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hey. Little help if you please :) ?

Started by mikenyc, July 05, 2011, 02:38:27 AM

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So, I`m the kid that`s grown up on PC, not nintendo, but would like to try zelda games :)
any recommendations on emulator for pc and games? ( I heard of Major's Mask and Ocarina of Time here on forum, so I will try that one :) ).


You'll definitely want to start with Ocarina of Time. It's a great introduction to the series, and Majora's Mask it its direct sequel, so you should do that one second. After that, I would highly suggest The Wind Waker (another amazing Zelda title)


Interesting, MikeNYC has the same IP as our bot buddy.

Anyhow, I agree with ZV.  OoT is the game that pretty much every true Zelda fan in this, uh, this current generation started out on.  After that, go for MM.  Then The Wind Waker, then A Link to the Past, then Twilight Princess, then whatever else you can get your hands on.


Thanx for answering.

In fact, we do have same IP, beacuse we share same wireless router...or it is a crime?:) Probably you can see where is dedicated IP location, so you can figure it out that we are on same business trip. We both just wanted to pass the time surfing and looking for itneresting sites and forums. I hope that isn't forbidden?
At the end, if someone of us wanted to hide our IP, there is always TOR browser or hide ip/ switch proxy servers. So there is no"big secret"in all this :)

Thank you again for answer.


Certainly, there is nothing wrong with two friends wanting to visit an excellent site.  We've simply had an influx of bots recently and as such we've had to be rather careful.


Your english seems broken. Where are you from, stranger? :)


If you want any suggests for emulator sites, my friend said that Vizzed is a good site to go to. And I second ZV comment about starting with Ocarina of Time first. It's not the first Zelda game, but it's theorised to be the first in the timeline. (but that's debatable)


Well, it's certainly not first anymore. XD

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Yet. ;) We still have a few more months till Skyward Sword comes out. (hype) ;D