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Hardest dungeon?

Started by MagmarFire, March 12, 2006, 09:25:03 AM

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Hence the topic name, what do you think was the hardest dungeon?

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


I didn't think of any Dungeon as being hard and if I were playing on the Gameboy rather than an em I probably wouldn't think these to be hard either. However, those darned tile fill-in floors in Turtle Rock have slowed my gameplay down to a dead stop.

I got through the first one but the one holding the Nightmare Key is whipping my butt.
[/color] :'(

Mysterious F.

It's hard remembering what to do in the 7th and 8th dungeons, though.

Hi no Seijin

I'd say the last two are the hardest.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!

Mysterious F.

Well, it definately isn't the first one. I wonder why Bow Wow or the Flying Cucco can't get into dungeons.

Hi no Seijin

I wish I could keep the flying cucco after the 7th dungeon.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!

Mysterious F.

What about both? Bow Wow eats monsters and FC can carry you across holes and stuff.

Hi no Seijin

I'd rather take out my own enemies.  And if I had Bow Wow follow me around, than I would have no good reason to get the red tunic and the L-2 sword.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


I personnly thought the second to last one was hard.


I'm having trouble with the Face Shrine right now.  I think that's the hardest dungeon so far.  Somebody on another message board said that I'd hate Eagle's Tower... I can't wait...  :-*

Hi no Seijin

Eagle's Tower is hard until you get the hang of it.  Just be careful of the boss.  He is hard.  Unless you have the Red Tunic and the L-2 sword; then it only takes two hits to beat it. :D
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


I beat the Face Shrine!  I'm so happy!   :)
I hope I don't have to dig up any more Secret Seashells to get the L2 sword... I traded my shovel for the boomerang.

Is the shovel irreplaceable, can you get it back, HELP!!
I traded it because I was desperate for the boomerang!

Now I'm even closer to Eagle's Tower...  :-*

Hi no Seijin

You can trade your boomerang back for your shovel.  And you need twenty seashells to get the L-2 sword.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


That's good to know.  I hope I can remember which seashells I have gotten already.

And the Face Shrine may have given me trouble, but the boss was really easy!