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Star Wars Spoilers Thread

Started by Jack, May 19, 2005, 09:03:33 PM

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Darth Wyndisis

Okay, cool, thanks.  I thought that was what it sounded like.  I am too used to subtitles.

Darth Wyndisis

Did anyone see the Millenium Falcon from a distance in Corousant? (sp?)


I didn't, but from what I have been told, it's in the scene where after landing the big ship they're flying towards the Senate building. The Falcon is tiny and can be seen landing on one of the many landing terraces of the Senate.

Darth Wyndisis

Yep, that's exactly it.  On a sidenote, PALPATINE LOOKED LIKE A FROG!!!!!!!!!11 (When he first became deformed)


Haha yeah he did, it was good to see how he became that way since I was wondering how he went from looking normal to...well looking like a frog like you say in the original trilogy.


On the same subject, Palps seemed so casual like during the escape from Grievous' ship, yet after he becomes Emperor (even during the movie) he's all stiff with his hands at his waist and so on. Very odd.


Some funny Star wars stuff:

Abridged Script:

Star Wars: Rise of the Sith:

Anakin loves Padme:

(The Newgrounds links require flash player.)


i love that anie loves padme thing ironcly when me and my friends saw the move we were doin that in the lobby.. kindof


Quote from: zeldafreak_since_1997 on June 05, 2005, 03:28:11 PM
i love that anie loves padme thing ironcly when me and my friends saw the move we were doin that in the lobby.. kindof

What thing?



sry i forgot to qoute

this is a really funny zelda paradey


I just bought the original trilogy on DVD today and at the end of RoJ they changed a scene that I was very surpised and pleased about that has to do with the new trilogy. I am not go to say what it was so I don't ruin it for people but it did involve Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Anakin.

Darth Wyndisis

That was neat that they did that.  Did you watch ESB yet?  If so, you probably saw a similar change in the scene where Darth Vader learns that Luke is his son.


No I have to check that out I was just checking certain scenes. Is it the scene when Vader is talking with the Emperor?

Darth Wyndisis


Just saw it, and it was very interesing. While not the original it helps to fit in with the new trilogy. It is amazing what they can do with movies now.