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It seems...

Started by JDog, October 24, 2007, 03:59:47 PM

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[size=12]IT'S A TRAP![/SIZE]

Commodore Axilon


I'm detecting some Admiral Ackbar here?



Commodore Axilon


That only works when it's something a woman would conceivably say during...uh, certain situations. Now why would a woman ever say that?

epic Whocares

The correct response of course is: "I'd be delighted to. "


Yes, although the woman saying 'Try Princess Leia' would imply she is too good for you, and to try to score with said slutty princess, no?

Commodore Axilon


Did you in fact imply that Her Royal Highness and Imperial Representative from Alderaan was "slutty?" You shall retract at once, or there'll be hell to pay!

Rev Rabies


hahaha, and the Dr strikes again!


Quote from: Commodore on October 27, 2007, 11:16:11 AM

Did you in fact imply that Her Royal Highness and Imperial Representative from Alderaan was "slutty?" You shall retract at once, or there'll be hell to pay!

I was saying that's what it could mean.


mmmhm, I don't like this kind of talk, so can we please stop? I doubt Daxter or whatever his name maybe today likes it either...

Commodore Axilon

Sorry, but what exactly are we doing wrong?

Edit: You started all this, by the way. :P


Well, for one, but you used the word Slutty like twice, and I don't like that kind of talk... and no, I said, thats what she said, which has nothing to do with you guys using the word Slutty several times...


Slutty is not a bad word. Not even a banned one. and besides, Dr. Rabies was making a pun on what Commodore said.

the key word here is PUN[/i][/u].


Well, either way, I don't like that kind of talk, sorry.