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Star Wars Spoilers Thread

Started by Jack, May 19, 2005, 09:03:33 PM

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For those of us who HAVE seen RoTS, here is the place to discuss the finer points of the movie.

I've read the books (Labyrinth of Evil and RoTS) so if you need any minor details clarified, I'm your guy.  8)

Darth Wyndisis

I was wondering if Padme would have died if Anakin stayed on the Light Side.  I am thinking no, because those visions were just deceptions created by the Dark Side of the force, correct?  All they were were images of her suffering, and he couldn't really forsee her fate.  It is like the vision Luke had on Dagobah, of Han and Leia suffering.  He did give in, but did not turn.  If Anakin had attacked Palpatine the moment he revealed himself as the Sith Lord, he would get his butt kicked for one thing, but look what happened to Luke.  If that were the case, he might have gotten out of the situation injured, but he could still hang on to the Light side.


In the book, Yoda warns Anakin during their meditation that prophecies sometimes come true simply by trying to prevent their occurance. I think this is a case where if Anakin did not turn, Padme would have survived. That the prophecy was part and parcel to his turning.


If Anikin stayed with the good side, Padme would not have lost the will to live, as the droid says thats what happened.


The one problem I had with Revenge of the Sith was that Leia in Return of the Jedi said that she remembered her mother (Padme) a little bit. However Padme dies right after giving birth to Luke and Leia, so how could she remember. What does she remember the 5 minutes after she was born?


Leia was talking about her adopted parents, she did not know they were not her birth parents. I think.

EDIT- O, and at the end when Yoda teaches Obi to talk to Qui-Gon, remember when Obi talks to Luke during the Deathstar battle but hes dead, same thing?


That is possible but Luke asked about Leia's "real mother". Luke (and Leia for that matter) must have known she was also adotped even though they never mentioned it in the movies.

Darth Wyndisis

Yeah, that did strike me as weird how Padme died shortly after she gave birth to Luke and Leia.  She might have been talking about what her step-parents told her, and pictures.  I think she even mentioned pictures.  


One dissapointment was that Jar-Jar didnt die...
I thought Boba Fett was gona kill Mace for revenge, not Palpatine/ Anikin.

Darth Wyndisis

Mace's death scene was cool nonetheless.  If I were Anakin I would like to have killed Palpatine when he was pretending to be hurt.  In that scene, did he make his face change like that at his own will?


No I think the lightning that was basically being reflected off Mace's saber did that to him. Another thing really gets me is the whole Death Star. They basically had the skeleton done for it and so that means it took 20 years to finish it. Ok no problem but then the next Death Star only took 3 years?! I am guessing that they must have been building both of the Death Stars at the same time, otherwise it doesn't make much sense.

Also if you play the video game for Episode III you get to play as Obi-Wan first in the final battle and then as Anakin in which you get a nice alternate ending.


The second Death Star went a lot faster because by then Palpatine managed to dissolve all the labor unions.  :o


QuoteOne dissapointment was that Jar-Jar didnt die...

Probably because his voice makes a small appearance in the extended version of Return of the Jedi. I think he cries something like, 'Mesa free!' ;)

QuoteYeah, that did strike me as weird how Padme died shortly after she gave birth to Luke and Leia.  She might have been talking about what her step-parents told her, and pictures.  I think she even mentioned pictures.

I think she said that she remembered her from pictures.

Darth Wyndisis

I saw it again last night.  Could anyone understand what Padme's last words were?


She was saying "There's still good in him" of course talking about Anakin, just like Luke was saying in RotJ.