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Join the Revolution, Stop the chat words and use full sentences

Started by Howl, December 03, 2006, 12:37:42 PM

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Stop the 1337 chat, put this in your sig
 Chat speak is putting numberin sentences like this:BTW u rock lol this is g8t.

I like lol and OMG, but that's it.

never mind it sreaches the page , BUT JOIN ME

Rev Rabies


D00d dis is h0w w3 t41k.  D0N't t311 u5 h0\/\/ t0 t4lk N00b.

Nah seriously, that actually took me like a minute to type.  I hate when people type like that.  Proves how uneducated they are.


OK, your just doing that to annoy me, and I did'nt make it clear enough, it's ok to type a few things like what you did Dr. Rabies, but not in every single word, like what MRC did.She used it in every word. Don't be like her. I still use chat ocsonally.


I know, it annoys me to no end when people type like that.


I almost went mad when you typed that Gamefreak, it was had to read :-*

Zelda Veteran

yeah, it was originaly created by a group of mods to speak without members knowing, but members caught on. :P

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


VVI-I1l3 1 5upp0r+ pr0p3r gr4mm4r, 1 cI0n'+ m1ncI p30pl3 u51n' l337-5p34I<. 1+'5 0I<4y 1f cI0n3 pr0p3rly. I3u+ 0nly +I-I3n. 1 c4n'+ 5+4ncI "vv4nn4I> l337. 4ncI vv1+I-I +I-I4+ 1 m34n:

Lol, U sux0rz!1!!!1 u n00bs r funny!!11 ROFL

1f +I-I3 m3554g3 I-I45 5uI>5+4nc3 4ncI 1f 1+ 15n'+ u53cI 24-7 I>y c3r+41n 1ncI1v1cIu4l5, +I-I3r3'5 n0+I-I1ng vvr0ng vv1+I-I 1+.


While I support proper grammar, I don't mind people using l337-speak. It's okay if done properly. But only then. I can't stand wannabe l337. And with that I mean:

Lol, U sux0rz!1!!!1 u n00bs r funny!!11 ROFL

If the message has substance and isn't used 24-7 by certain indivduals, there's nothing wrong with it.


I agree 1000%. Typing normal is the best way to go. It take me like a minute to read 1337-speak or whatever it's called.

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


lol i dought that any of you have ever played MMORPG's before if your so Alien to it, in almost all of them about half the words are 1337 style. but alas i do agrea with you on speaking normaly, it is a lot easier to read:)

Pale Dim
