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Kakariko Wind

Started by Zelda Veteran, September 25, 2006, 04:27:08 PM

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Zelda Veteran

[Yes guys, this is the big sequal. I have a killer storyline planned out, and chapters 1 through 3 have been written. Im not going to itaicize, because its long, and annoying. Also, Im not going to make a seperate topic for each chapter. I find that it clutters the board. Anyeways, here it is enjoy. Oh! Also text outside of the story will be in these little parenthases. :)]

Chapter One
::Out of the Stable!::

Two years after the battle...

There was a red sky above Links head. That meant rain the following night. Link was up late, almost all through the night in anticipation. He was finally going to have a place of his own! Link had stayed at Lon Lon Ranch for about a year after the battle, before he had earned enough rupees to move into the Kakariko district. He packed up his things, and said his goodbyes to Malon, Talon, and Ingo, and mounted up Epona. Malon walked up beside Link, and looked up at him. "You will drop by to visit right?" A look of dismay in her eyes. Link dismounted Epona, and gave her a big hug. "Of course I will! Its not like I'm gone forever! Cheer up!" He said in a cheery voice. "Okay! Take care of yourself!" She said, as link mounted up Epona.

As he left, even the cuccos, cows, and horses seemed to mope around. He sped down the gravel road to Kakariko, and over the stone bridge. As they proceeded up the stairs, a guard greeted them at the gates. "Welcome to Kakariko Village! What business have you here?" Link's face beamed. "I'm a new resident here!" He nearly shouted out of pride. The guard pulled out a pen and paper. "Hmmm" He looked down the list. "First name?" "Link!" The guard handed him the form. "Sign here" He tapped the dotted line with the pen. Link looked the agreement over, and signed his name on the line.  "All right, all the paper work seems to be in order! "Here is your house key!" He handed Link a key with a tag stated the house number. "Thank you", Link shouted over his shoulder as he looked around for the house.

He spotted a cozy looking place near the windmill. It sat near a gate, where the blue potions were sold. Kakariko Village was busier than Link had remembered. There were people from different parts of Hyrule, all over Kakariko. Link walked into his house, and set the keys on a table near the door. It had a fireplace, a crank box, a table, a stove, and a couple bedrooms. There was even a stable that was perfect for Epona.
Link was as happy as could be. He stepped outside, and locked the door behind him. He headed over to a market stand near the tower. They were selling furniture, and things, to decorate new

homes. "More and more people are moving here everyday!" A tiny voice said behind him. He looked down to see a child with a runny nose. "Me and my family just moved here!" He said, as he extended a hand.
"What's your name mister" Link smiled, and knelt down to shake his hand. "I'm link! Are you from around here?" "Me and my family just moved here from far away. Mommy says this is the fastest growing city, due to Hyrule Castle's new plan to improve security around this area. This is the closest place to it!" Link smiled. "Better safe than sorry I suppose!" The child held out his finger. It had a band-aid wrapped around it. "Mommy says that all the time!" He sniffed hard, sucking the snot back into his nose. He did this every so often. "How about a tissue?" Link reached into his pack, and found no tissue, but an old rag he picked up in town square. "Wow thanks! Ill trade you!" He took the rag, and blew his nose into it. He reached into his pocket, and handed link a small shard. "What's this?" Link asked, turning it over in his hand.

"I won that at Hyrule market! I don't know what it is, but its pretty!" Link smiled, and handed it back to him.
"You can keep it. I have lots of pretty things." The boy smiled "Bye mister!" The small boy took off into the crowd. Link walked over to the stand, and bought some things he could take back to his new home. As Link got to his door, he suddenly found himself lifted off of the ground. Something had him from behind...

[comments, questions?]

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


Awsome story man, its just as good as the first one!

Zelda Veteran

Ohh just wait. it gets better. And Im waiting for a few positive responces before I continue. If people dont like it, Ill have to rewrite :-*

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


Apparently, that snot nosed kid is the ancestor of the same  snot nosed kid from windwaker... Heh, now would you mind putting up more? I'd be interested to see how the plot develops, and what devices you might incorporate in this play.

Zelda Veteran

[good point DPM. The plot could go anywhere from this point. Sadly, the next chapter is just lulling the reader into a peaceful sanctum. here we go! :)]

Chapter two
::Amoung Friends!::

"Aye!! It's been a while mate!!" A voice cried from behind him. Link came to recognize the voice, and realized that his attacker was actually hugging him. His old friend had lifted him off the ground, and was swinging him around in his broad arms. "Dingo!" Link cried, as he was let go. He turned around to face him. He wasn't wearing his Knight armor, but rather, he was wearing a peasant like outfit. He was wearing what looked like dodongo skin trousers, and a leather vest, over a small undershirt. "Dingo where have you been? How are you?" Link blurted out, happy to see his friend. "Well" He started. "After the battle, the six sages, did I get that right?" He asked, still a bit confused about everything that had happened.

"Well, they prayed to the goddesses, and I was healed completely! I feel great! I settled down right here in Kakariko!" Link's jaw dropped. "Now way! I just moved here too! We're gonna be neighbors!" Link was overjoyed. Living in a peaceful town next door to a best friend. "Well, I see that! How's about we help ya move in here mate!" Link smiled, as they picked up the things Link dropped in the attack/hug, and moved them inside. Making multiple trips back and fourth from the stand to his home, he was completely moved in. It was getting late. Link had bought a clock in the shape of a gossip stone that sat on the floor. It was about 6 o' clock, and Link wasn't a bit tired.

"This calls for a celebration mate!" Dingo cried jumping for joy. When he hit the ground, an ear-shattering boom filled the village. Link laughed, and grabbed his pack.  "I'll go pick up some Goron Wine from Death Mountain!" "Alrighty, Ill round up some friends!" Dingo agreed, and they both exited the house. Dingo went to a couple houses, and disappeared around the corner.

Link untied Epona, and mounted up. "You ready to party girl?" Epona joyfully whinnied, as they dashed up side the mountain. Dodging a few falling rocks, they arrived at the entrance. A hefty Goron stood by some bomb plants. "Excuse me sir, where is the Goron wine sold?" The Goron turned around. "If you enterr the cave, take the tunnel on the left, and continue down to the second floorrr. There will be a sign that should point you the rrrest of the way." Link nodded, and thanked him. He chained Epona up outside, and disappeared inside the cave.
After following directions, and signs, He found the Wine. It was a bit over priced, but link was too happy to be upset. He bought the wine, and strapped it to Epona. "I know it's heavy girl, but try your hardest!" Epona seemed to understand. That's why he liked Epona. She always seemed to understand his words. Upon arriving back to the house, there were some lights on inside, and some other horses in the stable.

"Aww, Dingo was thinking about you girl! He rounded up some friends for you!" Link smiled, and decided to tie her up. She entered the stable, and seemed to mix right in with the group. He opened the door, and saw maybe 70 people. "Wow! What a party! Good thing I bought a lot of wine!" Link smiled, and closed the door behind him.
He woke up the next morning with a raging headache. He sat up in bed, and wondered where he was. "You alright hon?" Link yelped, as he didn't expect a voice behind him. He looked over his shoulder, and noticed a young woman lying next to him. "W-Who are you?" She smiled. "How could you not remember me?" She asked, as link pulled on his clothes and left the room. His legs ached, and his mind was bothering him. Dingo was asleep on the couch, and there were a few people on the floor. Dingo woke up, and yawned. He smiled. "Some party eh? You never know who you're going to wake up with! He laughed. "Wait... I was drunk?" Link sounded shocked. "Yeah, all it took was a half a glass, and you were gone. You're a light weight mate!" Link looked around. "Why does my head hurt?" He asked. "Wow, you have a hangover? One glass of wine? You need to party more!"

Link frowned, and shook his head. He walked out into the bright Kakariko sunrise, and came to his senses upon smelling the cool air. It had rained, and Epona was sleeping. There was one other horse with her, and she was up and about. About an hour later, link was dressed, groomed, and out the door. He wanted to explore his new town. It was growing bigger everyday; and he couldn't wait to see more.

[I think I'll post chapter three in a minute, due the fact that I'll be leaving to eat soon. Hang tight, i might post it.]

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


Zelda Veteran

[Thanks. And now, the tension of the story is building up ::)
Chapter 3
::The Mysterious Keaton men::

It was a cool morning, and the breeze blew just right. There were only a few people out at the hour. In view was a father heading out on a wagon, the mailman, and the child with the runny nose. Link looked up into the burning red morning sun. However something was blocking his view creating an eclipse. Link was a bit surprised to see a man on his roof in fact he was a tad angry. "Hey, get off of my house!" He shouted thinking about rather to shoot him with an arrow or not. The man was in a purple and black cloak that reached his ankles, and bore the Sheikah eye on the back. He wore a mysterious hood that shadowed his face, but not enough to reveal a smile. The man seemed to disappear with the wind. Link looked around his roof shocked. "W-Where could he have gone?" Link said aloud, now searching the rim of the cliffs. "If you're looking for me, you're in all the wrong places..." A voice said behind him.

Link whirled around only to see the man disappear again. "Who are you?!" Link shouted, now a bit frightened. A voice came from every direction. "I am the embodiment of shadow." Link was shocked. "Is that right? I'm the embodiment of light!" Link cried as he drew his sword and shield. "You can't comprehend movements boy..." The wind whispered, as the man seemed to dance around the air. Finally he stopped, and landed about 6 feet away from Link. "C'mon. I dare you. Try to fight." The man teased. Link was now angry. "You will not threaten my new home!" He nearly screamed, as he charged the shadow, sword in a position to thrust. Link plowed into the man, and hit the ground. When Link looked around, the man was nowhere to be seen. "B-But I hit him! I felt it!" He panicked. The man was again on his roof, and smiled. "You've done well hero of time. He snickered. Until we meet again. He hissed, fading into the sun.

"Who was that guy?" Link said aloud. He sheathed his sword, and put away his shield. Walking back to the stable, he found that Dingo was up and around again. Epona whinnied, and it was manifest that she wanted loose. "Alright girl, we'll go for a spin around Lon Lon Ranch! Epona's ears perked at the mention of her home. Link mounted up, and was headed for the gates of Kakariko, when he heard a shout for help. "AHHH MOMMY!!" The voice cried. Link whirled around. It was the child with the runny nose. He was in the arms of a man in a Keaton mask. "Hey! Hold on!" Link shouted, Epona turning in that direction of her own accord. In mid gallop, Epona reared up, and Link fell off. He hit the ground with a heavy thud, and scrambled to his feet drawing his sword.

Epona had reared up, because another man in a Keaton mask had cut her front leg. "Go get Dingo girl!" Link hollered not taking his eyes off the Keaton masked man. These men were wearing dark purple clothing, and wore Keaton masks to hide their faces. Link noticed that Dingo already had his hands full with another Keaton warrior. Link gritted his teeth. He had to save the child. Only one thing stood in his way. "Alright, lets dance!" Link shouted charging forward. It was apparent that they excelled in speed and agility. The Keaton man leapt over Link, and tried to attack from behind. However, Link had followed his movements, and blocked with his shield. They were using daggers to attack. Although they had a short reach with a dagger, it was easy to break a defense with such speed.

Link leapt back about 10 feet from the man, and drew his bow. Firing off five arrows in the man's direction, only hit. The man pulled the arrow out, and a smirk was most likely hidden behind the mask. As if this wasn't enough, 3 more Keaton warriors were leaping upon rooftops. They leapt into the fray. Now there was one fighting Link, one fighting Dingo, one kidnapping the child, and one fighting a Kakariko guard. The other was raiding homes. "What is it you want?" Link cried firing off three more arrows, and drawing his sword. The man was silent, as he dodged these arrows, and came in for another attack. However, he stopped short, and flew left. It was actually more a tumble than a side step. Judging the warrior's surprise, he looked as if he was hit with something.

Looking around, he was struck again by an unseen force, this time down for the count. Link glanced around looking for the source of the blows, fearing that he was next. "Who are you?" Something created a shadow over him. Turning around, there was a form in the setting sun. "You!" Link shouted. It was the hooded sheikah he had fought only minutes before. "Why are you helping me now?" Link's question was unanswered, as the man leapt off of the roof, and into help Dingo. Link now had his sights set on one thing. The child. The man was on his way out of town, and was stopped by a guard. The guard fought long enough for link to get there, but fell to the man's blade.

"What do you want from this boy?" The small boy's face was now drenched in tears. He was shaking in fear. "M-Mister hero?" The boy stammered struggling to see. "I wont let you leave!" Link didn't have to dash, for the man in the mask had charged link. The battle was on.

[you guys didnt think the story would be boring now did you? :) The next chapter is in progress!]

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Zelda Veteran

Quote from: Dark & Phreaky man! on September 25, 2006, 09:49:25 PM
Apparently, that snot nosed kid is the ancestor of the same  snot nosed kid from windwaker
It sure is! possibly his great great great great grandpa :P and whats with the name change Dark & Freaky man? :P
double posted. Also, if nobody responds, then ill have to double post top post the next chapter, assuming you guys are interested. ;)

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


I like how the story is getting much darker and steadily more sinister. How about including more points of the shadow sheikah? I highly recommend adding some parts and ideas of the dark history of Kakariko and the Sheikah.

I also finished your other fanfic. It was nice, but there were quite a few continuity errors. In fact, Impa was said to be killed by Ganon, but she then appears as a sage... Also The current work seems to be far more organized and neat. I noticed a grave lack of quotation marks in  the other one. But now, this one is getting much better...

Now for some trulyy crazy stuff! Onwards with the tale!

Zelda Veteran

Chapter Four
::A new friend. A new journey::

The man had set the boy down and ordered him to stay, which he obeyed. Unsheathing his dagger, he lunged at Link, and aimed straight for his throat. Link was experienced, and knew well enough what to do. Ducking down under the blade, he countered by ramming his hilt in an uppercut. The Keaton man, stumbled back. "You're good..." The man hissed. Dingo had killed the man who was raiding houses, and opted to join Link. "Hold on Dingo. I need to fight this guy. Let me handle this." Although surprised, Dingo nodded, and instead grabbed the boy, and took off towards his house. "No you don't!" The Keaton man screamed. In an instant he was on Dingo's tail. Link had no time to react to this either. A wind blew, and the man was knocked to his back.

There stood the sheikah man garbed in purple. "Don't come back..." The man said, as needles seemed to fly out of nowhere, grimly striking their target. Dingo turned around to see this happening just feet from him. Link however had to jog to the location. Link huffed and puffed. "He's fast!" Link said now standing upright. Dingo set the boy down, and frowned. "We still have company." He muttered. Up on top of Kakariko's monument, the windmill stood a man in black, wearing an all night mask. He floated back into the mist that had sprung up behind him.

"Who was that?" Link asked, the question more directed at the sheikah man in the cloak rather than Dingo. "He's not important now. Look at the boy." The boy looked at himself, as if expecting to see something, rather he did. In fact, his pocked had a green aura around it. He reached in his pocked, and held in his hand a green stone. "Hey!" Link cried surprised. "That's the stone you showed me yesterday right?" The boy nodded, and sniffled. Wiping his nose, he handed the stone to Link. "If you still want it, it's yours." Link took it, and placed it somewhere in his tunic. "I think I'll hang on to it." The man in the cloak stared at the boy. "And where did you get that gemstone?"

The boy smiled, obviously liking the attention. "I won it at a cart game!" The man sighed. "What is the world coming to? Where a boy of six years can win such a sacred stone at a cart game. It's time I introduced myself. My name is Rebon. I'm not affiliated with Ganon if that's what you were wondering." Link shook his head. "No, he's sealed up tight, along with everyone else I've fought." He rolled his eyes. "But that's what worries me." Dingo said looking off into the distance. "No matter how many villains there are, evil will always be at large. I'm still wondering about the man in the all night mask." Rebon sighed. "Listen, I have information for your ears only. Is there a secure location around?" Link thought this over, and pointed toward the windmill. "That's a good spot. The Hurdy Gurdy Man doesn't play there until sunset." Rebon nodded, and they started off toward the windmill, Kakariko's monument. After dropping the boy off to a grateful mother, they proceeded inside.

Inside, Rebon stood on the platform where the Hurdy Gurdy Man usually stands, and cleared his throat. "The gang is called 'Majora' named after the evil hex master himself." Dingo looked astonished. "Is that why they all where them Keaton masks?" Rebon nodded once more, and answered. "Depending on rank, they each where a different mask. I've been watching them for some time now. The most common rank is the Bremen mask. Next come the Don Garo mask, and then the Keaton. I've never seen an All night mask rank, but I'm sure they are powerful. They're leader's name is unknown, however he wears the evil mask itself." Link stood up. DinDamnit, how many of the mask are there?!?!" Dingo frowned. "Aye, watch your mouth, we may be praying to her later!" Link sat down, a bit ashamed, but still overwhelmed. "Where are their headquarters?" Link asked. Rebon smiled. "Follow me. I'll show you."

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Zelda Veteran

Chapter Five
::The far side of the mountain::

Link trudged through the swamp. His boots made a slish-slosh sound as they penetrated the water more and more. "Are we there yet?" Link complained. "Almost! Just a bit further." Responded Rebon. Link did seem rather impressed. "I've never been on the far side of Death Mountain." He said clearly breath taken that he had never thought to explore this region. "Aye! This is Midoro Swamp! Knights have to pass a geography test as well as many others. Just beyond here lie the ruins of a sheikah village. Link's eyes widened. "Really? Wow! That's so cool!" Link had always been fascinated with the sheikah race. Dingo exchanged a nervous glance with Rebon. "Mate. Their headquarters are in the ruins right?" Rebon looked away, and said nothing, as they continued on.

"No way! This is strictly forbidden!" Dingo nearly shouted. Rebon stared at him. "I know it's dangerous, but completely necessary." Link stopped. "Wait. Why? Why are we following them? Why did they want that stone? And what's forbidden?" Rebon seemed bothered by all the questions. "I'll explain on the way, just keep moving." The forest was teeming with life. Ropes in the trees, and guay munching on berries. Rebon interrupted Link's thoughts. "They were after the stone because it holds a mystical power. A power that if harnessed, could spell disaster even to those pure of heart. You see, if infused with the power of the evil mask, the wielder would be unstoppable. Even the gods would be at his beck and call." Link and Dingo both seemed bothered by the thought of such power.

"And somehow that boy won it at a cart game." Rebon continued. "It makes me wonder who exactly was running the cart. And if they aren't stopped now, they will only grow in strength." Link now understood fully. "Alright. So how do we stop them?" Although the question seemed to be directed at Rebon, Dingo answered. "I'm really not sure, nor confident. From what I've picked up, they are of great numbers, and powerful at that." Rebon nodded, and pulled his cloak over him a bit more. "You're correct. I really haven't a plan at destroying them yet, but I must show you their base of operations." "This time, I wont just destroy the wielder of the mask. The mask must be destroyed for good." Link said as he trudged through the swampy waters. Dingo snickered. "And how long have you been fighting this mask?" Link frowned. "Look, at least I'm making progress! They came to a clearing, and Link pushed some branches out of his way, as he stepped out into the open. What Link saw took his breath away...

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Zelda Veteran

Chapter Six
::Someone or something. Or both...::

The ruins of a civilization. Buildings half standing, pillars lining the ruins. Markings, and alters without walls. Turned up earth, dead grass, and destroyed houses. An eerie silence filled the air, and sent shivers up the spines of all in earshot. "W-what happened?" Link asked clearly astonished. Rebon looked away. "The keaton mercenaries. That's what crippled the civilization years ago. The sheikah were powerful warriors. But the Keaton outnumbered them by far. It was over before it began." Dingo now looked shocked as well. "Aye! That's not what the king told us! He said it was a plague!" Rebon eyed him. "That's what the public is to know. The truth is that the king has feared this growing army, and doesn't want the people to panic. Only those of us survivors know the truth..." Link took a couple steppes and turned around. "You... You're a survivor?" Rebon nodded. "We were the strongest. Only I and a couple other warriors were wise enough to know our limits."

Link strolled along the dead streets, and read old yellowed flyers, and looked deeply hurt. "Why would they do this?" Dingo, right behind Link, answered. "My best guess is that they didn't want the Sheikah uniting with the Hylians. If that were to happen, there would be strength of the highest caliber." Rebon was leaping from the broken monuments. "That's right Dingo. You're pretty sharp." Dingo smiled. "You can't be stupid if you're going to be knight of Hyrule." Link balled his fists, and said in a low tone. "How could they... Such a proud race of people... They wont get away with this. We'll make them pay." Dingo took a step toward Rebon. "Aye. He dangerous in this state. When he's like this, he's nearly unstoppable." This caught Rebon's interest. "Really now? Hmm... Yes, I can feel an immense rage building within his heart." A new voice interjected.

"Revenge... It sounds so sweet..." Link whirled around, and saw nothing. The voice came again. "You seek revenge for my people..." Link followed the source, as well as Dingo and Rebon. It was a man standing on the highest remaining building. He was dressed in red and black armor, and had a cut off robe. He bore the sheikah symbol, and had a samurai sword on his side. He had a broad face, and distinguishing facial features. He wore a pair of tabi tied up to his knees in an odd fabric. He hopped down, and stared Link in the eye. His eyes seemed to pierce the mind, and soul. "I've been planning to start a rebellion against them." He started off. "They destroyed my people, burned our crops, killed our children and raped our women." Link had a new rage building now. "I'll never forgive them..."

Dingo stepped forward. "Are you a survivor?" Rebon appeared out of nowhere in front of Dingo. "His name is Rendd. Rendd Hakibu." Rendd eyed Rebon. "And you are Rebon Kenshi." Rebon smiled. "Looks like we know more about each other than we first thought." Rendd nodded. "We are the few remaining survivors. I've been watching you." Rebon closed his eyes. "And I you." Link looked confused. "Wait, you guys know each other?" His question remained unanswered as something caught his attention. Dingo had noticed it too, for he uttered one word. "Moblins." Rendd and Rebon drew their weapons, as did Link and Dingo. Three, four five. Six seven, and eight. Eight moblins emerged from the trees, spears in hand. One of them uttered a roar, and charge. Link was well prepared, as he lead the group into battle. In front, he collided with the first moblin...

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Zelda Veteran

Chapter Seven
::Moblin raid::

The collision knocked Link a bit off balance, but he soon regained his center, and raised his shield to block the moblin's spear. This knocked him on his back, and the moblin stomped on his chest, a small scream emitting from Link, and prepared to drive the spear through him. Link saw it coming, and squirmed to the side, so it barely missed. The spear, now stuck in the ground, rendered the moblin weaponless. The moblin, still holding onto his weapon, was caught off guard when Link shoved his sword straight into its arm! It uttered a cry of pain, and stepped back. Link, back on his feet, was ready for it once again. The moblin charged, and threw its weapon, which caught Link completely off guard, however somehow it missed, and the moblin soon found the master sword closer than it had preferred. Link found a new target, and prepared for another battle

Rebon had decided to take the second moblin to the left, and headed straight for it. The moblin smiled, as Rebon had his defenses completely down. He raised his spear, and drove it straight through Rebon's neck. The moblin watched Rebon fall to the ground, and lowered his weapon, laughing a deep laugh. Then he realized that only clothes remained. The creature felt a stabbing pain in his back, as the real shadow master had cut straight down its spinal cord, killing it instantly. Rebon disappeared with the wind, seeking his next target.

Dingo's armor shined with the crest of a knight, as he held his broadsword in hand. It collided with the moblin's spear in a show of sparks. The beast tried to kick Dingo back, but he was steady and strong, and moved no further than an inch. "Die scum!" He cried, as he swung his sword straight into the moblin, knocking it to its side. It was down, but not out. It regained its footing, and charged Dingo yet again. Dingo expertly dodged, and countered with a lethal strike that connected with grim accuracy. "Aye mate! Who's next?"

Rendd seemed so prepared, that he made his kill look easy. The moblin using no skill at all charged the sheikah. The monster stabbed, only to strike air. The sheikah had instantly disappeared, and rose from the shadows behind him. The moblin turned around in time to see him disappear yet again, and only to feel his body over come with pain of the highest caliber. Never had the creature felt such immense pain. It doubled over, and dropped its weapon. Rendd appeared above him, and delivered a blow that ended it instantly. "Revenge..." He muttered, his thirst somewhat satisfied, but not before another kill.

Dingo had found his new target, however it was closer than wanted. Dingo's armor was nearly pierced by the moblin's spear, but not completely. The moblin's had great power, but lacked speed and skill. The monster jabbed at him again, but the spear was dodged, and Dingo was already in motion for another attack. The monster had no time to react. The sword was upon it, vanquishing it instantly.

Rendd had found his target, and the monster's eyes couldn't keep up. The man was too fast to see. The monster tucked itself to endure a blow. A smart move from the beast, for the blow was delivered. Rendd had cut the thread holding it's armor up, and the moblin seemed shocked when its armor fell off. Rendd circled him cutting him here and there, and it screeched, as it stabbed at the air. Obviously aggravated, it screeched again, getting nowhere. Rendd delivered the final blow to the back of its head. A gruesome sight, the monster fell.

Link was already in progress with another moblin. It was powerful, but Link wielded the legendary blade. The blade seemed to repel the monster, for it reared back every time the sword drew near. Link swept his foot below the monster, knocking it to the ground. The ground shook as it fell, and link was already standing on it, stabbing madly. The monster was dead within minutes. One left, and Rebon was dealing with it.

Rebon seemed to fade in and out of existence, as he danced around the moblin, toying with its eyes. Nothing pisses an aggressive monster off more, than when it cannot make contact with its foe. It roared, and a smile was visible on Rebon's face, as he disappeared around the monster. The beast looked around confused. All of a sudden, cuts began opening up on the beast. Cuts appearing everywhere on its body, the moblin made a futile attempt at stopping himself from being cut, by swinging his spear around. The moblin soon bled to death, as it uttered its final curses.

Rebon appeared once again, cleaning, and sheathing his dagger. Link, Dingo, and Rendd also proceeded to cleaning their own blades. "I hate moblins!" Link said angrily. Rendd smiled. "Really? I rather enjoy their company. They are stupid, and killed so easily, its almost not even a challenge, rather a free kill." Link frowned. "Stupid or not, they still kind of give me chills the way they roar. Anyways, where did they come from? Moblins aren't born with weapons and armor. They have to come from some where." Rebon nodded. "Good point. We'll have to continue on. Perhaps the source of the moblins is that of the Keaton." "Aye. That's a thought..." Dingo said rubbing his chin. "Alright!" Link said confidently. "Lets go crush the rest of them!" They all stepped into the forest that could soon be their demise...

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


Hehehe... You definitely have a great storyline planned out, ZV! :D

Hit us with the next chapter! :D

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Vair nice, I loved the fight scene!