who managed to escape from the herd...

Zelda Veteran

Interesting, but I spotted one error:
"and every family has a relative that they is ashamed of"
Fix that up, and you're good to go.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Shadow Ganon

Everybody here has great should all write a novel and TDC should become a publishing cool would that be!!!
I'm setting about writing a novel myself...again. Anyway, please continue, i'm enthralled.

By the way, are you referring to the children who wear the boss remains as the Twili?

Hi no Seijin

Quote from: Shadow Ganon on January 19, 2009, 10:50:17 AM
Everybody here has great should all write a novel and TDC should become a publishing cool would that be!!!
If you mean we ought to publish our fanfics and sell them, I'm pretty sure we all can go to jail for that.  But if you're talking about original works, I'm all for that.

Tacheon, don't worry about pissing me off; I ignore all present timeline theories and canon too.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


It's getting depressing, I know, but...


Running was all she knew now.  It pervaded her, became her essence, and overcame her.  She had two purposes and right now, running was one of them.  The other was protecting her unborn child.  She did not know why the Twili wanted her child, nor was she fully positive that they did, but that wasn’t going to make her wait around to find out.  Of course, her skittishness and hesitation to believe in the cause always got her into trouble.  Those she had once considered her friends ridiculed her and thought her crazy.  The chieftain attempted to exorcise whatever it was from her that caused such irrationality—but still, she kept running.  She refused to stop no matter what.

More than once, she opened her eyes to find herself somewhere completely different from what she remembered before.  She was sure that she had fallen asleep on her feet, on the move.  She didn’t care.  She didn’t stop to eat, stop to drink, stop to cry nor catch her breath.  The branches whipped past her, the rocks scorched her, the animals bit her, the wind smacked her and tiredness beat her.  She did not stop running.

Eventually, however, she reached a wood.  It was quiet, and a nearby stream beckoned to her.  A few animals eyed her cautiously as she darted past, but seemed unperturbed when she stopped and began to walk back toward the stream.  Maybe just one quick drink, she thought, reaching down to scoop up some water.  All of a sudden, before the water even reached her lips, a searing pain began to stab her stomach.  She doubled over, her fragile fingers covering her belly, feeling the quivering inside.  She was going into labor.

She had no choice but to have her child there, on the outskirts of Termina, but she was terrified to find that she was mother not to one, but to two!  She knew that she would not be able to carry both to freedom.  It tore her heart in half as she scooped up the firstborn into her arms and dashed away, hearing the other cry helplessly behind her.  And yet, she ran.

Things changed.  The colors of the sky shifted constantly, changing from tranquil blues to violent purples.  Strange beasts made strange noises in unfamiliar forests.  Day and night blazed by in the blink of an eye as time traveled faster than her feet could carry her.  The life she had left faded, as she ran, from past, to history, to myth, to legend.  The woman ran faster and faster, desperately clutching the quietly crooning baby to her chest.  Eventually, something strangely comforting loomed before her in the distance:  a massive tree.

“Fear no longer, young mother,” a soothing and wizened voice whispered in her mind.  She turned in all directions, looking for a source, yet something compelled her to continue walking towards the tree.  “Your running can be at an end now.  You and yours are safe here.”

The woman reached the tree.  She knew, deep down inside, that it was the owner of the voice that she had heard.  She was exhausted in more than just the physical sense.  It took all her might to steady herself as she placed the child at the base of the tree.  Vines clamored from the ground and wove themselves into a blanket, covering the newborn from the elements.  The woman smiled for the first time in recent memory as she dropped to her knees, and died.



Quote from: Shadow Ganon on January 19, 2009, 10:50:17 AMBy the way, are you referring to the children who wear the boss remains as the Twili?

No.  Keep reading as I post and it should eventually start to make sense.  Just smack me every once in a while if I start to go all tangential on you.







