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It's hard for me to suggest this, but...

Started by MagmarFire, October 23, 2012, 05:22:35 PM

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I think we need to replace KP as the sole administrator.

His growing tendency to not reply to our requests for fixes in a timely manner is growing more and more troublesome as our desire for more activity and freshness at the desert continues to increase.

Actually, let me rephrase my proposition: We shouldn't replace KP as the administrator; we need more administrators. That is, we need a team of people to keep the back end of the site accountable in the event that another administrator can't keep up the slack. This would also give us the opportunity to make more changes to the site in a shorter amount of time without depending on a single facilitator.

KP, buddy, we love you, but we need more people to pick up the slack for when you're not around. We know you're busy. We're all busy. That's why we need more people on the team.

Please, give us FTP and database access and let us help you with maintenance and content management. I may not be available all the time myself, but I can certainly code. Heck, it's what I do at my job. Alpha can code, too, I'm sure; and I think Tayro wouldn't mind helping, either.

So please, KP.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.



Believe it or not, I actually got a hold of KP on Facebook. He says he's able to look into the malware flagging, and I think he might have had that taken care of, so good work, man! But another thing of interest is what he said regarding FTP access.

He says he's paranoid about it since Jack has other, active sites hosted in the same space that TDC uses, so if someone unauthorized got a hold of the FTP info, all of his sites would be compromised. So we don't want that, obviously.

I'd say the next objective, then, would be to get a hold of Jack himself and ask him if (1) we can get FTP access for this subdomain, or (2) if he can give us all the files on TDC so we can transfer them over to another bit of hosting space so that we're not risking putting all of our eggs into one basket.

I'll take care of the hosting space, of course, and I'd gladly make anyone who'd want to step up to do something an administrator. Note, though, that if we go by this route, everyone will have to keep the FTP information hush-hush.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.