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Fisk's Review (PH)

Started by Fishalicious, October 05, 2007, 03:25:19 PM

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Well, I got the game, of course, and I'm here to review it. I've not beaten the game, and I'd rather not spoil parts of the game for other people, so please: no spoilers.

Controls: * * *
The controls feel really natural to me, despite being almost exclusively stylus controlled. However, some things are a little difficult to control at first, and... well, my hand gets in the way sometimes. >_> The sea-way controls are amazingly smooth, or so I find. Killing enemies is so much easier...

Ship: * * * * *
I love the new ship, it gets places and the cannon is so easy to use... so is the salvage arm and fishing pole. Not to mention, you can customize it... I mean, I have an anchor shaped like a bell. <3

Temples: * * * *
Well, you see, the temples aren't dreadfully hard, but the temples themselves remind me a lot of the 2-D temples... while still being 3-D. There's Pol's voices (OMG) and those green blobby things and anti-faeries...

Storyline: * * *
It's nothing new; "save Zelda, she's lame and was kidnapped" but in PIRATE FORM. The Ghost ship is creepy, though. >:

Enemy AI: * *
Still as stupid as ever... with a few choice exceptions.

Characters: * * * *
They aren't amazing, but they do have more character development than average; particularly with __, his father, and his mother.

Linearality: * * *
It's fairly non-linear; you do have to do the temples in order, but you can screw around wherever you dare to go to your best ability.

Audio: * * * * *
This has the best music I've heard so far for a DS game; it's wonderful, and I personally really like it. The enemies sound funny when they die. It reminds me of popping something out of a can. Navi-haters, be prepared...

Visuals: * * * *
I like them; they aren't the greatest, of course, but they're still pretty good for 3-D on the DS. And just so you know, Link is the only one with a flat-ish face... the others look fine. I just wish the cel-shading stayed, and they didn't add the thin grey line around them all.

Overall: * * * *
I wouldn't call it my favourite game, but I love it, still. It has several of the temple traps that LA had, so of course I'll love it.



Except Ciela isn't like Navi at all. She only says "Hey!" or something every dungeon or so.


Yes, but that's what Navi did (at least to me; I don't recall her actually saying 'hey!' that much) in OOT, and people hated her for that. I still love her jingly noises when you move her too fast... (wouldn't enemies hear that?)


Are you kidding me? She says it every two minutes if you aren't in the dungeon you are supposed to be in.

"Why don't you try playing that Nocturne of Shadow Sheik taught you."


But about the noise, the Moldorms and the Phantoms should be able to hear that. They are some of the most intelligent enemies yet.


Just wait until you go to the Temple of the Ocean King a fourth time. It's not fun. >: -that's where I am... I can get past it, but... stupid Phantoms-

Those Moldorms scared the crap out of me, by the way. So did the random Pol's voice.

Mysterious F.

Quote"save Zelda, she's lame and was kidnapped"

Oh, Zelda's kidnapped like once a week, I'm sure she's used to it by now.

*Zelda, meanwhile, is chained to a wall*

Zelda: It feels like I'm dying inside.

Seriously, the plot is getting old. Make Zelda do something useful for once, Nintendo!  >:(


You're right. I mean, they done that plot about a million times. The concept of the pretty, pretty princess being rescued by the strong, brave hero from the evil so cliché.
Ganon: Mwahahah!
Zelda: Save me!
Link: I'll save you, princess!

I agree with Fisk about the controls. To tell you the truth, I'm not too fond of them. I might need to get used to them. I don't like the fact that you have to guide Link and attack enemies by using the stylus. I always find myself slashing at things when I really want Link to go somewhere.

The characters are okay. There's not too many of them so far. Just like the villages could be bigger. But I like how Ciela has lost her memory and it makes you want to get through the game for her to recover her memory and you can find out her past.

Guilty Pleasures. I like to make the boat sink and have Linebeck (I call him Becky) go "Oh no! I can't swim!" and how he's such a coward.  ;D I did that this weekend and I has the evillest grin on my face while doing it. >:D


Quote from: Whocares on October 07, 2007, 02:10:06 PM
Seriously, the plot is getting old. Make Zelda do something useful for once, Nintendo!  >:(

CD-I horror!!! ;D

hmm, let's see: OOT, TWW and TP all had a Zelda who did useful stuff. Other than that, Zelda tends to be useful rather than do useful stuff.

Anyway, PH should be out in a few days here, but I'm not going to buy it immediately. Due to trying to make a good guide at Strategywiki, I still haven't finished Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, and I first want to do that. Besides, I also don't want the latter to feel like "something to do while waiting for the next real TLOZ", like so many idiotic reviewers call it.

So the fairy is Navi all over again? Also qua personality, or is she more comparable to one of the other sidekicks?


No, she is so much better than Navi. So much better. She is kinda like a little kid. Linebeck is a chicken and a braggart, and she seems to think he's a horrible person because of it. Like she thinks the world is black and white (non-racist version).

Once I beat the courage temple I'll be caught up with you Fisk.

Dungeons are not original in name, but inside they are very original.


Well, actually, you would've been caught up with me if I hadn't already gotten past the next three/four-ish temples this week. ^^; (I say four-ish because I've been procrastinating and treasure hunting instead)

I really like Linebeck, actually. He's fun to watch in cutscenes. And for your question, LN, I should've said that she's more like Tatl... not personality wise, but noise-wise. She makes jingly noises and says "Hey!" and "Listen!" in Navi's voice. Unfortunately, she doesn't give you much advice, she just says "Oh look, Meuniere, a sign!" and you have to read it. >_> Personality wise, she does have a personality; and she also lost her memory, so she doesn't have much experience.

I'm starting to wonder why they made you choose which hand you write with; can someone right-handed tell me if you can bring down the map with the b button? Because that's the only thing I can think of to be different.


Yep it's the same. I think it's flipped if you are drawing on something though.

I just found out the main villian, and Lineback was SO funny during the scene. It's all this epic stuff and then he's leaning on _____ and _____ falls over and he's like freaked out.


Also, Fisk is it me, or does the main villian seem like Vaati's little cousin?

I knew those little girls on the ship were evil as soon as I saw the first one. And then when they tell you to do the wrong thing. >_< Rupoor.


Maybe; the buttons for the eraser and memo are on the left side, though... (EDIT: Okay, so the buttons are flipped at sea; the go/stop toggle is on the left; the hearts are on the left.)

Either way, I want to play a right-hand version next time, and see if I die or not. :D (or rather, how long it takes for me to die)

Ah, yes! I loved that scene, especially when ___ told Linebeck he'd give him a ___ if he helped Link and Ciela... aw man, Linebeck is just awesome, though XD (I love his character, his looks, and his theme...)


The fourth time at the TotOK is ridiculous hard. They're aren't nearly enough safe zones. Along with the faster Phantoms... man.

How much you wanna bet ____ gives him nothing?


How the hell are you guys so freakin' far?! I can't even get to the temple on the Isle of Ember!!!  :-*


Where are you stuck? :-\

I haven't gotten any farther, been reading a good book. :B