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Started by Mr. bubbles, July 02, 2007, 10:18:32 AM

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Mr. bubbles

what are your hobbies.
Mine are archery, cooking, model railroading, and carving.
I Like Pie.


Archery, cooking, drawing, reading, writing, and if I can, horseback riding.

Mr. bubbles

You do archery to. What kind of bow do you have? I have a compound bow.
I Like Pie.


I used to have a long bow, now I have a composite bow. I haven't used it in a while...


i like drawing anime  :D


Drawing, reading, basketball(being short makes it hard 8)), the intarwebz, swimming, video games, thats about all I can do.


I like rifle shooting, Scouts, model making, and most of all, Video Games!


Quote from: Zoratunic on July 02, 2007, 05:39:25 PM
I like rifle shooting, Scouts, model making, and most of all, Video Games!
What are you shooting at?  :o


He's shooting at the rifles. Don't you pay attention?

I like writing and sports. and video games. That's about it.


I like: Drawing, writing, videogames (espeacially Zelda!  :) ), anime, computer, drawing blueprints for buildings and later making them on the Sims 2, making clay figures...umm...spending time with distant family, school (believe it or not), annnd...that's about it.


Hah, I have no distant family to speak of or visit.

What am I to say about hobbies that everyone else here has already said? I like games, of course, especially old school ones. And classical music with weird literature, which reminds me...


A good deal of my time is spent here now.  However, I play games, and I've taken up jogging and guitar playing this Summer.

TP Zelda


I always wipe my hands off on my pants.
I listen to music all the time.
And others but I can't remember them... and one I will NEVER TELL YOU!!


You make a hobby out of obsessing over certain anime characters?

TP Zelda

That's one. XDD Thank you for reminding me, JQ.  :)