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I'm thinking...

Started by JDog, August 20, 2007, 05:55:10 PM

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Of leaving, idk, Im just getting kinda tired of coming here for some odd reason, idk, maybe its the fact that I come here like all the time, but idk, I just don't have as much fun here anymore, none of my friends that I use to have come here anymore, and when they do, I rarely see them... idk, Im just, drifting away I guess, but idk, I might change my mind...



But don't leave, if this is all about today, I get like this even with my friends.  Just ask Dr. Rabies.

Commodore Axilon

I'm taking bets on how long until he changes his mind. 5 minutes? 10 minutes? 15 minutes?!



We don't want you to leave, just slow down on the topics!


I give him a week.

Anyways, don't leave. I'll make this face if you leave: ):


Nothing really, just the mass of topics that he made, and we yelled at him on.


well, idk, I am just getting sorta bored here, thats all, its not about the posts or anything, I just get kinda bored of coming here every day... idk...


oh, i can never think of new topics to post.. the only things that are going on is im fish are sick and im trying to get stronger... borring  8)


well, I said I was thinking about it, I never said I was leaving... I just need... a break...

Hi no Seijin

I also highly suggesting putting some more thought into your posts.  If you're not adding anything new to the topic, then it's probably a good idea not to post.  Taking some time to spell check and grammar check your post wouldn't hurt either.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


i dont mind bad grammer.. who need grammer anyway w00t!



What is it with you people insulting my grammer?


i just said i dont care about misspeled wurds  ;)


Thank you! geez, least some one doesn't yell at me when I miss spell a word, geez. or make a simple little grammer error...