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Started by Zoratunic, September 15, 2007, 04:10:09 PM

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Twilight Wolf


I was missed. I've been fairly active, haven't I? And for the time I've been here, I think I've made a good number of posts. 630 of them, in fact. Although only 155 count...

Thank you.
What, you expect me to say something witty?


I'm sorry, must have forgot to put you down, but I got you on their now. The sad thing is, 90% of the people here have less than ten posts.

Twilight Wolf

No problem!

I think it's a shame more people don't come here and stay... they're missing good stuff here.
What, you expect me to say something witty?



You  mean the 90% that AREN'T bots?

You also sort of forgot Iron Knuckle, and Knil... they post in theories and General Zelda.


Yeah, I basically only stray into the bottom half of the forums on a rare occasion, mainly cuase I don't have much to say about the Zelda games.


Alot of older members don't post at the desert anymore because they were chased and repulsed away by certain factors.... it's a sad thing.

For all (if any) of you wondering, I havent posted, but I read the forums everyday... I'm here in spirit.

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


Quote from: ChargedKey on September 15, 2007, 08:46:26 PM
Alot of older members don't post at the desert anymore because they were chased and repulsed away by certain factors.... it's a sad thing.

For all (if any) of you wondering, I havent posted, but I read the forums everyday... I'm here in spirit.

thats funny, when a was "absent" i didn't so much as look at looked at TDC... but i heard alot of the stuff that was going on. i don't even know why i came back... but you can add me to the list! even though im not gunna post much, that still means im an active member right?


I was basing my list on wheter or not someone had a considerable amount of posts, and has been active recently. But sure, I guess I can add you.


ladynintendo is on alot, but she mostly posts in zelda boards, but she'll post in the general stuff from time to time, I see her on sometimes, but not everyday, but yeah, she's active. sorta


Quote from: Thief on September 15, 2007, 07:28:15 PM
Alright, here's my list of active members. I based it on if that person had a considerable amount of posts, and has been fairly active. If you feel somebody was missed just post your opinion.

1.   Darth Wyndisis
2.   Gamefreak
3.   Zelda Veteran
4.   Davros
5.   Evilbob
6.   Masterkey
7.   MagmarFire
8.   Howl
9.   TP Zelda
10.   Whocares
11.   Hi No Seijin
12.   X*Twilight Zelda*x
13.   JDog
14.   Dr. Rabies
15.   JQ Pickwick
16.   Vaati
17.   Link104
18.   Lady Nintendo
19.   Shikamaru Nara
20.   Commodore Shrute
21.   Fisk
22.   Bboy
23.   Zoratunic (moi)
24.   TacheonBlack
25.   Twilight Wolf
26.   Iron Knuckle
27.   Knil
28.   alex

Lady Nintendo is on here.


oh, my bad, didn't notice her there. tends to happen alot... well you pretty much got everyone then.


Nice to see that I'm on  ;D   I can't see anyone missing from the list myself. *List gains Davros' official stamp of general enthusiastic approval* Looks pretty good to me.


Ahem. I do not see myself there. What madness is this?!



thats probably because you haven't been on in forever...