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Safety First

Started by Darth Wyndisis, June 12, 2006, 02:36:45 PM

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Mysterious F.

Still ,though, think about how horrible it was to the people who witnessed the axident.


But the topic is safty first not Ben Rothlesburger, or hover its spelled, im more of an Eagles fan, so I don't know much of the stealers.

Darth Wyndisis

Safety first it the title of the topic.  The topic is meant (by me, the author of the thread) to be about Ben Roethlisberger in his accident, in which he did not take safety precautions.

QuoteIn case you haven't heard already, Pittsburgh quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident and is undergoing surgery.  He was not wearing a helmet.  

I am praying for him, but I am also pissed, bigtime.  Just because wearing a helmet is not a law doesn't mean you shouldn't wear one.  When he gets better, he should not be allowed to ride again (though I seriously doubt he will, after that).  He has the money, so why didn't he buy a sportscar instead of a motorcycle?  And everyone knows regular vehicles are less likely to get you into an accident.

So you see, the topic is more about Ben Roethlisberger.


Ok, Sorry... Yeah Ben is Defently going to play.


Was he in an accident with another person?  Or did he just lose control?


I think he just lost controll.


Oh, I was about to say, think how the other person must feel.


Ben's Probebly down in the dumps right know.


Well, if he can still play then everything's good.


Notice, I said right now, because, he probebly hurts.

Darth Wyndisis

A 62 year old woman turned left in front of him at an intersection.  He smacked into the side of her car.


OOOO, I hope his inserance rate wasn't to high.

Darth Wyndisis

He is a millionaire.  I don't think it will matter.  Just some extra pocket change.


That is tru. do you think they'll go to the superbowl again?

Darth Wyndisis

It is very possible.  Yes.