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Started by MasterKeyX, June 13, 2006, 11:46:16 AM

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the Vuclan arrows. it an arrow with quadruple the fiery radius of a fire arrow and it explodes like a napalm on contact with the enemy. ;D

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


I think you made practically all the weapons here but whatever...

... heres another from me!

The Fire-Rang:
Used like a boomerang.
When thrown it will set a fire once it hits a certain speed, and calm down when starts to come back.
Good for plant type enemies, and jelly.


I dont get it- good for jelly???

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


Quote from: Acetaeon on June 27, 2006, 03:02:14 PM
How about an arrow that explodes into a cloud of needles? :o Call it the Exploding arrow, or somthing like that.Im not good with names.

I vote for this one.


How about a chained sword a long sword acts like a hookshot and 5 pieces could come off like WW boomerang. The Hook -rang, for obvious reasons.

Pale Dim

OOH! OOH! How about, the Quadrabow! It's a bow that can release four arrows at once! And not just one kind of arrow! It can release Normal arrows, Fire arrows, Ice arrows, and light arrows, all at the same time! But who needs one round, when you can fire 20 rounds per minute!



Sweet but you would run out of arrows and magi mighty quick.  ;D


what if that bow could shoot fireballs instead, you would never run out of those as long as you drank chateau romani ;D

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


Sun and moon orbs.
Sun orb:Use it with c.When it hits the enemy,it explodes into a giant fireball.(Magic)
Moon orb:Use it with c.When it hits the enemy,it will burst into tiny stars that will swirl around it,sucking health and energy.When the enemy has fallen,immeidietley slash it repeatedly untill it has parished. :)


Sounds pretty sweet.  ;D

Pale Dim

Quote from: Nabooru on August 20, 2006, 12:45:27 PM
Sweet but you would run out of arrows and magi mighty quick.  ;D



I like Anjus!
I know its not a weapon, but Link should be able to unarmed combat. Like some martial arts or something.


what about a giant mace with a burning tips! :)

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


Pale Dim
