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Web Browsers

Started by Zoratunic, September 16, 2007, 06:46:12 PM

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What are you using to view this page?

Internet Explorer 6 or lower
0 (0%)
Firefox 1
0 (0%)
Internet Explorer 7
1 (14.3%)
Firefox 2
5 (71.4%)
Opera of some kind
0 (0%)
A Wii
0 (0%)
Something else (say what)
1 (14.3%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 7


This has a little to do with Tacheon Black's thing in his sig that tells you info about your computer. I was just wondering what y'all use. I normally use IE 6, but I'm installing 7 now, plus I also have Firefox 1, but I don't use it often.

Twilight Wolf

I use Mozilla Firefox, version 2. I used to use Opera, but I got hacked off at it.
What, you expect me to say something witty?


IE? Ever tried using firefox? I notice that there are certain differences when you view the site and forums with FF.

Commodore Axilon

I mainly use Firefox v.2 for the handy inline spell-checker, but Opera is also quite good.

Internet Explorer sucks. Any version. They all suck.

Twilight Wolf

I liked how Opera gave you the option to start up where you left off before you stopped browsing, but ever since Opera screwed up and wouldn't let me do anything to fix it, I've used Firefox ever since. Plus, Firefox is more widely used than Opera, so it's compatible with more websites.
What, you expect me to say something witty?

Commodore Axilon

By the way, the Wii isn't a web browser. I believe it uses Opera, but I could be mistaken.


Well, now I'm using IE 7, and I'm a little confused, being used to 6 and all.


I have Internet Explorer 7.  For some reason though, it won't let me check my mail, so I have to use Firefox for that.


I mostly use internet explorer

Commodore Axilon

You guys know that Firefox and Opera are perfectly free, right?  ;D

Rev Rabies

AOL FTW! take that n00bs!!!!

man i hate dial-up...


who doesn't? I don't know how you people do it, without my dsl I might be dead by now lol


I'll be using my PS3 soon.  I'm not entirely sure what that runs on.


whats wrong with internet explorer ? :[


the only problem I have is when I click exit, it does this non responding thing for like ever.