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Star Wars Spoilers Thread

Started by Jack, May 19, 2005, 09:03:33 PM

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QuoteI am not go to say what it was so I don't ruin it for people but it did involve Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Anakin.

Wasn't that in the original version as well? I think I remember seeing that scene in the original. It's kinda funny, 'cause Anakin looks just like in the third movie.

And if we're talking about RotJ, one funny change is that after the destruction of the Death Star and they show all those people on different planets celebrating you see one seen from Naboo and you hear Jar-Jar Binks crying, 'Mesa free!', or something like that.


Well yeah that was the original version but the "real" originals showed a balding, kinda overweight old Anakin, not Hayden. It would have been cool if they could have thrown in Mace, but that would make no sense, Luke would probably be like, "Who the hell are you?"

Darth Wyndisis

Anakin:  "Hey Mace, remember that time when I hacked off your hands and stood by as the Sith Lord hurled you out the window with lightning?"

Mace:  *Pulls out a copy of the movie script*  "Ah... Yes Anakin... That was an experience I could have done without."

Anakin:  "Yeah, that ol' geezer tried doing it to my son... didn't work."

Well, now that the secret (from the digiatlly remastered version of RoTJ) is out there, and if you still haven't picked up on it, you might want to stop reading.  I thought it was very interesting how they put Anakin in there as he was when he was younger.  Still kind of questionable of which one it really should have been.  Putting young Anakin in there is kind of like saying that Anakin was truely dead when he fell to the dark side, and the good in him was no more, which RoTJ clearly disproves.  But it's no big deal.


Quote from: Evilslayer on June 13, 2005, 08:45:19 AMyou see one seen from Naboo and you hear Jar-Jar Binks crying, 'Mesa free!', or something like that.

He (assuming it is Jar Jar) says "wesa free!" so it isn't that bizzare. Still, I hate Gungans.


Yes Gungans are the worst species ever in Star Wars, pissed me off more then Jawas

Darth Wyndisis

From the abridged script:

           Did you know that those who embrace
           the Dark Side have a lot of powers
           that Jedi do not? For example, they
           can influence that midichlorian
           bull**** to create life.

                    HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN
           Create life? Wait, are you implying
           that my supposed virgin birth was--

                      IAN MCDIARMID
           And they can stop others from

This gets me thinking.  I know this is just a spoof, but could Sidious be the apprentice of the guy that he (as Palpatine) was talking about.  Because he said the master taught the apprentice everything he knew.  Could that mean that Anakin was created by Darth Sidious.  I know it's out there, but that's what it could be.


I was thinking about that too. It is obvious that Palpatine was the apprentice that killed his master (can't remember his name). It was obvious the way he talked about it that he was the one who killed him in his sleep. However, him creating Anakin I think is a long shot. That is a major risk creating a life like Anakin in such a remote place like Tattione so I doubt he created Anakin. Besides in all reality, Anakin was "the chosen one" who brought balance to the galaxy since he did kill Palpatine in RotJ.

Also I thought it was funny how Palaptine talked about how the Sith guy (again can't remember his name) was killed by his apprentice (which as I mentioned before was obviously Palpatine) and then later Palpatine would be killed by his apprentice, Darth Vader.

The Hat Fairy

Ooh! Star Wars. *evil laughter*

Let's see... that Leia/Padme thing was discussed somewhere else as well. Since Luke and Leia were very strong with the force, and you can sense things with the force.. it would make sense for Leia to remember her mom. Of course, it still doesn't explain why Luke didn't, but there you go.

I'm glad they changed that scene in RotJ, it didn't really make sense having old Anakin there.. since he never looked like that. I like Hayden there.. it's like.. you wanna give him a hug. Or something. I'm probably the only one who thinks this, since I tried to explain this to Triforce of Power today and he looked at me like I was crazy. But I digress.

Anakin did bring balance to the force... but not because he killed Palpatine. At the end of RotS, there was balance. Two Sith, two Jedi. If that's not balance, I don't know what is.

Darth Wyndisis

I am begining to look too far into this, but I can't help it.  As Hat Fairy mentioned, Anakin did bring balance to the force by becoming Vader.  Vader/Sidious vs Yoda/Obi-Wan.  Still assuming that Sidious created Anakin, could that mean that the whole prophecy was a dilussion created by Darth Sidious?


That is an interesting POV about how Vader brought balance to the force since there were 2 Jedi's and 2 Siths. Well it was not really balanced consider that the Siths had complete control of the galaxy while the Jedi's were in exile. The way I look at it is that the Jedi uses the Force as an ally as Yoda always said while the Sith manipulated the Force. So that is why I believe the only way the Force is in balance is when there is no Siths.


From what I've read, Lucas' original ROTS script had Palps telling Anakin that he created him using the Force. He later removed that part though, because it would cause more questions than answers.

As for the prophecy, even Yoda said there was a possibility that the Jedi misread the prophecy.


want he gonna make 3D versions of the star wars movies :-\ and that makes no since
QuoteFrom what I've read, Lucas' original ROTS script had Palps telling Anakin that he created him using the Force. He later removed that part though, because it would cause more questions than answers.
you cant create something from the forse its a balance in good and evil a ying and yang kind of thing right?  ??? or is he saying that i got you here because of the forse ???

The Hat Fairy

Quote from: Jack on June 14, 2005, 01:55:35 PM
From what I've read, Lucas' original ROTS script had Palps telling Anakin that he created him using the Force. He later removed that part though, because it would cause more questions than answers.

Yay, a semi-canon answer to that question! If this is true, anyhow..


I also heard in an original script that Lucas was going to have a boy as Han Solo living with the Wookies and he trys to steal something from Yoda and Chewy yells at him.
