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Hyrule Adventures Project

Started by Darth Wyndisis, April 03, 2005, 06:49:14 PM

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Darth Wyndisis

I just read the knews about HA going down, and that sucks.  But hey, it's not the end of the world, so I have an idea.  Wouldn't it be neat to collaborate on a story set in the timeframe we were playing?  Maybe re-write some of our adventures, and continue on with our characters stories.  A lot of us weren't on there just to play the game, we were there to create good stories and practice writing, so...  What do you all think?

Jack Half a Prayer

I whole heartedly agree. I think it is a great idea to finish the stories that we were telling. Here or where ever. I was particularly fond of the interactive narative aspect, so how would you purpose that we keep that? It is vital to my story, seeing as the ending was to be determined by the sucsess of my quest.


Ah, oh yes! Nothing like a good collab on some art or another. Battlesong (http://battlesong.pitas.com/), sort of (but not really) where I'm pulling Korind from, is a writing collab from the points of views of 3 different people (and likewise 3 writers). The way we work it there is just taking turns writing from respective points of views (1st person), whether or not the characters are in the same room or not. Something like that could work here... it just might be a little chaotic in proportion to how many people we have writing in one thread. But yea, I'm in ^^.