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Vaati Has No Speaking Roles

Started by Vaati, December 24, 2006, 07:28:42 AM

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And also, there ARE Gerudos in FSA.

We're getting kinda off topic...




Well, Vaati having no speaking roles. I seriously wonder how the heck he talks as much as eats withotu a mouth.


like I said, the eyeball thing is a robot and Vaati is inside with a megaphone...


How could he eat with a megaphone? Just kidding, he's probably his Minish form inside his humanoid form inside his demon form inside his eyeball form.


 :-[ I never knew anybody with so many layers.Like an onion. Or Shrek.


Lol. And inside his Minish form is a flea...nah, Vaati's not a flea. (Huggles Vaati plushie) Are ya, Vaati.


no, hes nothing near as disgusting as a flea, just a giant floating eyeball.


Yeah, and a cute little Minish and sexy wind sorcerer.  :)


ookaay....keep in mind, this is a video game character...


Well, my friend thinks Sora from Kingdom Hearts is hot, so she knows what it's like.  :)


Is she trying to look like him though?


Actually, yes.  :) She's wants to spike her hair.  :)


 :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[you guys need to get hobbies...that aren't other people...

Hi no Seijin

That isn't other people?  Oh darn.  And I so wanted to go around and petrify every Esuna-casting white mage I see. :(

QuoteSo would a human be a cross breed between gerudo and Hylian, like a mule is a donkey and horse's offspring?
Not really.  Humans can apparently reproduce; Bippin and Blossom are humans, and they have a son.  Mules, however, are unable to reproduce.  Plus, the resulting child of a Hylian and Gerudo (assuming the Gerudo exiles herself from her race, which I would imagine dispell the magic in their blood keeping them all female) could either look like a Hylian except for the color of skin or a Gerudo except for the pointed ears.  It all depends on genetics.

Getting back on topic:
QuoteWell, Vaati having no speaking roles. I seriously wonder how the heck he talks as much as eats withotu a mouth.
I'm assuming you mean the eyeball form of Vaati.  Well, perhpas he doesn't need to eat in that form.  Also, perhaps he's talking telepathically.
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