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New Versions?

Started by Knil, January 18, 2007, 07:36:14 AM

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I like LoZ and Aol but I find myself just not interested in the games because of the graphics.  I hate to admit it, but I will not play those because of that.  So what are your thoughts if they made a revamped versions of the games?  Not added anything to them, just make it look better.


 >:(you fiend(that sums up my feelings pretty much) how dare you mess with the originals!

Eralk Fang

It depends. I'm against taking them all the way into 3D, as then they just wouldn't be the same game anymore. Taking them to the level of, say, Minish Cap, I wouldn't be totally against. But there's nothing like the original.

Hi no Seijin

If it's not broke, don't fix it.  I know that was cliche, but it's true.  There's nothing wrong with the graphics.  They're cool in their own way.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
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Well Square Enix had alot of success taking their 3 Final Fantasy NES games and updating graphics, sound, etc and rereleasing them. Hopefully, Nintendo doesn't try that as it would not be the same if they changed it.


I didn't mean to 3-D, but to like minish cap like Eralk Fang said.  I hope they do do something like they did to LA-LA DX, but not add anything like they did with A Link to the Past with Four Swords.


 :-\I suppose that would be acceptable...I did think MC had excellent graphics for a 2d game....I think they should release the first two games for gameboy though...


Are you talking about the old Gameboy or do you mean the Gameboy Advance, because both games are available on the Gameboy Advance.


I dinna know that... ::)I'm savig up now.


You can find them pretty cheap on Ebay.


dude...five bucks is a lot for me...especially when I have to buy tickets for Winter Ball on Saturday.

Hi no Seijin

Quote from: Knil on January 18, 2007, 07:15:19 PM
I didn't mean to 3-D, but to like minish cap like Eralk Fang said.  I hope they do do something like they did to LA-LA DX, but not add anything like they did with A Link to the Past with Four Swords.
They did add something to the DX version of LA.  It's called the Color Dungeon, and in it you could change the color of your tunic.  Red meant more offensive power, and blue meant more defense.

And yeah, I can see what you're saying, bgrugby.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


Expanding it would be good...I would like for them to make Master Quests of a lot of the games actually. Maybe make TP harder...


I see nothing wrong in remaking the games...
If they like add better graphics... I can't understand how that can hurt the originals... the originals won't be changed at all...


The originals won't be changed at all ... except they would completely different ...