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Na na na na hey hey hey good bye

Started by Howl, September 14, 2007, 03:55:41 PM

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Guys, I feel like I am the one that helped cause a lot of the past troubles. I think I caused a new one. I'm not sure if this belongs in the Chat or in this board. I feel that I should say that I'm sorry for every being mad, annoying, or being a rebel. I want to say that I'm sorry to all mods and past mods, for being the one to stir trouble at times. I would like to say sorry to all the members, young and old, new and veteran, because I've let you down. I clearly promised to help TDC rebuild. Sadly I wasn't there when Jack was gone for so long. I wish I was more active, and yet I wasn't. If I was here more when that happened, maybe things could of gone differently. My goal was to become a mod and to have fun. The modship was right there, but I didn't "grab" it when I had the chance. This was not an evil goal. I just wanted to be a leader, rather then a follower.

I don't know if I should go or stay. I know that if I stay, my reputation can climb higher, or get worse. If I go, I won't know if I'll be remembered for the good things that I contributed, If I did give anything to this site. I want to be remembered as the upbeat wolf I once was. Not the depressing person sitting at the keyboard now.
One last request I have. I would love to talk to you guys on something called vent. Go to the link below, and if you want, we can have a heart to heart talk, when you get it, ask me for the server info and if you have questions about installing it. All you need is a mic, and it's free to install. I'll be happy to talk to you guys.

And with that, I'll watch this topic, but for the hour I bid you Ado.

    With Love from your favorite wolf
PS.Remember me
        Vent Install. Website-


Whoooooooooooa.....hold there. You didn't cause any troubles that we're worried about. You did not cause a new problem by coming back, Howl. In all reality, it was I who ultimately started it, however inadvertently. Evilbob was mad at us mods and at Gamefreak for being strict about enforcing warnings about one of the words that Jack banned.

It wasn't your fault, Howl. Besides, if you're bothered by what you think you did in the past, forget about it. It's the past. It's behind us for a reason: to learn from it, not run from it. If we run from it, we cannot learn from it, but if we learn from it, we won't HAVE to run from it.

Please don't leave because you feel guilty because you shouldn't feel guilty; you didn't do anything wrong.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Mysterious F.

Actually, Howl, you didn't do anything at all, nor did you really have anything to do with that. And it's nothing to worry about, far worse arguments have existed. Please don't make a big deal out of this, I wouldn't like seeing you go.


Right now, I feel as it is my fault. I feel as if I'm stirring up past conflicts that happened a year ago. This right now, these are my Dark Ages, where the pain won't end and it feels like a thousand knives are sitting above me, waiting to come down on me if I do something wrong. I'm not turning crazy on you guys. But your probley all wondering "Wheres the upbeat, fun Howl we all knew and loved." Well I don't know where she went. I'll dig her up on day, I can promise that. What I can't promise is that I'll stay, right now I feel like I'm stressing this place, rather then helping it.


Quote from: Howl on September 14, 2007, 04:26:51 PM
But your probley all wondering "Wheres the upbeat, fun Howl we all knew and loved."

No, we're not. Again, you're not hurting the place by staying. In fact, you are helping; after Evilbob left, you came back the same day. That's a good thing! We need members here! It'd be a terrible blow to the forums if another veteran member like you left for good.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Commodore Axilon

Honestly, I have no idea what you're talking about. What exactly was it that you think you did?


I think I did everything, ranged from the good to the bad.

Mysterious F.

The only ones who can truly be blamed for major TDC conflicts sicne you left are me, bgrguby, and JQ, as we were the ones who did most of the fighting. No one else has done anything wrong yet.


Howl, you can't you leave, if you do, I'll be crushed, as well as the forum, you're a great member, you're like one of my favs from the past, the forum will be a real bore without our little wolf friend here... sorry, im not very good at this nice comment stuff, hehe... but please stay.


At least you meant it, JDog, and that's all that matters. ;)

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


yea, at least I do don't I. lol, anywho, back on topic, howl if you leave, my life will be over...

Mysterious F.

To put it in a nutshell: Howl, if you leave, you'd be leaving for no apparent reason, lose some very good friends, and continue to feel bad about yourself for a long period of time with no hope for feeling better. That is very likely not what you want, so stay instead, as you have done nothing wrong, despite whatever guiltyness you have. A large number of us feel guilty for contributing to the chaos of the site at one point or another, you're not the only one. Please don't feel you've done anything wrong.


Quote from: Nausea on September 14, 2007, 07:24:43 PM
yea, at least I do don't I. lol, anywho, back on topic, howl if you leave, my life will be over...
I highly doubt it would be OVER, but, I'm still thinking about it.


Come on, I one of the new ones here and I still know you've done nothing wrong! You're awesome Howl, you'll regret leaving if you do.


How you know I'm awesome, is beyond me. Wow even new people are like "DON'T LET GO!" I feel loved *blush*