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imp's reviews and cheats

Started by Dehumanizer, December 08, 2006, 02:10:03 PM

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i have played a lot of games if you need help just ask and now the start the reviews.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (wii)

ok now the graphics are great a bet better then the cube am going give it 9/10.

Sound its a bet bad but it will do 8/10.

Gameplay the gane was fun and if it had online wow but  sill its fun 10/10.

Storyline i have not beat it yet but i like the storyline 5/5

Overall 10/10


Bomb Bag Upgrades
There are 3 bomb bags to obtain and 1 capacity upgrade that affects all 3 bags.

Bomb Bag 1 Purchace from Barnes Bomb Shop in Kakariko after 2nd temple.
Bomb Bag 2 Free the goron from the giant lava rock located underwater in zoras domain.
Bomb Bag 3 Destroy the rock barriers for the River Canoe mini-game owner.
Bomb Bag Capacity Upgrade (Double) Score 25 points or more on the River Canoe Mini-Game.

Bottle: Fishing Hole
Go to the fishing hole, and find the sign that says: No Littering! You can get a bottle if you fish on the left side of the bridge that is near that sign. Its darker water than normal

After locating the Gerudo Mesa and Cave of Ordeals in the Gerudo desert, you are able to unlock fairies and later Great Fairies at each spring around Hyrule. Smaller fairies can be bottled, restore 8 hearts when used, or when you run out of hearts. Great Fairies will give you a bottle full of Great Fairy Tears, which heal you full and temporarily boost your attack, provided you have an empty bottle and no Tears in your inventory already.

Both have an infinite supply once unlocked.

Fairies in the Eldin Spring Complete 30 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals
Fairies in the Faron Spring Complete 20 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals
Fairies in the Lanayru Spring Complete 40 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals
Fairies in the Ordon Spring Complete 10 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals
Great Fairies in all springs Complete 50 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals

Frog Fishing Lure
To unlock the Frog Fishing Lure for the Fishing Hole, you must beat all eight levels of Roal Goal, a game found in the owner's establishment. To play it, simply look at it in first person using the C button.

The game requires 5 rupees a play and you win 10 rupees for each round, and the frog lure for the eighth. (If you run short before you manage to get the lure, mowing the tall grass just outside (still in the fishing hole area) offers around 60 rupees.)
Lure description: The must-have lure for bass

Malo Mart-Castle Branch and Magic Armor
After donating 1000 rupees and completing the hot springwater sidequest, donate 2000 more rupees to Malo Mart. A new Malo Mart will open in Castle Town and magic armor will be available for purchase there.

Poe Rewards
You can unlock certain rewards for returning Poes back to Jiovani.

Bottle W/ Fairy Tears Bring back 20 Poe Souls to Jiovani.
Unlimited Rupees Bring back 60 Poe Souls to Jiovani.

Quiver Upgrades
To upgrade you arrow capacity, you need to play the "STAR" game located in the large tent in Southeast Hyrule Castle Town.

Big Quiver (60 Arrows) Beat "STAR" game lvl. 1. (Clawshot Required)
Giant Quiver (100 Arrows) Beat "STAR" game lvl. 2 .(Double Clawshot Required)

Sinker Lure
To obtain the Sinker Lure you must first catch a Hylain Pike, Hyrule Bass, and a Ordon Catfish in the fishing hole area with the lure rod. After you have caught one of each you go to the south east corner of the water closest to the house and take out your Fishing Rod(bobber). After that you will catch the Sinker Lure. Make sure Hena doesn't see you use it or she will take it away.

Unlock Special-Edition Rollgoal
If you visit the Fishing Hole in Upper Zora's River, there's a mini game Hena will let you play for 5 Rupees called Rollgoal. If you make it past 1-8, you'll be rewarded with the Frog Lure. However, if you keep going and beat the entire thing, up to and including 8-8, you'll be able to play the special-edition version of Rollgoal. You can choose any level, the cost is free, the time limit is raised to 4:00:00, and you cannot win any Rupees. Also, as an added bonus, once you beat 8-8, Hena will fill your wallet completely!

Wallet Upgrades
To upgrade your wallet size to carry more rupees, you need to catch Golden bugs for Agatha in Hyrule Castle Town.

Big Wallet Give Agatha 1 Golden Bug
Giant Wallet Give Agatha all 24 Golden Bugs

Control a Cucco!
Unlike other Zelda games (where you got attacked if you hit the Cuccos), in Twilight Princess if you hit a Cucco about 8 times, you'll be able to control it for a short period of time.

Magnetic Ceiling Glitch
This can be done wherever there is a magnetic ceiling, such as the first one encountered in Death Mountain Mines.

First equip the boots to the D-pad but don't put them on. Go under the magnetic field and equip the boots. In mid flight up to the ceiling press the - button and put an item where the iron boots were on the D-pad, and make sure the Iron boots are not anywhere on the D-Pad. Unpause the game and finish flying onto the ceiling. You should be on the ceiling with the Iron boots off and you will stay there and be able to walk faster.

To get down walk off the magnetic part of the ceiling or equip and unepuip the Iron Boots

Donation Reduction
Donate 1000 rupees to Goron inside the Malo Mart in Kakariko Village (you must progress past the third dungeon beforehand). Talk to the old Goron outside the shop and complete the quest he offers. Once completed, the second donation amount will be reduced from 2000 to 200 rupees.

Worms for fishing
If you go into the fishing hole behind the sign at the very entrance there will 3 little mounds of dirt.

Turn into the wolf and dig these up, earth worms will appear, scoop them up in an empty bottle and use them as bait for your fishing hook to make fishing extra easy!
form a site

cancer didn't beat Dio! he took cancer down to hell and left it there to burn in fire!

Check out my youtube

Pale Dim

I think the graphics should recieve an 11/10.



cancer didn't beat Dio! he took cancer down to hell and left it there to burn in fire!

Check out my youtube


1. You changed your rating scale from 10 to 5 during the review.

2.  Try to make it a bit in depth.  Give me reasons why I should play the game.  Like here's a review I wrote for a game on another site.  It's called Ratchet: Deadlocked.

"Good, but doesnt feel as complete as the others"
The fourth installment of Ratchet and Clank finds our Lombax friend fighting for his life on the underground combat sport of Dreadzone, which is kind of like Annilihation Nation from the previous game. This game still contains the humor and weaponry that made me fall in love with the series.

Story 6/10

not much of a story this time around which im sad to say. I mean it's not very detailed. Ratchet is fighting to stay alive long enough so he can find a way to escape. That's pretty much it in a nutshell, with a few twists and turns.

Gameplay 10/10

Still the fun, Ratchet style gameplay that made the previous ones good. Although there's no Clank this time around, Ratchet gets two hovering combat bots at his side who handle gadgetry like hacking (which was very tedious in the previous games), placing strategic destructives, and so on. The weapons are still fun though there's been a drastic cutback on the amount of weapons from the past games. The reason that they're still fun are the inclusion of mods. There are 2 types of mods, Alpha, and Omega. Omega mods give lasting effects to your weapon. Some are classics like the acid and shock mod. But some are really cool and unique, like the napalm and time bomb mod. Alpha mods help modify your weapon's performance like give it more ammo, or increase it's refire rate.

Graphics 10/10

Not much of an upgrade here, but it's still above average PS2 quality. This game can handle multiple explosions and lot's of enemies on the screen at the same time without lagging.

Online 8/10

not as fulfilling this time. I'm not saying that it's bad, it's just that the environments don't feel as open and explorative as the one's in Up Your Arsenal. Also the cut of Siege mode is a tragic loss. On the good points are the addition of new game modes, like King of the Hill and Juggernaut.

Overall 10/10

It's good, but short. Seasoned Ratchet fans will tear through it in about 5 or 6 hours even on the harder difficulties. Though the inclusion of over 100 more skill points will keep people busy for awhile. Not to mention the Exterminator cards that are awarded for special achievements.

Rent or Buy

If you're playing just for the single player, this game is probably a rent, unless you're a perfectionist and HAVE to get everything, this game will probably last a month. If you're going to be online, it's definitely a buy.

Reviewer's Score: 9/10, Originally Posted: 01/16/06


will ok i will try and the review i did is my 1st
cancer didn't beat Dio! he took cancer down to hell and left it there to burn in fire!

Check out my youtube


I know, it's just that revising and critique are part of the writing process.  Keep at it, and you'll do fine.

Zelda Veteran

Also, if you go to the spot behind Kakariko Graveyard, where you found Ralis, fish, and you will find a baby Hylian Loach. :D

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


cancer didn't beat Dio! he took cancer down to hell and left it there to burn in fire!

Check out my youtube







