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Links Love

Started by Nabooru, June 15, 2006, 11:15:35 AM

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Who will Link end up with?

Someone Random
1 (2.1%)
A Guy
7 (14.9%)
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10 (21.3%)
9 (19.1%)
13 (27.7%)
3 (6.4%)
Nobody b/c Links to shy(and it would up the rating)
4 (8.5%)

Total Members Voted: 44


Well technically the only animals we see in the Kokiri Forest area are Wolfos and something tells me they aren't to sociable XD. I guess you could count Skulltulas and maybe Deku Babas, but still.


Wolfos are wolves, so they are sociable. And if we are to connect all Zelda games together, we must assume that some creatures that exist in other games also exist during the OoT era. That means that the Lost Woods probably is inhabited by creatures like Deelers and Ropes, as well.


It was sarcasm anyway (not the XD in sentance), butI don't remember hearing about how wolves have glowing yellow or red eyes. Or that the mysteriously pop out of the ground, vanish in purple flames when they die, or attack with 10in claws instead of teeth.
Wolf Link in TP is a real wolf, Wolfoses are diffrent.
Also if they are sociable, then why do they attack everyone?


Quote from: Iron Knuckle on May 30, 2007, 03:27:29 PM
It was sarcasm anyway (not the XD in sentance), butI don't remember hearing about how wolves have glowing yellow or red eyes. Or that the mysteriously pop out of the ground, vanish in purple flames when they die, or attack with 10in claws instead of teeth.
Wolf Link in TP is a real wolf, Wolfoses are diffrent.
Also if they are sociable, then why do they attack everyone?

I've only seen a wolfos attack Link. For all we know, Saria's able to just walk by, and they don't like Link 'cause he's out to kill them, by their mind. I mean, what would you do if you saw a kid with a sword and shield running at you? >>

There's wolfos in TP, and they seem to be very similar to Link wolf. Snowpeak, remember? They're just... a lot faster.


White Wolfos, they are more like Ganondorf enhanced wolves.

Commodore Axilon

This is a topic about Link's love, not

To get back on topic, maybe we can discuss some of the other games? Since so far it seems quite OoT-centric.



Quote from: Bboy on June 01, 2007, 02:58:09 PM
TP is easy, Ilia.

I'd say Hena. XD;; Ilia... scares me. And I wouldn't want to date someone who stole my horse all the time. That'd just get downright annoying. >w>;

Where I stand on pairings though, goes something like this:

OOT: Saria (Young) / Malon (Adult)
MM: ...Deku Princess. (just to distress some people XD)
tWW: Tetra. Wow, that was easy.
TP: Hena, probably. I'd say Midna, but that's improbable and... other things.

tLOZ: Zelda, probably.
AOL: Never finished playing it. XD;
ALttP: Never played it~
LA: Marin. >w> But uh, seeing as how everyone's a dream, I don't see how he'd be with anyone.
OoA/OoS: ... No clue. At all.
FS/FSA: ... you don't even want to know. (highlight the next line if you really want to know)
Shadow Link x Vio; Red x Blue
TMC: Anyone but Zelda. >w>

I think that's all of them. If I missed one, I'll find out in a bit. :B

edit:  I posted my FS/FSA pairings... XD


TP: Midna
OOT: Zelda or Malon
WW: Tetra
OOA/OOS: Zelda


QuoteTP: Midna


Quote from: Bboy on June 03, 2007, 02:55:33 PM
QuoteTP: Midna
Sure, they can't be together (without a major plot twist), but this threads porpose is to determin who Link loves not who he marries.


Actually, the question says 'Who will Link end up with?' so who he marries is a safe bet.


They could end up together for a small time before the inevitable happens.

Then he could get with Hena or someone. XD


I think


Quote from: Midna on June 04, 2007, 09:19:23 AM
I think

...Well, that works. XD Except she's not in MM. ;D But it's still the same Link as OOT, so... yeah.