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Started by Zoratunic, July 04, 2007, 04:47:33 PM

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What is your view of America?

Very Positive, its the best country to live in, the only example of what a country should be like.
2 (9.5%)
Positive, It could be better, but not in a big way
9 (42.9%)
Neutral, no preference
3 (14.3%)
Negative, there are alot of things to improve.
2 (9.5%)
Very negative, as soon as you can, your gonna fly over to Britan, or Mexico, or Russia, or whatever floats your boat.
5 (23.8%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 20


Haha that's cool then. ^^
I've got no problem if it's just your opinion.

And Vaati, I probably over exagerated a bit. Britain doesn't suck. It's nice it's just our NHS is awful and our government just does whatever America tells 'em to a lot of the time.
It just seems so dull to me, living somewhere all your life makes everywhere else seem exotic.


I knew you were.  ;)
Anyway, same with me. I would like to visit another country. Like Japan. But it's really expesive to fly there, my dad says.


hmm.. whats "NHS". and i would like to go to japan someday too  :)


If I'm correct, NHS means National Honor System, right? At least it does here, where it's some kinda school thing. But of course I live in South Texas, and TZ lives in Britan,  both of which are literaly worlds apart from each other, so my defenition may be wrong. And even though America is my favorite, I wouldn't mind visiting other countries, like Spain, or Japan.


Quote from: Zoratunic on July 10, 2007, 03:40:33 PM
But of course I live in South Texas, and TZ lives in Britan,  both of which are literaly worlds apart from each other
Do you know what literally means? Because there is nothing but an Ocean between America and Britain.

Anyways, I don't think America and Britain are really all that different. Sure, there are some things like accents and school systems and such...


...And Europe has much better music...

Oops, ignore that.

Anyways, there aren't that many differences in the culture, I guess. Though I like the culture in England more, it's pretty much a matter of preference.


Quote from: Shikamaru Nara on July 10, 2007, 04:06:05 PM
Quote from: Zoratunic on July 10, 2007, 03:40:33 PM
But of course I live in South Texas, and TZ lives in Britan,  both of which are literaly worlds apart from each other
Do you know what literally means? Because there is nothing but an Ocean between America and Britain.

Anyways, I don't think America and Britain are really all that different. Sure, there are some things like accents and school systems and such...

I meant culturally different. And I guess you didn't catch the exaggeration either. I know America and Britan are similar, but still, there is a lot of difference between the two areas.

Oh yeah,
Quote...And Europe has much better music...
Are you saying you don't like country music?


Quote...And Europe has much better music...
Are you saying you don't like country music?

Well, I'm not the biggest fan anymore; it's been ruined for me, sadly. Pesudo-Country is taking over, when they discuss nothing and only act country when there isn't a bit of anything in their music. Well, and I'm just a bigger fan of Euro-pop and similar music.

Back on the subject of America... hm... well, I don't like our foods or music. I mean, I do like some American foods (throw a deep dish pizza pie at me and I'll eat it in a few minutes...) and music, but for the most part, it's pretty lame. Hot dogs are compressed tubes of meat slathered in mustard and ketchup and things...

Well, I guess I do eat some pretty peculiar foods from other countries myself, so... eh.

Las Vegas is a perfect stereotype for our country, in my opinion. Whores, gambling, killing, adult movie theatres... it's all due to the wonderous laws of this country that allows such things. And no, I'm not being sarcastic; people should be allowed to do what they want, as long as it's not directly conflicting with someone else's rights for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Oh sorry, I though NHS stood for the same thing in America.
No, it's not National Honor System, I don't even know what one of those is.
Here NHS means National Health Service.
Our hospital waiting lists are really congested for things like transplants and not enough people have donor cards.

English food is OK, Fish and Chips woo!
And American food is nice, I like my odd burger, but doesn't really compare to Japnese/Chinese/Indian/Italian which are all awesomely yumshk.

I can't stand Euro-Pop though, I mean I know GB always loses the Eurovision song contest but some of it is awful. I don't know if they air Eurovision in Ameica but god is  it awful.

As soon as I get a job/EMA (you get £30 a week for going to school when you are 16-18) in the 6th form, I am putting away half the money each week to finance an all expenses paid trip to Japan.


Quote from: Shikamaru Nara on July 10, 2007, 11:39:46 AM
Here's the thing. I agree that there are a lot of problems in America. I complain about it a lot. However, I have to think, would it be any better if I lived anywhere else? At least in America I have freedom, I never go hungry, don't have to worry about being killed, and live a comfortable life. I think it has problems, but I also think it's about as good as it gets.
I don't know, France is lookin pretty nice right about now.
QuoteBack on the subject of America... hm... well, I don't like our foods or music. I mean, I do like some American foods (throw a deep dish pizza pie at me and I'll eat it in a few minutes...) and music, but for the most part, it's pretty lame. Hot dogs are compressed tubes of meat slathered in mustard and ketchup and things...
Actually CHICAGO IN GENERAL FOR THE WIN. The windy city has its down sides(like the richy-rich North side, cubs fans*mumble*), but its still awesome.


Personally, think that there is no comparison to American food! Who doesn't love hot dogs at the ballpark, or a thick juicy steak, or pizza(the Italians may have invented it, but Americans perfected it)!

Commodore Axilon

And that, kids, is why there is an obesity epidemic in the United States!


No kidding. Italian pizza is actually way different than American pizza, and much healthier.


*raises hand meekly*

Alright, except for the pizza part. A lot of it makes me want to gag. Those Juicy Steaks? That Fried Chicken? *GAG!* Believe me, there are PLENTY of other tasty things. Chinese for one, mexican for another. American cooking just lacks... TASTE.

And I love garlic, it's a beauitufl herb that gets a bad rap for almost no reason. Garlics good for you, darnit. It's from the same family as *SHOCKER!* Onions.

Liver is also a very poor choice for a dinner.


Yeah, Garlic is good, just gets a bad rep for the whole 'garlic breath' thing. American food isn't more unhealthy than Chinese and Japanese, really.