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Started by alical, December 15, 2007, 02:06:55 PM

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Hi no Seijin

Quote from: Heriophant on December 24, 2007, 09:46:59 AM question that if the person is requesting to die, then maybe theyre not mentally fit to make the decision.
I don't know about that.  For the sake of argument, let's say I'm mentally fit and have cancer.  Every day, I'm wracked with unbearable pain, and the doctors can do nothing about it.  Death is looking pretty inviting right about now; so, my mind is pretty clear (barring the pain) when I ask them to end my life so I don't have to continue living a tortured existance anymore.

My point is that death isn't the worst thing out there.  If someone is in so much pain that they'll even accept death to end it, by all means put them out of their misery.  But then again, one should also persuade the person asking for death to wait until they see if there are any other options besides death.
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Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
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That is exactly why there can be no confusion in the manner, hence why there should be a plan ready for the 'worst case scenario'.

Ignore the above link, I'm trying to get somewhere that I found some difficult getting to (no direct link, so must enter in browser).


Quote from: HNS on December 24, 2007, 05:52:39 PM
Quote from: Heriophant on December 24, 2007, 09:46:59 AM question that if the person is requesting to die, then maybe theyre not mentally fit to make the decision.
I don't know about that.  For the sake of argument, let's say I'm mentally fit and have cancer.  Every day, I'm wracked with unbearable pain, and the doctors can do nothing about it.  Death is looking pretty inviting right about now; so, my mind is pretty clear (barring the pain) when I ask them to end my life so I don't have to continue living a tortured existance anymore.

My point is that death isn't the worst thing out there.  If someone is in so much pain that they'll even accept death to end it, by all means put them out of their misery.  But then again, one should also persuade the person asking for death to wait until they see if there are any other options besides death.
Well its just as JQ said. Nobody knows except for you how badly you are in pain. So then, take your example and turn yourself into a family member of that person. Right now some people might say they want them euthanized(if thats even a real word) But maybe its your mom and you dont want them to die. Then your the only thing standing in their way of not feeling this pain anymore. And as for persuading, that goes back to my mentally fit idea. They  are wanting out of this pain so bad they may not want to wait until something else comes along.


If they are old, they have a right to death, but if they are  young, they should not have that right.


I highly disagree with that. Why should the old be able to decide whether they live or die? Why? Do children not feel the same pain? Is pain different for the elderly?


Because the elderly have already lived a long life. Children on the other hand, have their whole life ahead of them. Unless of course, they're terminally ill.


...I'd hate to say this, but if like... you're in a coma/have cancer and you don't want to live, your chances of pulling through are significantly less. >_> So if you don't want to live, then you're already probably going to die. You've just got to wait until your body decides to give up, and your brain is telling it that it's hopeless, so~


I believe Euthanasia is the more humane thing to do. If a person is suffering or in a vegitative state where they'll most likely never recover and there's nothing left for them but to just lay there, they should have the right to die if they want.
My extended family is Catholic, and they think euthanasia is a sin. On my dad's side of the family, they've had alot of dogs:
Grandma's Dogs:
Daisy (died of old age)
Tootsie (ran away--I could see why)
Pal (is dying slowly and painfull)
Lilly (is getting old)
My Aunt Jeanne's Dog:
Koda (Died slowly and painfully)
Leica (still alive and well)
My Uncle Mark's Dogs:
Smokey (was put to sleep because he was dying painfully)
Becky (was put to sleep for biting someone)
Eddy (is still alive and well)

My uncle Mark's family, I think, made the smartest deciton.
My aunt, on the other hand, kept her dog until she died. Koda had to have her bladder squeezed so she could pee because she was too weak to do it herself. And every night she couldn't go to sleep, she'd just pace back and forth because she was in pain.

I even said to my mom one time, "If I'm ever in a vegitative state, and I can't talk or move or anything. Please, for the love of god, kill me."

Hi no Seijin

Quote from: Heriophant on December 24, 2007, 09:53:46 PM
Well its just as JQ said. Nobody knows except for you how badly you are in pain. So then, take your example and turn yourself into a family member of that person. Right now some people might say they want them euthanized(if thats even a real word) But maybe its your mom and you dont want them to die. Then your the only thing standing in their way of not feeling this pain anymore. And as for persuading, that goes back to my mentally fit idea. They  are wanting out of this pain so bad they may not want to wait until something else comes along.
I think you missed my point.  If my mom had cancer, was in constant pain, and science wasn't any where near finding a cure and, knowing this, she asked to be euthanasized, I wouldn't argue.  Sure, I don't want her to die, but I don't want her to be in pain for longer than she has to be either.  If she's ready to accept death as the only way to escape the suffering, I'm going to grieve, but I'm not going to deny her the peace she sees in death.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
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At least with Euthanasia you can say a proper good bye to friends and relatives, rather than having some ragged will he be there tommorow so I can see him or wont he, sort of thing. This man whose wife was terminally ill was talking about how (they lived in Holland) she used euthanasia, she had a  gathering of all relatives and each one spoke and said their good byes.
Yeah anyway I just think What is the point of living a few weeks/days more, in a vegative state when a few days prior you could say proper good byes and leave peacefully.  


After we read the Scarlett Ibis in 8th grade, we had a discussion about if it's better to live a short, exciting life, or a long, boring life.


Why does it seem like everyone takes Choice as a mandatory death? They won't kill you if you never said you wanted to be killed. What you do is write a Living Will saying under what circumstances you would like to be Euthanized. Or you designate someone to make that decision for you. But they won't do it without your consent.


Quote from: JQ Pickwick on December 25, 2007, 07:34:35 AM
Because the elderly have already lived a long life. Children on the other hand, have their whole life ahead of them. Unless of course, they're terminally ill.
Haha, so let me get this straight. Im fourteen years old and lets say im in a situation where im not going to die but the unbearable pain that rattles through every peice of my body continues for lets say, another year. You think that since Im a child that has only been alive for 14 years I dont deserve a right to end this horrific pain that I will feel for the next year? But If I was going to die its ok? Or if I was old its ok? You honestly think thats fair?


Define 'unbearable pain'. Sounds more like you'd die by your own hand rather than request legal Euthanasia.

You'd have to define what kind of pain it was. Would it be cancer? Would it be from a great injury? Or would the pain be more psychiatric-related?

You'd have to be more specific with the situation of the pain for the sake of hypothetical statements.  Before any proper solution in said scenario could be made.


Why should it even matter? From what I just described obviously the patiant is going through horrible pains. Pain is pain, weather it be phyciatric, cancerous, or just an accident. Either way you might be going through this pain that is really taking its toll on you.