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Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock and Rock Band update

Started by DW, September 15, 2007, 08:38:20 AM

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This ought to help cheer Gamefreak and a few others up...the new GameInformer came in last night, and they had a review on GHIII, with more info of course. It seems that there will be a boss battle with Tom Morrello as well as Slash, which pretty much guarantees others as well. The game is looking solid, it's the most engaging entry into the series yet. They've even increased the window for hitting the notes by a split second, a welcome change for me, who can't strum up and down to save my life ::)The only problem with it is a very questionable way of unlocking songs. If you play Hard Mode, you'll only unlock the Hard Mode songs, and not the Easy, Medium, and Expert songs. If you want those, you'll have to change the career difficulty and play through that to unlock more, and then you STILL have to change difficulty again if you want to play the ones you've already unlocked. It doesn't sound like too big a problem though.

Anyways, here's Rock Bands song list so far:

Rolling Stones--Gimme Shelter
The Who--Won't Get Fooled Again
Mountain--Mississippi Queen
David Bowie--Suffragette City
Black Sabbath--Paranoid
Blue Oyster Cult--Don't Fear the Reaper
The Ramones--Blitzkrieg Bop (YAY!)
Deep Purple--Highway Star
Rush--Tom Sawyer ( ;D)
Bon Jovi--Wanted Dead or Alive ( ;D ;D)
The Clash--Should I Stay or Should I Go?( ;D ;D ;D)
Faith No More--Epic
Foo Fighters--Learn to Fly
Metallica--Enter Sandman( ;D ;D ;D ;D)
Nirvana--In Bloom( ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D)
Stone Temple Pilots--Vasoline(SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!)
Weezer--Say it Ain't So
Smashing Pumpkins--Cherub Rock
Beastie Boys--Sabotage
The Hives--Main Offender
Queens of the Stone Age--Go With the Flow
The Strokes--Reptilia
Jet--Are You Gonna Be My Girl
OK Go--Here it Goes Again( ;D)
Nine Inch Nails--The Hand That Feeds(YAY!

And that's it. Discuss.


I'm not a huge fan of Guitar Hero, but my friend is. He says it has made him a better typer. So you got you're game informer already? Mine hasn't, but I don't think the mail has come yet today.

Twilight Wolf

They need to put some Beatles music in Guitar Hero. Seriously. They had some really great songs you could rock out to, and they deserve recognition in something like this. Without them, rock would be nothing!
What, you expect me to say something witty?

Rev Rabies

Quote from: Shikamaru Nara on September 15, 2007, 08:38:20 AM
This ought to help cheer Gamefreak and a few others up...the new GameInformer came in last night, and they had a review on GHIII, with more info of course. It seems that there will be a boss battle with Tom Morrello as well as Slash, which pretty much guarantees others as well. The game is looking solid, it's the most engaging entry into the series yet. They've even increased the window for hitting the notes by a split second, a welcome change for me, who can't strum up and down to save my life ::)The only problem with it is a very questionable way of unlocking songs. If you play Hard Mode, you'll only unlock the Hard Mode songs, and not the Easy, Medium, and Expert songs. If you want those, you'll have to change the career difficulty and play through that to unlock more, and then you STILL have to change difficulty again if you want to play the ones you've already unlocked. It doesn't sound like too big a problem though.

Anyways, here's Rock Bands song list so far:

Rolling Stones--Gimme Shelter
The Who--Won't Get Fooled Again
Mountain--Mississippi Queen
David Bowie--Suffragette City
Black Sabbath--Paranoid
Blue Oyster Cult--Don't Fear the Reaper
The Ramones--Blitzkrieg Bop (YAY!)
Deep Purple--Highway Star
Rush--Tom Sawyer ( ;D)
Bon Jovi--Wanted Dead or Alive ( ;D ;D)
The Clash--Should I Stay or Should I Go?( ;D ;D ;D)
Faith No More--Epic
Foo Fighters--Learn to Fly
Metallica--Enter Sandman( ;D ;D ;D ;D)
Nirvana--In Bloom( ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D)
Stone Temple Pilots--Vasoline(SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!)
Weezer--Say it Ain't So
Smashing Pumpkins--Cherub Rock
Beastie Boys--Sabotage
The Hives--Main Offender
Queens of the Stone Age--Go With the Flow
The Strokes--Reptilia
Jet--Are You Gonna Be My Girl
OK Go--Here it Goes Again( ;D)
Nine Inch Nails--The Hand That Feeds(YAY!

And that's it. Discuss.

hmm... that is a pretty dumb idea regarding to the difficulty thing, they should keep it the same way


Yeah, that's what I thought too, then I realized I could gloat over my sister having only the Easy difficulty songs while I have all of them :P

Rev Rabies

that kinda is messed up though, what if gamefreak came over and wanted to play guitar hero 3, but i only have hard mode unlocked, he plays on expert so he would be screwed


No, you can play any level, just there are different encores on each level that can only be played on said level.


Blue Oyster Cult--Don't Fear the Reaper
Rush--Tom Sawyer
Bon Jovi--Wanted Dead or Alive
Foo Fighters--Learn to Fly
Nirvana--In Bloom
Smashing Pumpkins--Cherub Rock
OK Go--Here it Goes Again
Nine Inch Nails--The Hand That Feeds

Okay, those songs alone make this game worth getting. Seriously.

I like the added split second window, too. I can strum, but...

Rev Rabies

i guess all those songs make it worth it's game console like price


It's not that expensive...Wireless guitar, and sweet looking one at that.

Rev Rabies


Oh. Well, if you want to get EVERY. SINGLE. INSTRUMENT. Then it will run you $200.


Quote from: Shikamaru Nara on September 15, 2007, 08:38:20 AM
Blue Oyster Cult--Don't Fear the Reaper
There should be a cowbell periphial for that song, anybody ever see that SNL skit?


Actually, they will have a cowbell, you slap the microphone or something like that.


How can you sing while slapping the mike?
Also, I read some people who get good at the drums periphial can actuall play real drums fairly well.