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Ask Ezlo questions

Started by Gamefreak, July 27, 2007, 09:56:05 AM

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Dear Ezlo,

Why are you so lame, unlike Aureliano?


Dear Aureliano,

Why do you insist on asking questions like that when you're new here?

It definitely isn't very impressive for your seventh or so post.


You could have PMed me about that dude.  First off, my name is not actually Aureliano, I was refering to my character from HA2 (which probably won't make a difference in your book), second, this is simply for comic relief.  I have no real feelings of Ezlo being lame, nor do I dislike Ezlo.  I'm just going through a hard time and need some laughs.  If you want to say something about me to correct me or what not, please just send me a PM and not steer the whole conversation off.

Back on topic:

Dear Ezlo,

You always tell us your old as dirt, but you never told us how old is Vaati. old?


Dear Ezlo, I sure can be a horrible person some times, can't I?


Dear Ezlo,

May I answer Tacheon's question for you? :P

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Quote from: Aureliano on November 07, 2007, 03:39:14 AM

Dear Ezlo,

You always tell us your old as dirt, but you never told us how old is Vaati. old?

In the original Ask Ezlo in the Community board, Ezlo told us (quote from a question I asked):

A Fluh asks
Dear Ezlo, How old is Vaati?

Ezlo replies...
Very young. Like 15 I believe. Though, in full disclosure, I never did care when his birthday was

Back ontopic:

Dear Ezlo,
How small are baby Minish. I say the size of your thumbnail.

Mr. bubbles

Dear Ezlo,
Are you Pac-Man?
I Like Pie.


Quote from: Sovelis on July 30, 2007, 07:10:30 AM
but you seem to not to like us evil people, Is it because we have Vaati as a member? Will you join if we get rid of him?

Hey, buster, I'm not leavin'! lol. (P.S. I'm a girl)

Dear Ezlo, Does Daphne bother the crap outta you?

Mr. bubbles

Dear, Ezlo
Does this  :-\ look disgusting to you, it does to me.
I Like Pie.


Dear Ezlo,

Can you hook me up with Zelda?  I'll give you Tingle tied up and a fruit basket.....

Mr. bubbles

Dear ezlo,
I will expose the embarrasing photos that are used to force you to work.
I Like Pie.


Dear Ezlo, I have a crush on video game characters. (including Link.) Is there somthing wrong with me?


Quote from: Violinist on November 14, 2007, 10:05:48 AM
Dear Ezlo, I have a crush on video game characters. (including Link.) Is there somthing wrong with me?

We have SO much to discuss! :)



Dear Ezlo, is there somthing wrong with Vaati fangirls, 'cause I'm one.


Dear Ezlo,

I must admit, there are several instances in the Zelda series where I've uttered "I'd tap that..." (ZoMg MiDnA fUrRy LoVe).

Is there something wrong with me?