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So it seems I've been ousted

Started by darkphantomime, June 22, 2009, 11:22:41 PM

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Quote from: JQ Pickwick on June 22, 2009, 11:47:48 PM
You honestly want this man, who keeps lying to you about everything as your admin?

I'm fed up man. I thought I trusted and knew tacheon.

You want to keep lying to the forum about this stuff tacheon?

Actually, I knew about Tacheon's age for at least a few weeks now. Sure, he lied to us, but a lie about age != lying about everything, and you sure as heck know that, right? It's not that big of a deal, especially in comparison as to how you sometimes behaved on the job.

Yes, I know about the warnings I gave myself that you got rid of, for instance. You're not innocent at all here.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Not that I am taking sides here, but JQ, you have been acting very childish lately. These fights with Whocares and disrespecting others is not okay, dude. You are my friend, because you've helped me in the past, and  I am willing to forgive you, but this little stunt here has almost completely shut off your chance to get re-modded. Futhermore, not everyone is going to go about this as I am. As far as I see it , you've just made yourself target number 1.


Tacheon is not responsible for you losing your modship. I told you dozens of times last night. If you want to know the vote so bad, then fine. It was unanimous. Nobody saw you fit as a mod after your behavior. It's no personal vendetta. Tacheon didn't sweettalk anyone. Nor did he take control.

I said it before, and I'll say it again. You're making TDC some kind of twisted middle school playground. Just stop the personal attacks.


Quote from: An­ju on June 22, 2009, 11:34:36 PM
I am seventeen.

Whoa, missed that somehow before.

And now I only have three words to say to you, sir.




I could tell from that day you posted your pic in the facebook thread. You don't look like you're 29 at all! No offense...


But wait a second... does that mean you were never really in the Army?!


Only in God's Army, son.

But anyways.

If things are resolved, maybe we should lock this.


I'd like to point out though, that I'm completely amazed that JQ made a topic about him being removed from modship, into a topic about Tacheon's age.