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What Are You Doing Right Now?

Started by Vaati, August 29, 2007, 03:10:42 PM

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Waiting for Guitar Hero 3 and Ratchet and Clank for the PS3.


Pouting because our microwave broke. ...I get to make ramen on stovetop now. Which is actually really awesome 'cause I love stovetop ramen better.

...if I had ramen. ;_;


Patting Fisk on the back sympathetically.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


talking, posting, and listening to music.

Twilight Wolf

Eating a bag of popcorn and browsing, and wondering why Disc One of my Geometry DVDs is blank...
What, you expect me to say something witty?


Complaining about the mods shouting out about me, trying to calm down enough not to kill them...



Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Twilight Wolf

Searching eBay for the Sega Dreamcast web browser disc, Version 2.0. They're not that expensive, but it's hard to find one that's just right.
What, you expect me to say something witty?



Trying to find good-quality faux fur for less than 20-30 dollars a yard. D:



Quote from: Evilbob on September 14, 2007, 01:04:17 PM
Pretty much running this place.

Well Evilbob, if you're the best thing to happen to this place.  And since it would obviously be Heaven on Earth if you ran it.  Would it make you feel better if I quit and made you administrator.

You may dislike the mods and myself.  That's ok.  But there's a thing called respect that I think you're missing.


Quote from: Gamefreak on September 14, 2007, 01:48:29 PM

Well Evilbob, if you're the best thing to happen to this place.  And since it would obviously be Heaven on Earth if you ran it.  Would it make you feel better if I quit and made you administrator.

yes. Yes it would.
Now, If you'll excuse me, I'll go to some forums that seem to have a team capable of making smart decisions I.e., not religiously sticking to what Jack once said.

This place has gone downhill since Jack left, and now I know why I left. This didn't seem like a place I enjoyed. And now, it seems positively hostile.


What do you mean by religiously sticking to what he said?  He made a topic saying what words we shouldn't say.  By whatever logic you're using, we should be able to say those words?

And we may not be the best, but we do the best damn job we can.  I don't care if you leave.  If all you're going to do while you're here is constantly harass us, then go ahead.